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SSH/Telnet Window
Multi-key mappings (sometimes called chords)
Auto-indent wrapped lines
Support for Windows x64 Shell integration
Ability to view and print Key Mapping
from configuration
- Support for Alternate Data Streams on NTFS
Operating Systems
- Support for dual monitors
- Right-click Find in Files from Explorer
in File Tree view
- Spell check in "strings" or "comments"
- Grouped undo option
- File Tab Color Highlighting on a per file
extension basis (optional)
- Bookmark now includes column number with
line number (optional)
- Default the View As option for new unsaved
files (config item)
- Saving of folded lines is now optional
(config item)
- Showing of last line of fold in syntax
highlighted files is
now optional (config item)
- Ability to see path to the INI file in config
- Integration with Explorer now a configuration
- New Settings for Output Window
(via right-click context menu):
- Use spaces instead of Tabs
- Show Tool tips
- Change working directory if no files are
open in directory
- Mouse wheel scrolls window under mouse pointer

Color selector enhancements

FTP Accounts dialog redesign
FTP Browser
Asynchronous Save/Open of FTP/SFTP Files
Date based synchronization of FTP linked project
Clipboard history
Codepage conversion support
Xmllint support
Named bookmarks
Find in File ignore directories in search and
Method to backup UE ToolBar and other personal

- Perl-compatible Regular Expressions / Real
Unix-style regular expressions
- FTP/SFTP Enhancements
- FTP Accounts shown and accessible in File Tree

- FTP Settings may now be in user definable file

- Ability to link local folder and remote folder
and upload/download files between remote server
and local system
Find / replace enhancements
- Much improved UNICODE support
- Dialogs have full UNICODE support
- Highlight all found occurrences of string
Increased User and Project Tools to 25 each
New Macro commands:
- *IfFTP to check if file is an FTP file
- *IfCharGt to check if character is greater than
- *IfColNumGt to check if column number is greater
than value
New improved dialog for User and Project Tools
Improved (Aspell) Spelling Support
Code folding support for ignore strings and comment
Enhanced support for UltraCompare Professional
including 3-way compare
Right-click compare from UltraEdit File Tree View
All menus and toolbars switch together when
changing user profiles

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