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Wtogeo hr PMI LA DEL PHL A eo COUN lL David L. Cohen ‘Senior Executive Vice President, Goverment Affairs, Comcast Adel Ebeid Chief Innovation Officer, City of Philadelphia Mr. Cohen and Mr. Ebeid, As you approach the next phase of franchise negotiations between Comcast and the City of Philadelphia, ‘We appreciate the chance to share concems on behalf of constituents — an expression of good faith as part of @ continued partnership with the City and one of our largest corporate citizens. The growing importance of fast, reliable and affordable Intemet access as an essential component of modem living is undeniable. In the 15 years since this agreement was last negotiated, access to the Intemet has come to resemble more public utility than luxury. It means access to jobs, education, health are, economic opportunities and the list goes on, ‘As the premier supplier of cable television and Intemet services in the City, Comcast is uniquely positioned to create and promote a pathway to that access. Comcast's Intemet Essentials program has served as a critical point-of-entry for an estimated 15,000 low-income Philadelphians looking to access the Intemet for the first time. However, far too many Philadelphians still lack access to this option, with broadband penetration in the City of Philadelphia falling stubbomly behind our counterparts in other major cities. The recent announcement of the expansion of Intemet Essentials is a positive first step. But Comcast can further ‘open the door of opportunity for thousands of low-income individuals and families, as well as senior citizens and persons with disabilities. Expanding Intemet Essentials program to seniors on a pilot basis in Florida is ‘a commendable step but why not pilot the same program in your home city? What digital divide issues exist in West Palm Beach that haven't existed here in Philadelphia over the last two decades? tremendous growth opportunities and commanding intemational attention and respect but collectively, we cannot claim success unless we bring all Philadelphians with us. That sense of higher purpose to improve digital qualty of life for everyone may not fit neatly within the cable franchise renewal process but itis the right thing to do. negotiation team is taking this opportunity to explore how to meaningfully widen ‘t and reliable Intemet services. That should be our number one priority during the ssue of focus for many of our members. Philadelphia is enjoying It is our hope that the eligibility for low-cost, fast ic franchise renewal process; it will certainly be a key is 10 continued partnership and ratifying a new agreement that both widens access to the forward t iio the bond between Comcast and its home City. Intemet for our citizens and strengthens

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