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LEAK TESTING METHODS 8.1. INTRODUCTION Leak tests are required to assure that hermetically sealed electronic pans, talves,high-pressre tubing an piping systems, and wes ono! ak jtem cannot be guaranteed to be “leak proof” if it e ier ne itacy of sates commonly leak tested are Usted here 1. Hermetic enclosures and components are tested to prevent the en: trance of contamination or preserve internally contained fluids. Examples tire electronic devices, integrated circuits, sealed relays and motors, pul ‘can ends, and connector multipin feedthroughs. the loss of contained srmetic systems are leak tested to prevent # 7 suis ie Examples include hydraulic and refrigeration systems, ‘The Chemical and. petrochemical industries also do extensive leak testing (0 6 Sure the “no leak” integrity of their plant valves, piping, and vessel systems, closures and components are leak tested to assure that there is not too rapid a deterioration of the vacuum system with {ime Examples would include electronic tubes, including TV picture tubes, 3. Evacuated en 82, FUNDAMENTALS — 243 4. Vacuum systems are tested to assure that leakage has been mini- mized so that optimum gas removal can be achieved at any given vacuum (absolute pressure) r: 8.2. FUNDAMENTALS. Leak rates are measured in std cm’/s or atm ems units. The identical and for the balance of this chapter, std cm’/s units will be used. ‘One std cm'/s is one cubic centimeter of gas per second at a pressure differential of one standard atmosphere (760 Torr at 0°C). One Torr equals 1 mmHg; units of Torr are commonly used in vacuum work. ‘Over the years, many methods have been developed for detecting and ‘measuring leaks. We can detect leaks in the order of 10"! std em'/s or larger with our ears. We can detect bubble forming leaks of 10° std ems with our eyes. Smaller leaks require more sophisticated methods of measurement and detection. In order to put the subject of leak testing in proper perspective, it should be pointed out that most leaks at joints are about 5 10°? std em’/s or about 1 std cm'/month, a very small leak rate. This average leak rate applies to leaks at ceramic to metal seals, plastic to metal seals, soldered, brazed, and welded joints, Leaks of this size are easily plugged for days by the moisture received from a human breath and atmospheric particles can permanently plug them. These facts also help point out the care that must go into the manufacture of reproducible permeation type standard leaks that are used for calibration purposes. Ultrasonic Leak Testing Ultrasonic leak testing has been specifically developed for detecting gas Jeaks in high-pressure lines. High pressure is defined differently in different industries; high pressure can be as low as 50 psig or as high as 50,000 psig. Depending on the nature of the leak, escaping gas produces ultrasonic sound that can be detected with an approximate sensitivity of 10"? std cm/s. Bubble Leak Testing One of the simplest and most economical tests is the water immersion or air bubble observation test. Bubble leak tests are frequently performed in pres- surized instrument and process tubing systems to detect costly air, nitrogen, and oxygen losses to the atmosphere. In pressurized process lines and ves- sels, leak detector solution can detect hazardous (flammable, explosive, or toxic) leaks to the environment. Generally, these pressurized systems must be shut down, depressurized, and drained before the leaks can be corrected, After depressurization, leaking valves, flanges, gaskets, or tubing fittings I 244 LEAK TESTING METHODS replaced, Attempts to tighten leaking fittings under pressure can Sulina thowout inthe fe ofthe operate, Buble leak esting more gualitatve than quantitative, Smal! leaks produce numerous small bubbles, but it is difficult to determine the actual leak rate. The sensitivity of bubble leak tests has been estimated at 10~° to 10 std cms. Dye Penetrant Leak Testing 7 enetanis ako provide an economical leak testing method. Special Shs ante sprayed on the igh-prewue side of speed ak es Ia i resent, he ilerental presure of the stem wl ase te dye sep though ic lek and appear onthe low rere ie ofthe tes bet, Tg method can fake an hour or more or eal test ety of 1 ‘cm’/s, Because of the long times involved, this test method is less frequently used Pressure Change Leak Testing Pressure change leak tests are performed to determine if acceptable leak rates exist, determine if hazardous conditions exist, and detect faulty com- ponents and equipment. By knowing the volume and pressure ofa pessur ized system, and being able to time pressure changes due to leaks, a rela- tively accurate indication of leak rate can be obtained. ‘Some advantages of the pressure change measurement test a. 1. Total leakage rate can be measured on evacuated or pressurized systems, 2, Total leakage rate can be measured on any size system. 3. No special tracer gas is required Halogen Diode Leak Testing diode leak testing is mote sensitive than previously discussed leak testing methods Using ths motod, leaks a mall 10 tems an routinely be measured. When @ constant flow of fresh air and well-traines operators are available, leaks as small as 10"* to 10” std emis can be detected. Two limitations of halogen diode Teak testing ate that speci tracer gases are required and high-temperature heaters preclude the use of this test method in hazardous environments. Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Testing trometer leak detector (MSLD) Many people consider the helium mass spectrometer the moet versatile ofthe industrial and laboratory Teak detection methods Tr. RECT T) hae the eamne limitations aa the halogen diode leak detectoll 89, BUBBLE LEAK TESTING 245 because helium tracer gas is required and the spectrometer tube is kept at a high temperature with heater filaments, However, helium is completely in- cet and less expensive than halogen gases. In addition, test sensitivity is ‘much better, namely, 10°" std cm’/s with high-sensitivity units, Radioisotope Tracer Leak Testing Short-life radioisotopes can also be used to leak test hermetically sealed cavities and closed piping systems. In gas systems, a radioactive tracer gas can be added to a pressurized gas system and tracked through the system, The process path and flow rate can be determined by placing detectors downstream of the injection point and measuring the time from injection to detection. The unexpected loss of flow or the detection of the tracer gas at an unexpected location could indicate a leak. In liquid systems, radioactive barium tracers can be added to some process liquids and similarly tracked These tests have about the same test sensitivity as the helium mass spec. trometer leak detector, but they are more expensive. The supplier or cus. tomer must also provide a radiation safety officer and personnel radiation ‘monitoring devices for personnel working in the area 8.3. BUBBLE LEAK TESTING Bubble leak testing is frequently used to detect small leaks in pressurized tubing, pipes, and vessels that can be isolated under pressure. Leaks in larger depressurized pipes and vessels can also be detected with the aid of bubble solution, a vacuum box, and an air ejector