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Example of the arts in

Arts science museum at marina bay sands
beautifully fuses art and science to tell
wonderful and amazing stories.
Mural Arts in Clarke Quay, based on
historical themes of the area.
Rooftop art garden at orchard central
The substation is a place in Singapore
which allows one to experiment with space

Effect of the arts

60-80% of Londons revenue comes
from new knowledge and creativity
Focuses on process of thinking rather
than getting the correct answer
(From The arts and the creation of
the mind)
More diverse talent pool

SkillsFuture Council (promoting
holistic development) fronting the
push for the arts
Ministry of Information
Communication and the arts
highlighted the economic benefit of
fine arts, noting potential in media
and creative design as creative

LHL quote Creating jobs, upgrading
workers, making Singapore a more
attractive place to work - these are
all important things in life. You have
to put bread on the table
SM of law and education Ms rajah:
We need both sceince and
humanities for the 21st century, yet
we are lacking in the humanities

Key issues
Decline in students pursuing the arts
(3,000 students taking literature,
compared to 16,970 in 1992)
Singapore imbues art policies with
economic goals, marginalising the
original purpose of arts (chase for
money rather than passion)
Talented individuals abandon arts
due to parental pressure and
financial expectations

Key issues (cont.)

Censorship vs freedom of speech
A balance must be found to not stifle
creativity yet prevent society from
descending to anarchy
Artists compete for
funding(government) instead of

Artist governed council to be in
charge of funding (one-year term for
Funding will be impartial rather than
based on economic potential
Government can both support the
arts while not be selective
Proved to have worked in European

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