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Last Wednesday, Chief Minister of Penang has said that Salleh Man, the Yang diPertua of Majlis Agama

Islam Negeri Pulau Pinang would retain his post despite

the fact that the latters political party PAS, has cut off ties with DAP. This was
said by the Chief Minister after a meeting held with over 30 lawmakers from DAP,
PAS and PKR.
The question here is whether the State Government has the power to remove or
decide that the YdP of MAINPP should get the sack. The Federal Constitution of
our country expressly states that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall be the symbol
of the country as well as the protector of the countrys official religion, Islam. The
Sultan and Raja-Raja shall be the highest authority for their respective states
pertaining to religious matters, and for states such as Penang and Melaka which
the Sultan or Raja is not available, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall be the
protector of religion of such states. However, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall
appoint a Yang di-Pertua for the states Majlis Agama Islam to carry out the duty
on his behalf.
This is done by recommendations made by the states Chief Minister, and the
Yang di-Pertuan Agong on advice of the Chief Minister, shall appoint the
recommended person to take the post of the Yang di-Pertua Majlis Agama Islam
Since it is clear that the Ministers scope is only to recommend an individual to
the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, why was Lim Guan Engs remark was as if he and the
state government has the authority to decide whether a Yang di-Pertua of Majlis
Agama Islam Negeri should remain or get the sack? It is understandable if the
Yang di-Pertuas position is questioned because if he had any wrongdoings or is
being investigated for criminal activities, but to decide whether the Yang diPertua should retain his post or kicked out merely for the reason that their
political parties are at each others throats doesnt seem right. Is the state
government acting out of their power to have a say I retaining or sacking an
individual whose responsibility is the same of that of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong?

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