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Meghan Little

Math 1040 Online Class

Term Project Part 2- Individual Portion
I created a graph comparing the results from my bag of Skittles with those from our class mean, and
found that our measurements were fairly similar. My total number of red Skittles was 13, and the class
mean was 11.52. My total number of orange Skittles was 11, and the class mean was 11.62. My total
number of yellow Skittles was 15, and the class mean was 12.3. My total number of green Skittles was
12, and the class mean was also 12. My total number of purple Skittles was 12, and the class mean was
12.33. These graphs reflected what I expected to see. I didn't expect the number of Skittles to be
identical in each bag, but I assumed that there would be a similar distribution per bag. The overall data
collected by the whole class mostly agrees with my own data from my single bag of candies.

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