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Amit Sharafath Al Rahman

Case Study-1
Date: 15/06/2014

1) What are the relevant facts?

Ans: a) The new plant will meet the need of federal standards
b) The cost per unit of treatment facilities will increase.
c) Their closest competitor doesnt have this plant, nor do they have the waste treatment
facilities of the firm. As a result, managers were reluctant to invest in the new plant.
d) Kirk worries that the managers and the company have a casual attitude towards the

2) What are the ethical issues?

Ans: a) Company has an obligation towards the environment.
b) Kirk may have some responsibilities to take some actions.

3) Who are the primary stakeholders?

Ans: a) Kirk
b) Bob

c) John
d) Company and its stockholders
e) Environment

4) What are the possible alternatives?

Ans: a) Kirk, instead of remaining quiet, can raise his concern on the issue.
b) Kirk can talk individually to the managers and persuade them.
c) Kirk can consult the media and attract their attention towards this issue.

5) What are the ethics of the alternatives?

Ans: a) Does Kirk really need to take actions in this case?
b) Can the company do more than only thinking about their profit?

6) What are the practical constraints?

Ans: a) Kirk may be unaware of the actual situation regarding the environment.
b) No one else is bothered about the issue.

7) What actions should be taken?

Ans: a) What actions should Kirk take? Consult the managers, call media or just remain quiet?

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