or other rapid evacuation system, In some cases, small parts may be tested and simultaneously cleaned by immersing the part in a solvent or cleaning solution; this is known as immersion bubble leak testing. Before bubble tests are applied, all test surfaces must be cleaned and inspected. When welds are to be bubble leak tested, weld slag should be removed and the weld joint should be cleaned with a wire brush. If neces- sary, dirt and grease should be removed with a solvent soaked rag. Before pressure bubble or vacuum box leak tests are performed, the calibration of the pressure, vacuum, or combination pressurelvacuum gauge should be checked. The range of the pressure gauge should be roughly double the desired system pressurization. The gauge should carry the date of calibra- tion, calibrator’sinititals, and due date of next calibration. A gauge cali- brated in psia units is calibrated in pounds per square inch absolute; a gauge calibrated in psig units is calibrated in pounds per square inch gauge. The relationship between these units is shown in Eq. (8.1) 246 LEAK TESTING METHODS Leak Detector Solution Leak detector solution, consisting of water with a wetting agent, is applied to a test surface by flowing, brushing, squirting, or spraying the bubble solution. When this is done, small leaks under pressure or vacuum will cause the solution to form a multitude of small bubbles. The size and number of bubbles generated will be proportional to the pressurized gas leak rate Leak detector solution should be periodically tested against a known leak to assure that the solution is functioning properly. If the bubble solution dries, the test surface must be recleaned and the bubble solution reapplied. The ideal leak detector solution would have low surface tension for detecting very small leaks and high surface tension for detecting large leaks. Because of this impossibility, some compromise in surface tension must be achieved. ‘The leak detector solution should be chemically inert and have a pH of 7. Vacuum Box Bubble Leak Testing ‘A Vacuum box is a box equipped with a transparent viewing window, gas- keted sealing surface, rapid evacuation equipment, and a combination pres- sure/vacuum gauge. Specially designed vacuum boxes contoured to the ge- ‘ometry of the test part are used for testing comer welds. With vacuum testing, the box should be applied within a minute, or while the bubble solution is still wet. The force required to initially seat the box and seal its gasket should be minimal. The sensitivity of the test depends on the amount of differential pressure created with the vacuum box, and is defined as the smallest amount of leakage that can be detected. The sensitiv- ity of the test increases as differential pressure increases. Sensitivity is de- pendent on operator technique, alertness, and skill. For optimum results, adequate lighting of the test area is essential and the operators should be able to place their eyes within 24 in. of the test surface. As the vacuum box is positioned and initially evacuated, the operator should observe the action of the leak detector solution to make sure it is not instantly blown away by large leaks. The test area is considered leak free when the operator cannot detect any bubble formation in the specified period of time for the test. Under ideal conditions, with 1 atm of differential pressure, leakage as small as 10-* cms can be detected. Under normal field conditions, leakage in the order of 10°? to 10°* cm’s can be detected with 1 atm of differential pres- sure. A pressure differential of at least 2 psi should be maintained during vacuum box bubble leak testing ‘ation. To assure 100% inspection of the test surface, the vacuum box inspection area should be overlapped by at least 2 in. Ifa large area is to be tested wit ‘a vacuuum box, the work should be divided among the various work crews or inspectors to minimize worker fatigue. Limited skill and training is required for successful bubble leak testing. See 89. BUBBLE LEAK TESTING 247 If the vacuum box is improperly designed, it may implode. In order to Prevent an implosion, vacuum boxes should be designed to withstand a full atmospheric pressure differential. Atmospheric pressure is typically given as 14.7 psi, 30 in. of mercury, or 760 mmHg. When properly designed for full atmospheric differential pressure, relief valves are not necessary. The vac- ‘uum box is considered to be in good condition when it can maintain slightly ‘more than the required test vacuum. mun Pressure Bubble Leak Testing With pressure bubble leak testing, “soak time” is the elapsed time from completion of pressurization until the application of the leak detector solu. tion. The purpose of the soak time is to provide sufficient time for the pressurized gas to escape through the long, irregular leak path. Care must be taken to assure that the test specimen, piping, or tubing is not overpres- surized. If the test specimen is overpressurized, it can rupture or explode Because of its explosive properties, hydrogen gas must never be used for pressurization. It is a good practice to use redundent pressure gauges when pressurizing equipment for a bubble leak test. When pipes and vessels are tested, one indicating and one recording pressure gauge should be used. Pipes are frequently plugged or blanked prior to pressurization by using expandable stoppers or bladders. When these devices are used, a stop bar should be installed downstream of the plug to prevent a possible blowout With pressure bubble leak testing, very small leaks or over large leaks can g0 undetected. Very small leaks go undetected because the operator does not observe the test area for a long enough period of time. Very small leaks are best detected by applying a light coating of solution that is relatively free Of bubbles, The required observation time for a bubble leak testis specified by the respective standard or test procedure. Large leaks ean go undetected because the bubble solution is blown away before bubbles have a chance to form. When large leaks are suspected, a mixture of thick suds or foam ean be used. Sometimes large leaks produce audible noise or ai jets, which can be felt. . When pressure bubble leak testing a vessel with reinforcing pad pl: assure pressurization of the pad plate in the event that the end of the nipple seals itself against the shell of the vessel. With immersion bubble leak testing, sealed test specimens are immersed in a preheated liquid having low surface tension; this is a simple, rapid, and economical test, When methyl alcohol is used as the fluid for immersion bubble leak testing, the alcohol acts as a cleaning agent, providing a second. ary benefit Ordinary tap or process water isa poor solution for immersion bubble leak testing because of its high surface tension. 