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SWISS PERFECT 98, build 415 (February 2000)

------------------------------------------1. General Notes on SP 98

SP98 is a 32-bit Windows application and as such will run on
Windows 95 and better.
Backward Compatibility:
SP98 is fully backwards compatible with SP97. You can use
SP97 and SP98 interchangeably.
Note that the program-wide configuration information is
kept separately for SP97 and SP98 so changes made to it
in one program won't be visible in the other. This applies
to the list of recently open files, database import
configurations etc.
All tournament-specific configuration data is common to both

2. New Features and Bug Fixes

Build #415b
o fixes bugs in switching between national scripts
o gracefully handles corrupted TRN files
Build #415
o New View: Club/Federation Standings in individual tournaments
Build #413
o Data file exchange with relational databases implemented (Swiss Perfect Data E
o Print margins configurable
o Main window now opens in the same size as closed (previously always maximised)
o "Save View As..." menu option renamed to "Export View..."
o Printing problems on Windows NT fixed
Build #411
o Creation of new tournaments from PGN files (accessible via File/Create From/PG
o Barred pairings can now be specified for part of the tournament rather than

for the entire tournament only

o "Find" feature implemented in Round/Results and Standings Views
o Date of birth can be imported with player data from databases
o Name field length in FIDE Rating reports extended to 32 chars
Build #410
o File/Backup menu option (makes copies of tournament files)
o Warning when automatically pairing a round without having
full results of the current round
Build #409
o Accelerated Pairings implemented
o Short-keys for round switching (left and right arrows) implemented
o Fast result entry always on (previously required enabling)
Build #408
o Alphabetical Pairings List View introduced
o User-friendlieness improved, in particular:
- recent access paths remembered
- multiple selection in the File Open dialog allowed
Build #407
o Speed of imports from large text files greatly improved
Build #406
o Bug fix in the pairing module. Under rare circumstances the
bug was resulting in an illegal pairing in the lower point
groups (SP was alerting the user to the error).
o Improved and modified import facility. SP now remembers
import configurations per database file. Import button
added in the Player Data dialog.
Build #405b
o Bug fix in Pairing Info (the tail of the table incorrectly
o FIDE rating reports re-enabled
o Availability of Club field in the Results View's display

Build #405
o Import of multiple players at once implemented
o Modified parsing of text files for import (multiple
spaces treated as one).
Build #404
o Bugs in the import from text files fixed
Build #403
o New view for FIDE international norms (menu View / FIDE Norms ).
This is the initial Beta implementation of this view. The view
shows information relevant to norms for international titles.
Title norm certificates are not implemented and no help item
available in the program's help either (both will be implemented
in the future).
o Improved Pairing Info View. As a result of customer feedback
new columns (placings and scores) have been added to the view
o Title column now available in most views (must be configured
via Options / Display menu options or context menu in a parrticular
o "Fly-by" help strings and Tool Tips implemented
Earlier versions:
o Support for long file names
o "Floating" menus have been impelemented. You can invoke
them by right-clicking in a view. Floating menus offer
quick access to view specific functions
o much improved dialog for entering manual pairings
--------------------------Swiss Perfect International

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