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Do you have a forgetful child, or is it hard to make sure that everything given to your child comes
home? Now, you have a helper! Remind is a messaging program that allows you to receive messages
directly from me about projects, due dates, important reminders, or changes. Never forget a
homework assignment or a project with Remind! Its simple- text a code to 81010 and youre instantly
in the loop. I will send messages to test, then we will begin using Remind to help students do their very
best each day- and remember everything! Please sign and return the bottom of this form to Mrs.
Chastain for record-keeping purposes.
To receive messages via text message, text your class code (listed below) to 81010.
You can opt-out of messages at any time by replying unsubscribe followed by your group code.
Class Name/School

Send a text to 81010 that says

Lockhart 4th Grade


Lockhart 5th Grade


Lockhart 6th Grade


Lockhart 7th & 8th Grades


Jonesville 5th Grade


Jonesville 6th Grade


Jonesville 7th & 8th Grades


Foster Park 5th Grade


Trouble using 81010? Try texting your group code to (404) 620-5059 instead.

To receive messages via email, send an email to the email assigned to each group below.
You can opt-out of messages at any time by replying to the group email with unsubscribe in the
subject line.
Class Name/School

Send an email to...

Lockhart 4th Grade

Lockhart 5th Grade

Lockhart 6th Grade

Lockhart 7th & 8th Grades

Jonesville 5th Grade

Jonesville 6th Grade

Jonesville 7th & 8th Grades

Foster Park 5th Grade

Please sign and return to Mrs. Chastain by .

Yes, I have signed up to receive reminders and important information from Mrs.
Chastain via mobile phone or email with Remind.
No, I chose not to sign up to receive reminders and important information from
Mrs. Chastain via mobile phone or email with Remind.
Student Name:

Parent/Guardian Printed Name:

Parent/Guardian Signature:

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