248 LEAK TESTING METHODS Indications ‘A continuous flow of bubbles would be produced by a hole or crack in the test boundary. With a vacuum box system, very large leaks may briefly produce very large bubbles or the bubbles may be blown away instantly. ‘Small leaks would produce a series of small bubbles at regular intervals or a slowly growing large bubble. When enclosed heated areas are bubble leak tested, the reading of the pressure or vacuum gauge dial, over the specified period of time, provides the most reliable indication of a small leak ‘Air, grease, of dirt trapped in surface defects can produce false indications of leakage. If static bubbles appear in the area of interest during a vacuum box bubble test, the bubbles should be removed and the area should be recleaned to determine if the bubbles were a false indication. A false or wual leak is formed when a few bubbles form rapidly and then quickly isappear. Bubble leak tests, on large outdoor equipment, should not be attempted in freezing weather. Calm, cloudy, moderately warm weather con- ditions are ideal for testing large outdoor equipment. For vacuum box bubble leak testing, surface temperature should be in the range of 40 to 100°F. In hot weather, evaporation of the leak test solution may be a problem. ‘Topics covered by typical bubble test specifications include: Scope of work Applicable documents Design criteria Description of work Personnel qualifications Procedures to be used Leak testing details NDT operator qualifications Engineering verification Submitted records and documents Final checks 8.4, PRESSURE CHANGE LEAK TESTING Principles Pressure change measurement tests, conducted at pressures above atmos- pheric pressure, are also called pressure hold tests, pressure decay tests, or pressure loss tests. Pressures above atmospheric are frequently monitored ‘with pressure gauges that read out in gauge pressure (psig.) Hydrostatic tests should not be conducted prior to pressure change mea surements because hydrostatic tests can introduce water into the system that ih Ahactecin Hin, eaunataialon of tem commerce chores that. Seg ae 84, PRESSURE CHANGE LEAK TESTING 249 ‘The effects of pressure change measurements can be understood by con- sidering a pressurized, rigid, closed system that does not leak. If external (barometric) pressure decreases, internal gauge pressure will decrease, and if internal gas temperature decreases, internal gauge pressure will decrease. Terminology Absolute pressure can be defined as gauge pressure plus barometric pres- sure. As previously stated, standard atmospheric pressure is equal to 14.7 psia, 29.96 in. of Hg, or 760 mmHg. As elevation above sea level increases, the barometric pressure decreases. This is one reason that aircraft cabins must be pressurized at flights above 10,000 ft. Pressure change measure- ments on large vessels, such as nuclear containment vessels, are usually described in terms of leakage rate tests. ‘Temperature compensation for pressure change is calculated in terms of absolute temperature, degrees Rankine (°R) or degrees, Kelvin (°K), depend- ing on whether temperature is measured in terms of degrees Fahrenheit F) or degrees Celsius (*C), These relationships are shown in Eq. (8.2) and (8.3), degrees R (°R) = degrees F (°F) + 460 (8.2) degrees K (°K) = degrees C (°C) + 273 (8.3) If itis desirable to convert degrees F to degrees C or degrees C to degrees F, Eqs. (8.4) and (8.5) cart be used. degrees C (°C) = 3 (F ~ 32) (84) degrees F (F) = 2¢C + 32) e If the internal system volume is so small that internal temperature sensors cannot be used to measure system temperature, a stable external tempera ture can be maintained around the system or an insulated surface ther- ‘mometer can be used. The surface thermometer must be insulated from the external temperature so that it is representative of internal system tempera- ture, Surface thermometers can be attached to the test surface with tape, adhesive, magnets, or clamps. If external temperature cannot be maintained and surface thermometers cannot be used, the measurement of mass flow leakage rate should be considered. Equipment Absolute pressure gauges measure any pressure above the zero value that corresponds to a perfect vacuum. In large volume systems, they are used to measure teat reeenes Indeneadentiv of baccmetric: cecemcre 250 LEAK TESTING METHODS ‘The range of Bourdon tube pressure gauges, used to monitor pressure change tests, should not be < 1} nor > 4 times the test pressure because gauge accuracy is very poor in the lower 10-20% of their range. Pressure gauges with mirrored scales help improve the reading accuracy because they tend to correct for parallax. Quartz Bourdon tube pressure gauges are sensi tive, accurate absolute gauges used with systems pressurized above atmos- pheric pressure. Readability or resolution, and reproducibility are two of the most important factors to consider when selecting test gauges, Resolution is the least discernible unit of measurement that can be read. A typical accu- racy range of #0.25 to +0.33% is adequate. ‘When U-tube manometers are used to measure gauge pressure during pressure change leakage tests, both legs of the manometer must be carefully read to correct for any changes in the zero reading of the gauge. Errors in zero reading can be caused by failure to calibrate the manemeter or evapo- ration of liquid in the manometer. ‘When mercury manometers are used for pressure gauge measurements, the top of the meniscus should be used as the reading point of the pressure because of the convex surface of the liquid. With a water manometer, the bottom of the meniscus would be the reading point of the pressure because of the concave surface of the liquid. Tonization gauges are used to measure pressure change in evacuated sys- tems with an absolute pressure range of 10~' to 10°* Torr, Bimetallic thermocouples are used to measure dry bulb temperature in pressure change measurement tests. Two metals, such as iron-constantan or copper-constantan, generate an electromotive force (emf) that varies with temperature. The calibration curves for thermocouples are nearly linear and thermocouple calibration tables can be supplied from Honeywell and other thermocouple manufacturers. For greatest accuracy, thermocouples are vidually calibrated, Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) are also used to measure dry bulb temperatures in pressure change test systems. Resistance temperature detectors, such as the 100-0 platinum resistance bulb thermometer, are preferred in high-accuracy applications because of their inherent stability, reproducibility, accuracy, and high-melting point. The 100-0 platinum resi tance bulb has a resistance of 100 at O°C and 139.2 © at 100°C. The number of dry bulb temperature sensors used in a test depends on the contained free air volume, confuguration, and required redundancy of the system. Pressurizing Gases Because of its availability, nonflammability, and nontoxicity, air is one of the most practical gases for use in pressure change measurement tests. If air cannot be used as the pressurizing medium, nitrogen is a good second choice bo aan “Chinn ermmeantiicen slaaid teen shenend wham tain eltedll OOO 84, PRESSURE CHANGE LEAK TESTING 251 gen or other inert gases in a confined area. It should be remembered that these gases can replace air in the lungs and cause suffocation. Breathing nitrogen, for example, is painless, and the victim of suffocation may pass out without realizing the danger. Any gas, used for leak testing, should follow the laws for ideal gases. The {deal gas law shows the relationship of pressure, temperature, and volume of an ideal gas in accordance with