Tocino Lives - Curiosity - Act I - The Uprising

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Tocino Lives
Curiosity: All Access
Act I:

The Uprising

D.J. Bacon 2014-2015

Chapters List:

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Act I- The Uprising Extended Edit:

1. Prologue ..Pg. 3
2. IntroductionPg. 5
3. Chp. 1- The Midnight Storm...Pg. 7
4. Chp. 2- The Awakening..Pg. 11
5. Chp. 3- Normal Routines..Pg. 15
6. Chp. 4- Who am I?...........................................................................Pg. 33
7. Chp. 5- Consequences....Pg. 37
8. Chp. 6- The Downfall .Pg. 45
9. Chp. 7- Desolation..Pg. 48
10. Chp. 8- Hopeless (Marias Perpective).Pg. 53
11. Chp. 9- Coma.Pg. 55
12. Chp. 10- The Uprising....Pg. 59

TL: Act I: The Uprising

By Dakota Bacon


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Always and forever..we are stuck here. In the shattered and

battered society that continues to fall and plummet every day, lays a
weakening democracy looming in the distance, with the thread becoming
ever so narrow. The thought of having no freedom scares me. What would we
do? Who would have control? The United States gets closer to a war at its
homeland every day. What will happen if we turn into Nagasaki and
Hiroshima? Would we survive? There are no heroes in the real world, only
false heroes who want to be recognized for idiocy. However, in my life I
learned that we dont live to live but however, instead we live to learn
something new every day, and also to become somebody we were always
destined to be. This is a story of somebody who ultimately became our hero
in the end. Its a story not only about a war, but it is a story of love, freedom,
hope, and ultimatelyhow to redeem yourself.
Its a curious thing to be curious. Always wondering what lies ahead is
something I always used to worry about. However, time was ending and I
had to repair it. The war had changed us all, it defined us and through our
destiny we became who we are on the inside. The war started 3 years ago.
At first it was simple and small, until we learned the ultimate truth that
frightened us all. The war was provoked from the very beginning, leading to
the worlds ultimate desolation and destruction. There is a chosen one meant
to lead this world to redemption however today is the last day of the war. We
have fought long and hard together through this ultimate monstrosity
together and today is our defining moment. The hero eventually emerged
and sacrificed himself to end the war we thought was gone, however he did
survive. After the war was over, we lived in peace and prosperity together as
a a society of our own in the new world. The journey of the Alpha
Guardian was ending as the dawn of the new Alpha Guardian was nearing.
The father of the child ultimately learned that the war was not over, and was
worse than ever before. Something had escaped from the simulation and it
was trying to reverse his life and destroy it. This new enemy wanted
something badit wanted to consume the power of the Alpha Guardian
and destroy him. Eventually, the hero faced the enemy head on and did all
he could to bring an end to this once and for all to protect our child. In the
final moments the war came to an end, the enemy was destroyed but as I
found him, he was wounded badly. The enemy had gotten what it wanted but
not before being destroyed. I tried everything I could to save him, but

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ultimately he told me to protect our daughter as she was our new leader and
our new protector. I left him and returned home to check on our daughter,
Aurora, and there it was lying beside her. The matrix had found its new
master. The power of the matrix was hers now. However, before the first war
ended he gave me my life back, and in the process of healing me he shared
some of his powers to me. So as our daughter grows older I will teach her
who she is always meant to be. It was time now that I let her rest, I walked
over and kissed her upon her forehead and I placed the ring beside her, the
one I gave him 4 years ago when all of this was beginning, it was the
sapphire ring that had Tocino Lives engraved in the inside. All the
memories rushed inside my head, and I was full of regrets. However, I did not
want to wake our daughter as she had drifted in a peaceful sleep. I walked
over to the balcony and watched over the sky to see the Northern Lights ever
so brightly, in which he came up with name Aurora Sky for our daughter, and
I think its beautiful. The time for peace had come, but we will never forget
him.our true hero.

18 Years Earlier

A door opens slowly filling the room the room with a vibrant light. A
man dressed all in white enters the large room in what appears to be a
laboratory. The man stops in front of the other guy in the room. With a

