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Topic: Why Some Students Disagree with Cheer Activities

It is natural that most students, including me, would disagree with cheer activities.
First of all, freshmen are still new to this environment. When they are suddenly told
to do these serious activities, they might feel forced. Even more, I think joining the
activity is a waste of time. While students can spend the rest of their time preparing
for the upcoming academic year, they have to participate in a lot of activities that
sometimes end at 11 oclock. Most importantly, these activities limit and control the
students, both mentally and physically. Physically, they are forced to sit still and
sing for a long period. Mentally, they are constantly told to devote to the university,
but its unnatural since theyve only known it for only a few months. For these
reasons, I believe we can expect that students will be resistant to the cheer

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