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F: Hi, men. What are you doing?

J: Hi, Im planning Diegos birthday. Would you like to help me?

F: Of course, We shall take diego to the cinema
J: mmm, i dont know.
F: Why dont we make a party in his home?
J: Maybe, its a good idea, what do you think about a party with a clown and his
F: a clown? Thats stupid
J: Why dont we buy a piata?
F: a piata? Really? Piatas are boring
J: but i think they are funny
F: I dont think that Diego would like to have a piata on his party because it is
a childrens plan. Diego is 26 years old, he is a man, we are men
J: Ok, ok. What would you like to do?
F: We shall make a reservation on a night club.
J: Are you kidding me?
F: hahahaha, nop. Lets go there.
(Hasta aqu va como un minuto hablando normal sin apresurarnos)
// Entra Diego
J/F: Happy birthday man, Congratulations.
D: Thank you.
F: What are you planning to do tonight?
D: First, i'm going to the cinema with my girlfriend, then i'm going to visit my
parents and finally, i'm going to visit my parents in law with my girlfriend
J: That's sound boring, We are going to take you this night
F: let's go to Teseo. We are going to have the best birthday's celebration ever.
D: Im not sure about this.
J: Diego, do you want to have a boring birthday celebration or the best
birthday's celebration ever?
D: Thats true. Lets go to Teseo

F: What did you do today?

D: I worked all day and anyone remember my birthday
J: Oh, man. Dont worry about it, you have got us
D: Its true, but my girlfriend, my parents and my parents in law are going to
kill me
F: hahahaha, its only one night and its your birthday
D: hahaha, they arent going to understand but who cares?
F: Thats the actitude, man
J: So, what would you like to do?
D: i dont know. I want to have the best night ever
F: Thats the actitud man and we are going to be your companions this night
J: So Ferney, lets tell him what we are going to do tonight
F: We have got a reservation on the best night club in the city
D: A night club!!! , oh man, this is the best birthday ever
J: Fantastic, so Lets go to the night club

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