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I'm nearly as anti-Jew as it gets on /pol/, and even I don't hate every Jew simp

ly for being born of Jewish blood.

Hatred for Jews, so far as I can see, has more to do with hatred of a few things
-The Zionism that lead up to the creation of Israel, with the manipulation of th
e European politics and propaganda to support the Jewish people taking over occu
pied lands
-The Israeli treatment of the people native to the lands they occupy, being basi
cally the Nazis that they claimed to be against
-The Jewish organizations that buy out the politicians in the western world, to
make sure that our government is run by them
-The predominantly Jew-run banking system, that is a parasite draining the world
into ruin
-The predominantly Jewish pushed Cultural Marxism, trading Western values for Fe
minism and SJW bullshit, peddled primarily through a media that is primarily Jew
-The anti-social superiority complex of the Jewish culture, where Jewish communi
ties must be separate from the rest of us but also try to run us and treat every
one else as goyim tools or cattle
-The fact that the Jews have been kicked out of every country they've inhabited
throughout history, yet we cannot possibly think that Jewish culture plays a rol
e in this; everyone in history from every other culture must have just been viru
lent, illogical anti-Semites.
So, for me, it isn't every single Jew, it is just *the* Jews, as representative
of Zionism, Israel, Jewish banking, Jewish media, and traditional Jewish culture
s relationship to their host communities.
I will say - some people see this and think it must be genetic; that is to say,
for it to be so prevalent and consistent throughout history, there must be some
greedy, unempathetic, disdainful Jewish gene that makes them this way. I don't t
hink so. I have seen horrible people and wonderful people of every race, includi
ng the Jewish people and white people. Though I think the races are better off l
iving among their own kind in their own cultures that were developed by their ow
n kind of people, I don't think that means we must hate everyone else.
In truth, at times I feel sorry for the average Jewish people. You've been used
as scapegoats to prop up the power of the Zionist elite. But, there do seem to b
e plenty of your people who are not part of any international conspiracy, but th
ey still fit the stereotype of the greedy, legalistic, victim-complex Jew. Many
of them actually.
So, to give a long answer to a short questionIf you are not one of those people, I don't hate you.

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