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Meghan Little

Math 1040 Online

The term project for this course was to analyze and make sense of data relating to the number
and color of skittles per bag. As part of our project, we used statistical analysis to find the mean,
standard deviation, to test hypotheses, and to create different charts and graphs to help interpret our
findings. In my real-world application of statistics it is unlikely that I will be attempting to find how
many red skittles are in a bag, but I am certain that I will be using the skills I have gained in this course
to interpret the data that I encounter.
One of the most enlightening concepts I learned in this class relates to polling, and how polling
results can be skewed or misinterpreted completely. With election coverage for the 2016 elections
already starting, I have found that I have a more critical and discerning eye when I encounter polling
data and I feel more confident when deciding which information is accurate.
Statistics is also vital outside of polling results. I intend to enter the healthcare industry as a
nurse, and I will be tasked with interpreting research findings and medical news. It is important to be
able to understand research methods and interpret findings from research. Often times percentiles and
margins of error will be reported in medical research. Before I took this course those terms may have
been intimidating, but knowledge is power. With my newly found statistics skills, I will be able to
understand what statistical concepts mean, how the researchers obtained their numbers, and how the
information can be applied to my field of interest.

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