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I applied the inventory to 45 students from Colegio de Bachilleres de Chiapas,

Plantel 01, Tuxtla-Teran. At the beginning of the session I told them that this
inventory was going to be a kind of project for me for a task that I should do for my
diploma course and they were going to be helpful for my task.
In this group there are 25 young boys and there are 20 young girls between the
ages of 15 to 17. This inventory was really fun for them because I explained them
what was this inventory about and they really wanted to know what kind of learning
style they had.
When I started to do the task I realized I did too many movements to explain them
some new words that were not clear for them.
They were quiet and they wanted to participate reading every single statement for
their classmates.
There were too many good comments about the task and they enjoyed a lot.
The results were pretty interesting because 33 students were visual, 9 were
auditory, 8 were kinesthetic and something that it was funny that 5 students had 2
learning styles.
At the end of the class I was thinking to myself that it was a good work to apply this
inventory because this way I know what their strengths and weaknesses are and if
I want they improve their knowledge I have to do something to keep them
interested in the target language.

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