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According to the professor, drinking moderate has many benefits in our

lives. The information that he introduces is in contrast with the reading
First, the professor mentions moderate alcohol has benefits in the health. It
reduces the heart attack and stokes in 40%. Furthermore, moderate alcohol
increases good cholesterol, and cognitive functions. Also people who drink
alcohol get less mental illness than people dont drink alcohol, and
moderate alcohol decreases the possibility to get diabetes. On the contrary,
the reading says alcohol is responsible for serious health issues. It causes
diseases in our body like cirrhosis of the liver, heart failure, brain damage
and variety of cancer. Moreover, pregnant women increase risk of
miscarriage or bearing a child with fetal-alcohol syndrome.
Second, the speaker states that moderate drinkers have a healthy weight.
They decrease body fast and burn more calories than abstainers because
alcohol speeds up metabolism. On the other hand, according to the reading,
people gain significantly more calories per gram of alcohol than either
protein or carbohydrates, and alcohol stimulates your appetite. For instance,
if you drink 1 glass of alcohol, you need to walk a mile to work off the
Third, the professor claims moderate drinking improves your social behavior
and interaction with other people. Drinkers are more social and popular than
no drinkers. However, the reading says alcohol has negative impacts in
social behavior as people are more aggressive and violent. Besides, Alcohol
was a fact 86% of all homicide and 60% of sexual assaults.

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