Eq. (8.6) PV = nRT ot PiT:= P:T, (when V; = Vs) 8.6) where P= pressure V = specific volume n= number of moles R = gas constant T = absolute temperature P,, Vi, and T; = pressure, volume, and temperature at condition 1 Ps, Vz, and T; = pressure, volume, and temperature at condition 2. ‘The ideal gas law states that the pressure changes directly as a function of temperature when volume is held constant. Volumetric changes due to ther~ mal expansion or contraction ofthe fixed volume are considered insignificant If the pressurizing gas is different than the in-service gas, differences in viscos- ity need to be taken into consideration when determining the in-service gas leakage rate. ge Pressure Change Mi surement Testing With pressure change measurement testing, lines or vessels are pressurized. An isolation valve is used to trap the pressure in the system and the pressur- ig line is then disconnected. The pressurizing line is disconnected so that the isolation valve can be leak tested to assure that there is no in-leakage or out-leakage through the isolation valve’s seat. The purpose of pressure change leak testing is to verify that the component of interest meets its ‘minimum intended service requirements. Systems often have a specified allowable pressure loss per unit time at design pressure. It is important to know the contained volume at design pressure in order to calculate allow- able leakage rates, if any, and determine the most appropriate leak testing method. However, a high precision calculation of the enclosed constant volume system is not necessary if the leakage rate is calculated as a percent- age of the total enclosed mass change per unit time. Pressure, temperature, and time are all parameters that change during a pressure change measurement test. With long duration pressure change tests, barometric pressure must be measured or compensated for because it tends to vary. Test reliability is increased by extending the duration of the test. For short duration tests of < 1h. it is ueuallv not necessary to consider 252 LEAK TESTING METHODS barometric pressure changes. For a short duration pressure change test, where temperature and barometric pressure remain reasonably constant, the rate of pressure change can be calculated as follows: 6.7) change in pressure change in time py = starting pressure pz = pressure at end of test Pressure change measurement tests are more sensitive for small contained volumes at test pressure. In other words, a small leak in a small pressurized container will cause a more rapid drop in pressure than the same size leak in fa similarly pressurized large volume container. In large volume systems, ‘water vapor partial pressure readings must be subtracted from the absolute pressure readings to improve accuracy. This is done by measuring the inter- nal gas dew point temperature and using steam tables to determine the ‘water vapor partial pressure. Figure 8.1 shows moisture content as a func- tion of dew point temperature. Water vapor pressure can be determined at atmospheric conditions by dividing the volumetric moisture content percent- age by 100 ‘The dew point temperature is the temperature at which the internal gas is saturated with water ‘and dew begins to form. When dew or condensation forms, system volume decreases and pressure increases independently of temperature. When leak testing water cooled reactors, a sudden change in dew point temperature could indicate water leakage into the system. Pressure change measurement tests performed at pressures less than at- mospheric are called pressure rise tests, vacuum retention tests, or pressure gain tests. They measure the ability of the system to hold a vacuum. With vacuum testing, a rapid initial rise in pressure will be observed due to ‘outgassing of absorbed gases on test area surfaces. After this initial outgass- ing, a much slower pressure rise, representative of the leak characteristics, will be observed. Outgassing rates in a vacuum system are influenced by the amount of test area surface, material of construction, and cleanliness of the internal surface. For evacuated systems, measurement of pressure is in u of Torr that are equal to millimeters of mercury (mmHg). For leak rate calculations, absolute pressure, time, temperature, and volume must be known. In large systems, the affects of outgassing make it difficult to determine the actual leakage rate. Data comparison must be used for large evacuated systems that are exposed to the weather and wide temperature variations. oFn, eat dete amaae Yon acmmeoh vert tes tmnt fate talean Gatiae walkie wena Moisture Content of Saturated Air or Other Gas at Various Temperatures (Dew Points) ‘and at 1 Atmosphere Absolute Pressure (14.7 PSIA) Dew-Point Moisture Content Moiature Content Temperature ‘Por Cont Per Cent *. sc, By Volume iy Volant no 433 870 joe 433 820 oan ioe 41d 738 258 toe 730 102 690 8 100, 850 6 8 s10 ‘ 5 375 2 24 5.40 ° 32 500 2 20 4% Ey aa Oe as 4g 8 e 332 0 fd ea 80 aaa ae 78 322 —16 76 3020 Lis ma 286 = 20 n 36s 2 70 247 28 oe 231 3s 8s 216 8 et «302 X30 “2 18 a2 6 er a a s ie 3g 78 B335 Fi a 210, 54 140 40 —400 0188 52 130 Sap ant ‘167 2 12 Sag Tania ‘o1ag te Tie | 433 132 46 198 48 48.4 ou? “ 0966 $0 A556 ‘biog =e aes “bose %0 xs ane “0082 38 55 489 0072 3 38 = =s00 ‘boos x =e | srt “bo88 <8 839 oat 20 7 —567 0029 2 =e 594 ‘oat 2 <3 23 ‘bois <3 880 ‘0010 2 90 —678 0007 2 <3 S408 “boos 00 738 ‘b008 ‘Vapor pressures ia atmospheres at vaio dw point temperatures canbe rer che veins Yar put ena to enna SRzOeine Semmperetanes om be chtelnad ty 254 Leak TesTING METHODS Reference System Technique One variation of the pressure change measurement technique incorporates the use of a reference chamber having a known pressure and atmosphere. ‘The reliability of this technique depends on the accuracy and resolution of the differential pressure gauge that monitors the differential pressure be- tween the reference chamber and the test system. In large volume systems, the reference chamber technique is less dependent on internal dry bulb temperature and dewpoint temperature weighting factors than the absolute pressure technique because these temperatures are based on the internal volume at each sensor location relative to the total system volume. When pressure change leakage tests are conducted, plots of absolute temperature and absolute pressure versus time are used to provide early determination of test validity and acceptability of test results. The plots also make it easier to detect errors in the recorded data Leakage Rate and Flow Measurement Testing For a pressure change leak test, the maximum allowable leakage rate de- pends on test pressure, volume, and time, The accuracy of any pressure change leak test depends on the accuracy of system volume calculations, the accuracy of the internal temperature measurement, and the accuracy and resolution of the system pressure measurement. In a rigid volume system, the mass flow leakage rate is calculated from Eq. (8.8). Q ve (8.8) where Q = leakage rate V = system volume at test pressure 4P = pressure change during the test = test duration With the flow measurement technique, volume is fixed by the rigid vol- ume system. Leak rate is determined by measuring the quantity of gas added or