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Monkeys are primates under the suborder Happlorrhini, and could be

differentiated into New World monkeys and Old World monkeys. One
subfamily under the New World monkeys is Cebinae, which consists of
capuchin monkeys. Capuchin monkeys are mainly black, brown or white,
reaching up to 22in in length with tails about as long as the body (Fragaszy,
et al, 2004) .
The capuchin monkeys are diurnal and arboreal. They also have a
social structure that designates a single male, termed the alpha male, who
has the primary rights to mate with the females of the group. They
communicate with their voices and are specific with it, having for example a
specific call for a specific predator and its actual location.
Posture of monkeys include seated and standing (Mittermeier, 1978).
This was commonly done during time of eating and is referred to as rest
time. Between meals, monkeys have been known to move great distances
in search of food and perform acts of mobility such as climbing trees,
jumping and running with their four limbs (Kinzey, 1983).
The objective of the study is to quantify the behavior of Popeye, an
alpha male capuchin monkey. Specifically, it aims to 1) observe and record
the exact time and duration when it is seated and standing, 2) observe and
record the posture of the monkey at several points in the observation period
and 3) to observe patterns in postural behavior exhibited by the monkey
during the observation period.

Fragaszy et al. (2004). The complete capuchin : the biology of the
genus Cebus. Cambridge University Press. p. 5.
Kinzey, W. G., and M. Becker. 1983. Activity pattern of the masked titi
monkey,Callicebus personatus. Primates Volume 24, Issue 3, pp 337-343.

Mittermeier, R. A. 1978. Locomotion and posture in Ateles geoffroyi and

Ateles paniscus. Folia Primatol 1978;30:161193.

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