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This site provides the theory that I want to prove wrong in my paper. The site,
although it has a commercial URL does not try to sell anything. It is a site where
people can comment upon their beliefs and sustain them with arguments. The thesis
I am interested in, although the source might be questionable, is very well sustained
with arguments from the books, movies and also some quotes from the author
Harry Potter collection, J.K.Rowling
This represents my first readings.
It does not look like a trustworthy source, it has lots of commercials and the video
that they claim they have with a J.K. Rowling interview does not work. But it does
provide some of the authors quotations that can be useful.
This site also has commercials on it but it provides a piece of valuable material right
from the authors lips.
This site provides general information about the author and the books. It is useful for
a general perspective and as a first reading. It has commercials on it but it provides
the external links from where the information was taken so it represents a
trustworthy source.
Negulescu Miruna
Engleza - Romana

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