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simple voice, the man says, Are you ready Mr. Gonzales? More than ever.
Lets just hope that it isnt a failure like last time. Mr. Gonzales says with a
vague expression but however stressed about something, it was like he
needed something, and it must be important. Of course Sir, what happened
to Olivia was the most unfortunate. However, I believe that if the childs DNA
is stable enough he will be the one you need in the end. The man in white
said with complete certainty with complex smile on face. He approached Mr.
Gonzales and offered a vial of a clear blue liquid.
Excellent, I believe this is perfect for what we need to do. My son has
my DNA which will make him stronger for the effects of the serum. Mr.
Gonzales says while grabbing a baby out of an incubator and places him in a
machine that looks like something out of star wars with the advanced
technology and advanced glow. Dear Dakota, this is our last opportunity,
you are my son and you are my only chance at stopping the convergence
and the impending destruction of our world. He says as he injects the
serum into the machine and closes the doors. The machine activates and the
serum disperses into a fog and after about 30 seconds the machine appears
to electrocute the child. The heart rate of child drops and begins to beat
louder and louder. Ok, shut it down! Now! Mr. Gonzales says with a panic
expressed wildly across his face.
What the hell is this place!? A woman enters the room screaming
and shouting says, What did you do to our child? She says with anger and
sadness as she tries to retrieve the child. You have to understand that it was
simply an experiment. An experiment! Are you crazy, the last one killed
your own daughter, so how I trust you with my child? She says. Melody, the
child is both of ours, I would never risk his life, and you know this! He says
with anger. What happened to him? What did you do? Melody says with a
tense posture. Im done with you and all these experiments! Melody says
as she takes the child and begins to leave. You cant stop this; the
simulation is world we can survive in! Arent you tired of this world? We can
leave anytime we want, I just need the Matrix. It is the only thing powerful
enough to restore the balance. Dakota is now the only key we have to this
future. Dont destroy it. Please, dont leave. How are you going to raise him
when his puberty cycle finishes and the serum finally takes effect? Just
wait.. I dont need him! I figure it out! He says as she finally leaves with
the child and continues to live prosperity.

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I awake in a room full of people watching me, and I stand up. I know
the truth now. I saw what I never seen before. Its time we do something
about it. He wants the Matrix, but only the Alpha Guardian can get it and use
it. We must find him before he does. My friends, we have a big battle coming
before us. Will you join me and reclaim what is ours?
Of course we will always be by your side no matter what. Its time to
end this, but only you have the power to do so. For right now you are our
only chance. Arent you curious how this all ends, Dakota? Its time.
Annabelle says with my friends and family surrounding us all. The time had
come and only I had the power. This was simply just the beginning of whats
to come in the end

Chapter 1: The Midnight Storm

It all started as a normal pleasant summer night. The ladybugs where
flying about lighting up the path for kids who were on their way home or the
little kids who simply wanted to catch them. I used to be one of those kids
long ago, racing outside with a pencil box or jar trying to capture as many as
I could. The crickets were chirping and the cicadas were buzzing. All with the
distant common smell of a barbecue in the short distance. It was the middle
of summer, where kids could enjoy the time off from school, chill and relax.

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Personally, I love the summer. I love the summer storms, the times I get to
go swimming, and hanging out with my best friends in the world. However,
tonight was little more muggy then usual and the collision of cool and hot air
mixed in the wind. The perfect brew for severe summertime storms.
However, I dont panic from the bad weather. I enjoy it. I love the feel
of the raindrops upon my face and the cool wind blowing across my body. It
reminds me that there is a force out there still much more powerful and
superior then us. However, everything we know about the world was about
to change. Tonight, however, my mom and I were catching up on one of our
favorite shows, Lost, as the bad weather began to roll in. As we got closer to
the ending of the show my mom felt more shocked as each surprise came
out of nowhere. I had already watched the entire series, but it was just so
good, I had to make my mom watch it, you now? So after watching Lost for a
few hours, it was finally late enough at night to try to get some rest.
However, I still wasnt tired.
As I tossed and turned in bed for over an hour, I could see the bright
and destructive lighting glowing and flashing brighter and brighter by the
second, with the loud, booming, thunderous roar following soon after. I kept
looking out the window watching it, as to me it was peaceful watching the
works of nature around me. I then finally tried to allow myself to go to sleep
as I listened to the pat, pat, pat sound of the raindrops hitting the window
next to my bed. As I begin to slowly drift away into a peaceful sleep, thats
when I heard it out the corner of my ear. The sudden shriek and high pitch
tone of siren immediately awakened me. Mom, wake up! Wake Up! Do you
hear that? I said with recognition. Yes, Dakota, hurry up, and turn on the
news, Hurry! Mom said frightened when she heard the sirens. I turned it to
channel 7 to find that Meteorologist Tom Hagen is on the news with a horrific
message. We regret to awake you at this hour to inform you that we have
received early reports from storm spotters that a very large tornado has
touchdown in southwest Topeka and is going to be making its way towards
the downtown area then possibly towards the Highland Park area. We advise
any citizens living in these areas take immediate action and seek shelter
now. He said with a serious face and his hands trembling pointing to the
map of our city of Topeka surrounded by a red box, indicating a Tornado
Warning for that area had been issued from 3:15 a.m. until 4:00 a.m.

