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Student Profile Sheet for Letters of Recommendation

Full Name: Kyra Smith

Advisor: Roma

Name(s) of Scholarship / College

Application Deadline

Kennesaw State University

April 1, 2016

University of West Georgia

March 1, 2016

Where you want the recommendation letters sent? Include any envelopes.
Kennesaw State University
University of West Georgia
List several teachers / people from whom you might request letters of recommendations. Two teachers must be core classes. Give
the teacher and their subject area.
Mrs.Caylor: Biology/ Forensics
Mrs. Beck: Law
Mrs. Chandler: AP Language
Mrs. Holcomb: Chemistry

Mrs. Smith: Cosmetology

Current GPA: 3.7

Academic / Career Interest: I would like to pursue a career in the Criminology field such as a Paralegal.
Awards that I have won: Ive been awarded student of month repeatedly, perfect attendance, and multiple academic awards.
Community Involvement/ Service: I volunteered at an animal shelter, assisted in making blankets for a childrens hospital, helped
decorate the school campus, and made appreciation cards for all Mceachern staff members.
Extracurricular Activities (list any leadership positions held): I was the Sophomore Student Council President for the year 2013-2014,
as well as a representative since 2012.
Work Experience: I helped take inventory of MRO (Maintenance repair and operational) products at car manufacturing plants and
helped my mother work at a major Kelloggs event during the summer.
Has any a summer experience, work, or study been of significance to you? Explain.
During the summer, numerous police shootings occurred engaging me in every moment, teaching me laws and procedures that could
possibly help me in my criminology pathway.
What do you consider to be your greatest strengths? Explain
My greatest strengths are being a great listener, because I follow instructions well and only have to be told once. Im a great follower thus
making me a great leader, because I know when to take in knowledge and when to take control. Im a great learner, when theres a topic
Im unfamiliar with I automatically research it so Ill be up to date with the rest of the world.
What do you consider to be your weaknesses? Explain.
Talking in large groups still scares me, because Im simply uncomfortable with expressing my ideas to strangers. Also I do not take
criticism well. If it was constructive criticism and not demeaning, Id fix it with no problem.

Give 3 words that describe you. Include specific anecdotes / examples.

The first three things that come to mind describing me are intelligent, because I always do my best and try my hardest in class striving for
good grades. The next is outgoing, because I love trying new things such as zip lining, parachuting, and scuba diving. The last is
resourceful because, I can always find the answer to any question and help others with their problems.
Describe a minimum of 1 major setback or disappointment. Include how you either overcame it or reacted to it.
Failing to realize I needed glasses my sophomore year. This prevented me from doing my absolute best during class which ultimately
resulted in not getting the grade I knew I couldve achieved. However, since then my mother and I have purchased glasses and I can see
perfectly clear now.
Who or what has been the biggest influence on your life? Why? Please be original and give a thorough explanation.
My mother has been the biggest influence in my life, because her professionalism and problem solving skills are remarkable. Anytime she
messes something up she always admits it and finds a way to fix it. She also, always leaves a bright, glowing impression on anyone she
comes encounter with.
In one paragraph, describe why a college should choose you over another student. What do you think you have to offer or how
will you benefit?
I believe a college should choose me over another student, because Im a dedicated hard worker and dont see college as an escape from
parents nor a place to party and slack off. I think of college as a stepping stone that is preparing me for my life. With the education I
receive at college, I will put it towards actually starting my own live. My life, not my parents telling me what do, not teachers babysitting
my academics making sure Im track, but my life. My decisions, my choices, my judgments, my opinions. College is the first big step to
controlling your life, so why waste it? Why take advantage of it? I mean it is my life and Im the only one who has to live it.
In one paragraph, explain why you should receive the scholarship and how this organization / company will benefit from your
receiving the monies.
Im just as outgoing as anyone else, even more. Yeah Im shy and dont like crowds, but that doesnt make me less of an amazing student.
People think you always have to be heard and the center of attention to get all the perks, but you dont. Sometimes the quiet people get
looked over, because they arent comfortable being the center of attention. Im one of those. Im an introvert, which means Im to myself
but Im still attentive, still successful and still excel in everything I do. However, if Im awarded this scholarship, the college I attend will
be lucky. They will be gaining another academically successful, goal achieving, independent, young lady.

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