removed from the system in order to hold absolute pressure con- stant. When the flow measurement technique is applied to a variable volume system, such as a tank with flexible diaphragm, system pressure can be held constant and gas added to maintain pressure is measured. Using this tech- nique, the flow measurement is independent of system volume and there is no need to measure or calculate system volume. The sensitivity of the flow ‘measurement technique depends on the accuracy of the flow measuring instrument. However, if pressure is not held constant and system volumes can be ‘calculated. Ea. (8.9) can be applied. NN NY SSCSCTCc ] F="==Ze (84, PRESSURE CHANGE LEAK TESTING — 255 (PiVi = P2V>) og - Pin Fh) 69) where O = leakage rate P, Vi, and 4 = pressure, volume, and temperature at condition 1 Ps, Va, and f, = pressure, volume, and temperature at condition 2. Nuclear Reactor Systems Both absolute and reference vessel methods are acceptable test methods for performing a Type A integrated leakage rate test (ILRT) of a primary nuclear reactor containment system, Preoperational Type A leakage tests must be conducted after preoperational structural integrity tests and Type B and C tests. Type B and C tests involve the testing of containment system components, such as gasket, valve, and seal interspaces. These components are readily tested using short duration vacuum retention and water collec- tion techniques, When a leakage rate test follows a structural integrity test, the test pressure for the structural integrity test shall be reduced to 85% of the peak acceptable design pressure (Pac) for a minimum of 24 h prior to repressurizing to Pac for the ILRT. After pressurizing a primary nuclear reactor containment system for a ‘Type A ILRT, the system must stabilize for a period of at least 4h. The temperature of the containment system is considered stabilized when the weighted average temperature for the last hour docs not deviate by more than 0.5 °F/h when compared to the rate of temperature change for the last 4h. A minimum of three dew point temperature sensors are required for calculating the weighted average temperature. After stabilization, the dura- tion of the Type A leakage rate test shall be a minimum of 8 h and have at least 20 sets of data points taken at roughly equal time intervals. During this period, the test pressure shall not be permitted to fall below the peak containment internal design pressure (Pac) by more than 1 psi. The measured leakage rate is then determined from a linear regression analysis using a least squares fit. The upper confidence limit (UCL) for the ‘measured leakage rate of a primary nuclear containment system is calculated at a probability of 95%, The leak rate at the upper confidence limit, includ- ing required local leakage rate additions, shall be < 75% of the daily allow- able leakage rate (La). For verification of Type A leakage rate test accu- racy, a mass step change verification test is used. This test calls for accurate metering of air injected into or removed from the containment vessel. Veri- | fication tests usually take at least 4h and require a minimum of 10 data | points. The metered mass change of air in 1 h must be within 25% La The selection of instruments used for a Type A ILRT is based on an instrument selection guide (ISG). With this guide, combined instrumenta- tion errors can be calculated. The ISG also provides euidelines covering lose 256 LEAK TESTING MeTHOOS of sensors during an IRLT and subsequent leak rate calculations following the IRLT. For additional information on this subject, see R.C. McMaster, (1982). Topics usually covered in pressure change leak test specifications are Scope and description Applicable publications Gasketing material General requirements for design and fabrication Primary containment design considerations Pertinent drawings, procedures, and instructions Inspection and testing containment vessel steel liner work Pneumatic proof testing of pressurized components Documentation 8.5. HALOGEN DIODE LEAK TESTING Principles. Halogen rich refrigerant gases are detectable by a halogen diode leak detec- tor as they pass through a leak. The halogen concentration, type of halogen tracer gas, and differential test pressure are factors affecting the sensitivity of the halogen diode leak detector method. The rate at which positive ions are formed is proportional to the halogen concentration of the gas passing through the detector. Standard leaks of known size are used to calibrate halogen diode leak detectors. ‘The thermal conductivity method of halogen leak detection measures the difference in the heat transfer of two gases. For example, air can be used as a reference gas and a comparison can be made between the thermal condue- tivity of a tracer gas and the reference gas. Terminology By definition, a halogen is any of five very active, nonmetallic elements, namely, astatine, bromine, chlorine, fluorine, and iodine, Fluorine is the most widely used element in refrigerant gases used for halogen diode leak testing. Materials that contain halogens are called halides. The halogen rich refrigerant gases, used with a halogen diode leak detector, are called tracer gases. The size of the smallest detectable leak determines test sensitivity. A dynamic leak test is performed by evacuating the interior of a test object, ‘appiving a tracer gas to the outside surface of the object, and monitoring the 185. HALOGEN DIODE LEAK TESTING 257 pressurizing the interior of the test object with the tracer gas, then sniffing or scanning the outside surface with the leak detector probe. Gases and Equipment Various refrigerants are commonly used as tracer gases. When a procedure specifies the use of refrigerant R-12; Freon 12, Genetron 12, or Ucon 12 may be used. These are tradenames used by the various manufacturers of refrigerant R-12. Sensitive, good quality halogen diode leak detectors are capable of de- tecting leaks as small as 10"* to 10”? std ems. The halogen diode leak detector sensor is potentially more sensitive than the halide torch (a thermal conductivity sensor), halide sensitive tape, or halide sensitive paint sensors. ‘The positive ion current between the sensor’s emitter and collector increases proportionally to halogen concentration. This ion current is amplified and displayed on a front panel meter as illustrated in Figure 8.2. Sophisticated halogen diode detectors incorporate heater control adjustments to regulate heater voltage, and built-in automatic zeroing circuits (not shown) to com- pensate for local, relatively steady, atmospheric halogen background signals. Calibration Standard leaks with reftigerant reservoirs are used to calibrate halogen di- ode leak detectors. Table ‘8.1 shows the standard leak setting required to obtain various test sensitivities with known volumes of halogens. | \amptitier —Cothode Cellector = & 7 os inter Avess Enater 258 LEAK TESTING METHODS TABLE 8.1. Halogen Standard Lan Setng at em?) Teaured Tet Senay (dem?) Porcariage Poe Tost anativay (era) Halogen 1x 107 1x 107 1x 10% 1% 10 1% 10" 1 Deis OF OT 2 Bet 2x? ax tet 2107 5 Skigt | Sxis Sx tot Sx 0" ; 10 tei tet tet xt ixt0 ‘When a reservoir type standard leak is being recharged with halogen rich refrigerant, personnel