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A life changer day

It was 22nd July of 2014,tuesday, the day was scary from the
dawn. When I was woken up, I clearly heard the rampage of
clouds, the sound was rare sharp and when I saw the sky from my
houses only window which was over my head, it was full of
nimbus. Although in north India, Monsoon usually comes in the
month of July so these rampages of clouds and heavy rains is
common. But that day the rampaging of clouds was really terrific,
I thought that today would be heavy rain and then I yawned. I
came out of my roost and going to be fresh. My father was
sleeping and my mother, like daily was not at home she had
already gone to their work. I was being dressed for my school and
after some time my mother comes. She prepare my breakfast and
tiffin. After doing my breakfast I leave for my school.
It was 2.50 pm when I come from my school. This time my
mother was at home and my father had gone to their work. After
doing my lunch I came out of house and

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