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Assalamualaikum wr.wb
In the name of
SWT, the writer want to say thanks and grateful
to God, because with God help and support from the other, the writer can finished
the paper which has the title The Optimum Number of Student in a class at SD
Panggilingan 2.
This report made for fulfill our English for Academic Purpose (EAP
3) course which taught by Mrs. Diana and Mrs. Hertien in the third semester.
This report will show about the study about how many student in one
class, especially in this report at SD Panggilingan 2, and how many number of
student should be to make the learning process efectively. This paper Divided into
1) Introduction
2) Description of content
3) Discussion and Conclusion
At the end, the writer really want to thank you to for our parents our
lecturer and our friends in IPSE for always support and encouraging us. Hope all
the effort and support will get the
Wassalamualaikum wr wb
Bandung, October 10th 2012


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