should wear safety glasses with side shields to protect their eyes. As the surrounding temperature increases, the maximum pres- sure attainable from a halogen rich refrigerant bottle also increases. If the indicated leak rate continues to go up after the increase valve is closed, the increase valve is defective or not firmly closed. If the decrease valve is opened when the increase valve is not fully closed, refrigerant will vent from the standard reservoir, requiring refilling or recharging of the reservoir. ‘When a periodic instrument calibration indicates a decrease in test sensi- tivity, the instrument should be checked and repaired if necessary, and all tests performed since the last known good calibration should be repeated to assure reliable test results, After a satisfactory retest, other untested areas can be inspected. “Sniffer” Techniques When drafts are noted during testing, the probe should initially be operated on the upstream side of the draft. When sniffer tests are being conducted on large objects, sniffing or scanning should proceed from the highest point to the lowest point in the system because refrigerant gases are heavier than air. ‘Test procedures and/or various codes often specify the maximum allowable distance between the sniffer probe tip and test surface. In order to satisfy these requirements, notched plastic spacers are often placed over the probe tip to control the probe tip to test surface spacing : Leak tests often call for a mixture of a halogen with air or inert gas. In these cases, care must be taken to assure that bottled oxidants, corrodants, fuels, of toxic gases are not used. Carbon dioxide is one gas that can be safely used for pressurization if compressed air is not available. Tracer gas mixtures should be flushed out of the equipment and test areas after leak tests are completed. . Many times, sniffer tests must be performed on totally enclosed or “dead ended” systems. In these cases, the enclosed space must be partially or totally evacuated before introducing the refrigerant, in order to provide a cautteren entire off tramer ann teremmacet Cae aniieth. 285. HALOGEN DIODE LEAK TESTING 259 Equipment Operation and Servicing Halogen diode leak detectors should never be used in an explosive atmos- phere because high-voltage circuits and high-heater temperatures could detonate explosive mixtures. Occupational safety and health association (OSHA) standards and various plant safety rules generally prohibit the use of halogen diode leak detectors in hazardous environments, Even though refrigerant gases are generally considered harmless and in- ert, refrigerant R-12 in the presence of high temperatures, such as hot welds, can break down into hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, chlorine, and phosgene (mustard gas), which are all toxic at relatively low levels, Refrigerant R-12 can also become corrosive in the presence of moisture. Finally, it should be remembered that all nontoxic gases can act as asphyx- iants by displacing air in the lungs. Therefore, halogen leak testing should be done only in well ventilated areas having an ample air supply for operat- ing technicians. Test connections, used for pressurizing the halogen sniffer test system, should be halogen leak tested first, to detect and eliminate any leakage that could contribute to background interference. The sniffer probe or gun should never be placed directly in a stream of pure refrigerant because it shorten the life of the sensing element. Normal Operation Good practice dictates that halogen diode leak detectors be allowed to warm up in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. When pipe, objects, vessels, and so on are being prepared for halogen diode leak test- ing, they must be free of moisture, grease, paint, solvents, and dirt that could temporarily plug leaks. When test objects are pressurized with a com- bination of air and reftigerant, the refrigerant is added first so that the ait will tend to mix and disperse the refrigerant throughout the system. The time allowed for the dispersion of the tracer gas is defined by specification or code. The sensitivity of the halogen leak detector test should be checked before and after testing and at intervals of every 2 h during routine tests Operators who smoke while performing halogen leak detector tests may note erratic signals caused by a high background of halogen rich cigarette smoke, Another cause of erratic signals could be high background levels of hhalogens from a large leak. Other possible causes of erratic operation in- clude excessive heater voltage, shorted element, or too high a sensitivity range setting Care should be taken when venting systems down after leak testing in order to prevent halogens from reentering the test area. Operating proce- dures must be reviewed, and possibly revised, when there are changes in the concentration of the test gas, type of tracer gas used, or type of equipment wend. Claw decal alien be exarclece! wten, umine tien baleaue lank Actecees 260 LEAK TESTING METHODS method around plastics and rubber because halogens are readily absorbed by these materials, When absorbed, the materials may emit other gases, causing fase ndestions "Topics typically covered in halogen diode leak es specifications are Scope Applicable documents Design criteria Description of work to be done Personnel qualifications ‘Types of leakage tests to be performed NDT operator requirements Engineering verifications Required records systems Document submittal and approval Responsibility for final inspection 8.6. MASS SPECTROMETER LEAK TESTING Principles as or liquid flow. The flow characteris- All leak testing methods depend on gas or liquic _ tic of leakage is expressed as conductance in vacuum systems. For a vacu system made up of a number of parts connected in parallel, the total system conductance can be calculated by Eq. (8.10) on (8.10) C= Cl+ QOH where Ct = total conductance Cl = conductance of component one €2 = conductance of component two Cn = conductance of component If components are connected in series, Eq, (8.11) would be used to calculate total system conductance. Art sd 8.11 Scat toh Gy 4-4 a-cite ts ight gas molecules can per- Nothing is considered absolutely leakc-tight and lig mneste through many so-called “solid materia.” The maximum sensitivity of a mass spectrometer leak detector (MSLD) is determined by the mass ‘deer nf helices Grapae nan that cendnees 2 minim weaserehie emcal. THe 86. MASS SPECTROMETER LEAK TESTING 261 minimum detectable leakage changes when a parallel auxilliary pump is used. In this case, the sensitivity changes as the ratio of auxilliary pump throughput to leak detector throughput. Test sensitivity and response time of the system are also affected by test volume, pumping speed in standard cubic centimeter per second, and detector sensitivity. The sensitivity of a detector probe used for pressure testing at atmospheric pressure is at least 100 times less sensitive than a tracer probe used for vacuum testing, Helium is an excellent tracer gas because it has a low molecular weight, is relatively inexpensive, and is found only in small quantities (0,0004%) in the atmosphere. Helium has an atomic mass of 4 and can easily be distinguished from