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STUDENT NAME: Lim Keng Liang

A Project Title
NFC Login Application for Computer Devices
B Brief description on project background. (i.e. problem context, rationale,
description problem area, nature of challenge)
Problem Context
In this era of technology, it is safe to say that every household and office has a desktop or
personal computer, whether for work or entertainment purposes. A developing country is no
exception of having such devices, which includes cities that are growing tremendously every
year. A household computer has multiple functions, depending on the necessities of the user. A
computer is usually unique to either one or a limited set of owners, meaning only a few select
people can access his/her computer at a given time. Thus, a security system is usually
implemented in each personal computer to ensure safeguard of information and privacy is kept to
a maximum. Many times weve been hearing news of corporate data being stolen or hacked by
cyber criminals. They can even bypass even the most of complex of firewalls to retrieve sensitive
data that can be used malicious purposes. This can be dangerous and disruptive, especially if the
data is used for blackmail or extortion.
As such, a system is proposed to combine both the secure ways of using NFC as a login system
and replacing it with the traditional manual keystrokes on a computer. In this system, a NFC
supported mobile phone doubles as an access card to a personal computer, making it secure and
hassle-free, with the users not needing to memorize passwords and saves time. It is easy to use,

as a user is not required to carry multiple keycards for different functions as it can all be
embedded into the mobile phone.

Tangible Benefits

Optimal security and able to safeguard data from unauthorized users

Hassle free login system where users only require an Android device to access their

personal computer
Able employers to keep track of employees work hours via GPS activation when logged

onto a computer (work-place only)

Able parents to keep track of their childrens login hours via GPS (commercial and home

Intangible Benefits
- Saves times for manual login system
- User satisfaction, GPS can be handy for emergency situations etc.
-Fast and professionalism if implemented in a professional working environment

Nature of Challenge
In the NFC Login Application project, there will be several challenges that will be indicated in
order to justify the difficulty of the project development. The first challenge is the development
of the mobile application itself, which is used as a key-card of sorts to access the computer. A
user-friendly interface design has to come to mind, also it has to be easily accessed on the mobile
phone itself; otherwise it would defeat the purpose of the development of this technology. The
second challenge is the development of the server-side computer application, which keeps track
of the frequency of the logins on a computer or multiple computers. Both mobile and computer
applications should be user-friendly and appeal to users of various age groups. The third
challenge is the implementation of the GPS functionality into the application when a user uses it
to log onto a computer.

C Brief description of project objectives. (i.e. scope of proposal and deliverables)

The aim of this application is to implement a safe login system with the NFC feature, creating a
secure login mechanism that not only promotes information security but also is simple and user
friendly in order to help reshape computer security.
- To implement a hassle free login system, where users only require an Android Device to access
their personal computer.
- To provide optimal security and safeguard data from unauthorized users
- To be fast and efficient in a professional working environment

Deliverables (Core/Main)
The NFC Login application, built into an application on an Android smartphone, will allow users
to login on to their workplace or personal computer at any given time, with a much safer
alternative as keystrokes are unnecessary and no one can steal your password away from you.
Core Functionalities

Allows users to login onto a computer with the tap of the screen of the Android

smartphone when the app is running

Allows server application to be notified when a user has logged in, complete with

timestamp and location provided via GPS

Allows monitoring of connectivity in a professional working environment


Allows user to receive notifications when a computer isnt enabling login, or when an app

is misbehaving
Allows users to stay logged in for a specific amount of days. A prompt will allow users to

remember their identification on a computer, provided that it isnt turned off

Text message notification if a user is logged in onto somewhere else with their account

Special Features

Records time elapsed when logged in

Display computers linked under this system in a virtual map representation on the server
side computer

D Brief description of the resources needed by the proposal. (I.e. hardware, software,
access to information / expertise, user involvement etc.)

The minimum hardware requirements of the development environment to create the specified
project are as follows:

3G (HSPA+21mbps)
Wireless Fidelity a/b/g/n
Intel Core i3-2310M CPU @ 2.10 GHz 2.10 GHz
Memory (RAM) 2.00GB
ACR122U USB NFC Reader
Android Smartphone

The minimum software requirements for the development environment to create the specified
project are as follows:

Android 4.1
Net Beans 8.0.2
Microsoft Windows 7

Access to information / expertise

Development of this project requires great discussion and knowledge from IT experts from
various backgrounds, namely those who are skilled under mobile application development for
Android devices, Near-field communication (NFC) and also programming, especially in the
JAVA language.

