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In this short time the Arabs were able to set in motion two processes that helpe
d to offset their political fragmentation:Arabisation and Islamization.

The Qur'an has very little to say about political authority and, although its ge
neral emphasis on the unity of God and the force of God's will might be seen as
reinforcing the notion of unified political authority, there is nothing in the b
ook that requires that political authority be unified.
The army, like Christianity, had an acculturating effect, as we can sometimes se
e in nam- ing patterns; for example, the soldier Valens, who appears in a marria
ge contract of ad 537, has a father called al-Ubayy al-Ghubb, so probably he had
changed his name from Arabic Salih to the Latin Valens (both mean faring well) in ord
er to fit in with army life
the largest countries from the point of view of population that are Islamic are
not Arabic.
grieg concerto
brahms symphony bernstein
from the 8th to 13th century
And we also know that Mohammaed got his start as a religious thinker, as a prop
het, at the age of forty, an encouragement to those of us who are slow to get ou
r careers off the ground.
population arabian peninsula
population movement former Byzantine aristocrats
mufasa dies
astrolabes sixteenth century italy flemish
eighth planet islam
ripping literary analysis quran
statecraft from the Persians, science and philosophy from the Greeks and Indians
From the drive-time radio chorus of Dire Straitsy standout 'Gurdjieff's Daughter
' to 'How Can I',

lack of autonomy in the Byzantium Empire no incentives to fight back

Muslims didnt force conversion partly because the distinctiveness of the religion
was worked out over the course of its first century
The Persian Empire suffered the most, since its capital, Selucia-C
Ctesiphon was close to the steppe lands
This ability of the early Believers movement to incorporate many Christians and J
ews (and some Zoroastrians) is presumably why the establishment of the Believers
hegemony seems to have occurred in most areas with relatively little trauma; for
there is virtually no archaeological evidence of destruction or even of disrupt
ion to be found in the excavated sites dating from this period in Egypt, Syria,
or Iraq
Knowing what you want, what it is we care about and what matters the most to us
and not allowing the society to impose on you its own agenda.

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