elements on each side of it that have masses of 3 and 6. Ions are formed in the mass spectrometer by bombardment of the gases with elec- trons. The ions are then accelerated so that the lighter and heavier ions are separated by a magnetic field, Helium tracer gas ions are selectively guided into the spectrometer tube taking advantage of the fact that their radius of curvature in a magnetic ficld is different than that of other ions in the sample stream, For satisfactory results, test objects must be free of oil, grease, paint, dirt, or other particulate matter that can plug small leaks. Variations in the differential pressure applied across a leak, impurities in the tracer gas or stratification of the tracer gas, and equipment nonlinearity contribute to leakage measurement errors. The leakage rate across a given leak is greater when the applied differential pressure is greater. Preliminary hydrostatic tests should not be perférnied prior to an ultrahigh vacuum MSLD test because moisture can easily plug the minute leaks of interest MSLD Subsystems There are three major subsystems of a helium mass spectrometer leak detec- tor. The first major component is the spectrometer tube consisting of an ion source, adjustable source magnets, permanent magnetic field, preamplifier assembly cold cathode vacuum gauge, and heater. The second major subsys- tem is the vacuum system consisting of the diffusion pump, mechanical Pumps, vacuum valves, liquid nitrogen cold trap, and, in some models, an orifice. The third major subsystem is the electronics unit consisting of power supplies, vacuum gauge control, DC amplifier, power control circuits, and signal output circuits. Other spectrometer components include the cabinet, air compressor, and leak rate indicator. Spectrometer Tube ‘The spectrometer tube is shown in Figure 8.3. The ion source unit consists of a pair of filaments (one a spare) that provide the source of electrons that ‘ase tennmad fetes Gua fealenthie ahetoe toa es 262 LEAK TESTING METHODS To pmorecTion cincuir To POWER SUPPLY TO AMPLIFIER c aay c COLO CATHODE GAUGE ION SOURCE PREAMPLIFIER earns Resistor “Grouno suit anooe S Frew carwone GRouno suiTs Jon couvector Figure 83. Crosesctonal gram of mass spectomale ak eto ube, Potgaphs Supolad trough courtesy o! Varin Asse, re, Pap Ao, CA create positive ions. Adjustable external source magnets permit adjustment of the electron beam for maximum ionization and sensitivity. Repeller elec- trodes repel the positive ions, forcing them out a slit in the ion chamber. ‘Two focusing plates then direct the ion beam toward a slit in the ground- potential plate. ‘The magnetic field of the spectrophotometer tube then separates the helium atoms from the other atoms. Lighter atoms are directed upward and heavier atoms are directed downward. Only the helium atoms, guided by ‘ground-potential electrodes, strike the target or ion collector plate. The ion current is then amplified by the preamplifier stage, which consists of a solid-state operational amplifier and feedback resistor. ‘The cold cathode vacuum gauge monitors the absolute pressure (vacuum) and triggers a protective system if the pressure exceeds 2 x 10 Torr During normal operation, the ion source filaments keep the spectrometer tube hot, regardless of tube pressure. If for any reason the filaments are off, a 15-W cartridge heater comes on, keeping the spectrometer tube at high IE EEES—~— 86 NASS SPECTROMETER LEAKTESTING 263 Vacuum System ‘The vacuum system consists of the liquid nitrogen cold trap, diffusion pump, ‘two mechanical pumps, valves, and interconnecting piping. The diffusion Pump removes gases from the spectrometer tube to produce a pressure of <2 x 10” Torr. The two mechanical pumps serve as a roughing pump and forepump. The roughing pump is a 7 ft/min (cfm) or higher capacity unit that evacuates the test port and test piece to the transfer pressure of the unit. The forepump is a 3.2-cfm unit that maintains the proper low pressure required for the discharge of the diffusion pump. ‘There are three major electrically controlled valves in the system. They are opened by compressed air and closed by spring action. The pump valve isolates the inlet of the diffusion pump from the rest of the system. The test valve isolates the test port from the spectrometer tube, and the rough valve isolates the test port from the roughing pump. Other, solenoid operated valves, are used for the vent valve, gross leak valve, and optional calibrated leak valve as shown in Figure 8.4 The liquid nitrogen cold trap holds a 23 liter charge of liquid nitrogen that will last for about 24 h before it is necessary to refill the unit. It condenses contaminants from the object being tested and keeps the spectrometer tube operating at maximum efficiency. It also pumps water vapor at a high rate through the leak detector vacuum system, In the absence of a cold trap, water vapor is pumped by the forepump. Orifices are sometimes used to throttle pumping speed that removes helium at a slower rate and increases MSLD sensitivity, Electronics Built-in instrument power supplies regulate ion source, amplifier, and relay voltages. The vacuum gauge control supplies the cold cathode gauge with high voltage, indicates spectrometer tube pressure, and shuts off the source filament when spectrometer tube pressure is too high. The DC amplifier provides a signal proportional to the concentration of helium in the spectrometer tube, This same signal provides the leak rate meter reading that can be alarmed and sent to other output signal connectors. The power control circuits provide test status information and open and close valves in the vacuum system, Depending on their mode of operation, the valves provide for evacuation and testing of the test piece, control m: tenance sequences, and protect the spectrometer tube and diffusion pumy the event of sudden overpressure or power failure Signal output circuits can be used to drive an auxilliary recorder o pro- vide a signal to a host computer. The output signal can also be used to activate relays whose contacts can be used to establish set point alarms and indicate filament status. Leak rates are visually indicated and can be audibly ‘armed. 