User involvement

Throughout this project, the people that would most likely be engaged are the ones who usually
use a computer as part of their daily lives, namely office workers, lecturers, or students. There
can be plenty of vital information and input that can be gathered from them that can be useful to
help further improve this project. Information gathering techniques such as questionnaires,
interviews and observations can also be deployed to maximize third party input towards the

E Academic research being carried out and other information, techniques being
learnt. (i.e. what are the names of books you are going to read / data sets you are
going to use)
The academic research in order to obtain information and deliverables from the proposed project
are as follows:


Professional NFC Application Development for Android


Coskun, Vedat, Ok, Kerem, Ozdenizci, Busra


John Wiley & Sons

Bibliography: Coskun, Vedat, Ok, Kerem, and Ozdenizci, Busra (2013). Professional
NFC Application Development for Android. John Wiley & Sons


Geopositioning and Mobility


Nait-Sidi-Moh, Ahmed Bakhouya, Mohamed Gaber, Jaafar


John Wiley & Sons

Bibliography: Nait-Sidi-Moh, Ahmed Bakhouya, Mohamed Gaber, Jaafar (2013).

Geopositioning and Mobility John Wiley & Sons


Android Application Development for Java Programmers


Sheusi, James c.


Course Technology / Cengage Learning

Bibliography: Sheusi, James c. (2012) Android Application Development for Java

Programmers Course Technology / Cengage Learning


Android Authority, (2013). What is NFC & how does it work?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jun. 2015].
Darcey, S. (2010). Learn Java for Android Development: Introduction to Java - Tuts+ Code
Tutorial. [online] Code Tuts+. Available at: [Accessed 13 Jun. 2015]., (2015). What is GPS? - Mio Technology. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jun. 2015]., (2015). How Near Field Communication Works [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jun. 2015].

F Brief description of the development plan for the proposed project. (i.e. which
software methodology and why, the major areas of functions to be developed and
the order in which developed)

A Spiral Model is proposed as the suitable methodology for the proposed project. Spiral
Models, otherwise known as the spiral lifecycle model, is a common systems development
method (SDM) used in information technology. The standout features of the spiral model is
that it combines the features of the prototyping method and system development life cycle
(SDLC). It allows for incremental release of products, or refinement of products through
each iteration around the spiral method. Spiral also focuses on feedback and improvement of
the system in order to achieve the goals of the proposed project.
Spiral models are a combination of waterfall and prototyping, thus it is referred as a metamodel. A spiral model has four phases, where a software or project repeatedly passes through
the phases of the model, known as spirals.
Step 1: Identification
Phase 1 is identification, where the requirements of the project are gathered. As the product
matures across subsequent spirals, more system requirements and subsystem requirements
can be identified. In the proposed project, the objective of the developed project has to be
identified, as well as the nature of near-field communication; how it works, pros and cons,
how the communication sequence works and how to implement a GPS tracking device into
the system.
Step 2: Identify and Resolve Risks
Phase 2 is risk analysis, a process undertaken to identify risks in the proposed project and
also to find out the alternate solutions to said risks. A prototype is built at the end of this step
for research and development and to prove risks. If any risks are proven, alternate solutions
are then suggested and then implemented. In the proposed project, a mobile application is to

be developed and tested on a private computer. Any bugs and risks are recorded and reported
for future risk solution procedures.
Step 3: Development and Testing
In phase 3, the software is fully developed, along with testing. Information is gathered from
various parties and sources in order to help develop the project better without any errors.
Step 4: Planning next iteration
The final step for the iteration is to obtain information about GPS and its functions to
implement into the program for the next several iterations.

G Brief description of the evaluation and test plan for the proposed project. (i.e. what
is the success criteria and how will be evaluated and implementation will be tested,
indicate the estimated size of the demonstration / test database)
Success Criteria
The main goal of the NFC Login Application for Computer Devices is to provide an easy way to
login onto a personal computer without the need of passwords and at the same time keep track of
login intervals and frequencies via GPS tracking. In order to ensure the system is fully functional
before delivering, 5 lecturers and 5 university staff members from different departments will be
selected to conduct testing on the project.
Functional Testing
Functional testing is testing out all the possible functions of the project by feeding the software
input and determining whether the outputs are under expectations or not. In example, whenever
the application is launched, it should prompt the user to a user interface to use the NFC login
Compatibility Testing
Compatibility testing is conducted to ensure that the deliverables of the project are compatible in
the sense that the hardware, software, mobile operating systems and development languages are
compatible with each other. The test will be conducted on an Android phone, as it is more userfriendly and has multiple extensions that can prove useful in developing the final product of the
User Acceptance Test
During user acceptance testing, the testing will be carry out by end-user in terms of perform
series of actions or operations, able to learn and adapt application environment, and ensure users
are able to work with the solution. In the case of the project, a feedback form can be attached
inside the app to rate the app and gather user feedback for future research and development.

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