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Organizational pattern: Deductive-conductive argument Clustering pattern

I Introduction

Strong argument
By Mid-adolescence, teens, help sb become media literate, shape public
perceptions-face a barrage of messages from tv shows, movies, etc-packed
with ideas about what it means to be young, how to have fun, etc.
drawback: illequipped to critic. Examine parts of message (meaning, intent,
context, impact)
Media as a means not an enemy. Media literacy no silver bullet but our best
defense in resisting manipulation and keeping a perspective on the images
and messages that are a part of media and youth culture (conclusion)
How to benefit from ml: recognize-und messages (subliminal or direct in
song lyrics depicted on t-shirts)
Read bet the lines to und exactly/get the real meaning. For what? For not to
be deceived by confusing media messages.
Clarify some terms: media and media literacy
( )
Arms of mass media: normalize, glamorize and product plamecementunhealthy behaviours and lifestyles
The idea behind media literacy is that teaching people
to recognize how a message tries to influence them will lessen the impact of
that message
Possible arguments: as a protection/inoculation from pressures from
advertising (unhealthy beh. Shown)/other media forms; build
communication skills, develop critical thinking (encourage them to consider
multiple interpretations of media messages, put portrayals of
yourselves/others in perspective, improve media use habits, and those of
the family, examples) promote more proactive behaviour among all family
IV Confirmation argument of lesser importance

IICounter-argument and refutation

A Goal of literacy is empowerment.

VI Conclusion

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