264 LEAK TESTING METHODS - (a) 936-60 LEAK DETECTOR FLOW DIAGRAM l (I Sr = pi (0) 996-70 LEAK DETECTOR FLOW DIAGRAM Figure 8.4. Leak detector flow dlagrams, (a) with and (6) without nitrogen cold trap. Photo: _raphs supplied through courtesy of Varian Associates, Inc, Palo Alto, CA. Operating Considerations There are two major classes of mass spectrometer leak testing, static and dynamic. With dynamic testing, the test system is being continually pumped. Dynamic systems involve a continuous flow of helium tracer gas through the leak while scanning the test object surface with either a tracer probe or I DS'SCSCSST™=TE 9 oot _ TT, 86. MASS SPECTROMETER LEAK TESTING 265 detector probe. The positively charged tracer gas ions are separated from the remainder of the ion beam by a magnetic field. The mass spectrometer leak detector analyzer tube detects and measures the tracer gas content in the test sample, The initial evacuation of the test object is done with a “roughing pump” during the roughing cycle. Before the roughing cycle is started, the specimen should be checked for cleanliness and all vacuum connections and fittings should be checked for leaks. Diffusion pumps should not be used in an attempt to assist the roughing pump because they can be damaged by the high inlet pressures. A roughing or throtting valve provides a way of manu- ally connecting the mass spectrometer to a higher pressure vacuum system for the purpose of leak testing that system. The initial pumpdown of a system can be monitored to about 20 Torr with a Bourdon tube or dia- Phragm dial gauge. The roughing pump lowers test chamber pressure to about 10” Torr. The diffusion pump evacuates the high-vacuum system to a very low pressure, about 10" Torr, to achieve maximum test sensitivity. The vacuum gauge that is used to monitor the roughing cycle is ealled a thermal conductivity gauge, A “cold-cathode discharge gauge” is used to ‘monitor the pressure in the high-vacuum section of the MSLD. Pirani gauges are used to measure pressure in a vacuum system in the range of 0.5 to 10° Torr and thermionic ionization gauges are used to measure pressure in @ vacuum system in the range of 10 to 10"* Tort. The cold cathode pressure gauge can be damaged by high output meter readings, Outgassing, the simultaneous evolutiori of gas and vapor, occurs when test objects are evacuated. The time required for outgassing can be substantially reduced by heating (baking) the material while it is being evacuated. Standard leaks permit a known amount of tracer gas to enter the MSLD for calibrating purposes. Helium standard leaks of 10"! to 10°° std cm'/s are capillary standard leaks; helium standard leaks of 10° to 10~® std em’ are permeation standard leaks. Capillary leaks are used to help determine the scanning rates of detector probes at the required standard leak sensitivity ‘The permeation type standard leak is used to calibrate the basic MSLD When calibrating a helium mass spectrometer instrument to determine sensi- tivity, the instrument's filament must be on, the standard leak must be valved on and connected to the instrument’ test port. One factor that can affect the leakage rate of a calibrated permeation type standard leak is temperature. Higher temperature will permit more gas to permeate the leak. Oil vapors collide with gas molecules in the vacuum diffusion pump, forcing the gas molecules into the spectrometer tube. The cold trap of the instrument removes unwanted condensable vapors, prevents backstreaming of diffusion pump oil, and accelerates the transport of water vapor through the system. When cryogenic fluid is added to a cold trap, a small amount should be poured in using a funnel. The trap should be allowed to precool Sor Senay elise feral Hires de, eect, cd en ES CO OE 266 LEAK TESTING METHODS added to the cold trap. Nitrogen is the safest and most economical cyrogenic fluid used in cold traps. The one disadvantage of a cold trap is that it requires continuous maintenance. ‘When the MSLD is shutdown for an extended period of time, the cold trap should be removed, warmed up, and thoroughly cleaned before being replaced. The cold trap should be removed as soon as the high vacuum section is vented to atmospheric pressure. Leak Detection Methods ‘There are four common methods of using a helium mass spectrometer leak detector to locate and measure leaks as shown in Figure 8.5. Each method depends on the use of helium tracer gas passing through a leak and being detected on the other side. ‘The first method involves evacuating the test pioce and passing a tracer probe over the outside surface to locate the leak. To obtain maximum sensitivity, itis desirable to perform this test in a still air environment. With the second method, the test piece is pressurized with helium and a detector probe is passed over the outside surface to locate the leak. When a detector cere Ss 1] = o9 athe 3 lela tortie baa Pressurized sorry Leek Seated wath Hettum Detector Method *| Figure 8.5. Helium mass spectrometer leak detector methods. Photographs supplied through scorteneas ad ation Hemnatienen. Yale. Alien, CAs 186. MASS SPECTROMETER LEAK TESTING 267 probe is used, the test object should be scanned from the lowest to the highest point because helium is much lighter than air. Increasing the probe scanning speed and test object-to-probe distance decrease test sensitivity. Using this technique, it is difficult to detect small leaks that are in close proximity to large leaks. These methods are qualitative rather than quantita- tive, The third method calls for evacuating the test piece, placing a hood over it, and surrounding the test piece with a helium atmosphere. The fourth, and final method, consists of sealing helium or a helium gas mixture in the test object and placing it under a bell jar. The bell jar is then evacu- ated and an overall leak rate determined. Virtual or false leaks can exist in fillet welds around internal stiffeners or attachments, and double gasket seals. The third method is a dynamic quantitative method and the fourth ‘method is a static quantitative method. In cases where the test object is evacuated, the length of tubing connect- ing the MSLD to the test object should be kept as short as possible to minimize system response time. When large volume objects are vacuum tested, the response and cleanup times are dependent on the volume of the system being tested, conductance of the connecting tubing lines, and the pumping speed of the MSLD unit. The conductance of the system is indi- rectly proportional to the length of the connecting tubing. Gas flow through a leak can be categorized as molecular or viscous. If it is molecular in nature, helium will pass through the leak easier than air. If it is viscous in nature, air will pass through the leak easier than helium. Vis cous flow typically occurs:in:the range of 10° to 10" std cm’. This is the range where bubble leak testing and pressure change testing are most effec- tive, When leaks are found, the area should immediately be retested to confirm the leak and pinpoint its location. The leak should be marked and temporarily sealed, if necessary to continue testing Equipment Considerations ‘The mass spectrometer detector tube detects extremely small quantities of helium gas, including leakage. It should not be operated at pressures above those recommended by the manufacturer because the life of the spec- trophotometer filament will be shortened and cause the tube to prema- turely burnout. From a cold start, it takes 10 to 20 min for a diffusion pump to warm up. In vacuum systems, a mechanical forepump is used in series with the diffu- sion pump because the diffusion pump is a low pressure device that is unable to pump against atmospheric pressure. The forepump increases system vac- uum to an acceptable level for the diffusion pump. Therefore, during nor- ‘mal operation, the forepump must be started up first. The diffusion pump and forepump use different types of oil. Diffusion pump oil should have low viscosity, high molecular weight, low vapor pressure, and be thermally and chemically stable. The pressure of the oil in the forepump is of concern in 268 LEAK TESTING METHODS: verifying that the forepressure of the diffusion pump is not exceeded. The

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