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Shit, shit, shit, what do we do? Why didnt the damn weather radio go
off? Shit. Ok, I have to go rescue everybody and tell them to go to Highland
Park Centrals tornado shelter. I said knowing that I need to do whats right,
because all of those people in my neighborhood were still sleeping, and I was
the only one that could warn them. My body was tense with fear and anxiety
but I needed to be brave. Are you crazy, that tornado is coming, you could
die, we could all die, Im not letting you do this, leave it to God, Dakota. My
mom said trying to tell me to protect ourselves, but I could not and would not
be that selfish. Its what God would want me to do, just take the cat and
grandma and get out of here, Ill save as many people as I can. I told my
mom as I went outside in the stormy weather.
As I ran into the severe weather, the wind nearly took me of my feet,
and the rain was blowing so hard against my eyes, it made me wish I had
windshield wipers for my face. I pushed on against the forceful weather. I
slowly made my way to the first two houses warning them of the oncoming
threat and told them of where they could get their safety at the schools
shelter nearby. Then, I marched my way up the flooding streets to my friend
Marias house to warn her and her family.
As I pounded on the door, I shouted, Maria, Maria, answer the door,
its an emergency. As I continue to pound on the door I began to have
flashbacks of the memories I had with her and her family. The good times,
the sad times, every regret. Come on somebody answer the door, please
God. I said as I started to cry not wanting them to get hurt. Then suddenly
the door opened, and she stood there and said, Cody? Why are you here?
This late? Are you trying to wake us up? Maria said with a grumpy attitude
probably from being tired and she was still wearing night clothes. Sorry, but
yes, there is a very large tornado coming and we have to go to the shelter at
the elementary school! Tell your family! I said trying to hurry and warn her.
Hes right you know, my dad and I just saw it on this news. Hondro said
with his dad Davy, and brother Matt coming outside with bags of supplies on
their way to the shelter. Ok Maria, go get your family and lets go before it
gets here. I said not trying to rush her although a very large tornado began
to become visible in the distance with its debris cloud ever so large with
pieces of everything floating around like a shield to protect itself.

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Ok, lets go, guys. Marias dad, Miguel said as he left the house in a
super bright yellow and extra-large poncho. We all couldnt stop laughing,
but the water level was way past our ankles now, and the path to the shelter
became more difficult to overcome. However, we made it and I felt proud
that I helped rescue these people. However we had a problem, as the roars
of the tornado grew louder and the roar of destruction sent chills down all our
spines, our safe haven of a shelter was starting to flood because the doors
were still not shut. The tornado was now almost on top of us and thats when
I realized the doors can only be shut from the outside. Thats when I knew
what must be done. It must be me that closes the doors, but if I do I will die. I
thought about it and realized I had nothing to lose, so I accepted my fate.
I turned towards my mom and my grandma and I said, I love you, but
I have to do this, I have to save these people. No, Dakota, you are not
going to do this. You dont need to do this, God will protect us, no matter
what. Mom said trying to convince me to change my mind. What do you
think God wants me to do, huh? To just sit here and do nothing and not try at
all? I have to try, I must try, and its what he would expect me to do! I said
turning away from my parents and nearing towards the exit. However, before
I made my sacrifice, I turned towards Maria. You know, you are my best
friend and the sister I never had. Meeting you and your family has been the
pleasure of a life time. I never had more amazing memories then with you.
Maria, Im going to go out there and shut those doors, but before I do. I want
you to know how much I honestly care about you, and that I love you and I
always will. I said with tears leaving my eyes. I then marched out the exit
before she could respond back and I closed the doors and latched them shut.
I turned around and faced my opponent. The tornado ripping up
everything in its path and the power flashing from the power lines ripping
from the transformers and telephone poles. I thought about everyone close
to me, my friends, my family. I couldnt help but wonder what kind of pain I
was going to put everyone through. As I faced my imminent death of the
approaching debris cloud from the base if the tornado, I made one final
prayer to God while reciting Psalms 23. Dear Lord, I may have lived a life
doing the wrong things and corrupted by the temptations that surround me,
however, I know it is the right thing to do what I did by protecting these
people. I am ready to die now, Lord. I am not afraid. I only wish for you to
protect my friends and family, guide them through this and bless them. You

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teach us to be by like thy neighbor, thy Good Samaritan, and help others. I
have tried. I have succeeded. I know that I must die now and I am not afraid.
The Lord is my Shephard, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in
green pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul,
he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his names sake. Yea, though
I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou
art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Though preparest a table
before me in the presence of mine enemies, thou anointest my head with oil,
my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days
of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Amen. As soon as
I finished my prayer, I looked up and saw my house being decimated and
thats when I saw a giant chunk of wood fly towards me and impale me
though my chest. Thank you Lord, for everything. I said in my final breath
as I began to collapse and as I started choking up blood and I died watching
the final blurry images of the tornado ripping our neighborhood apart.

Chapter 2: The Awakening

Early reports are showing that this could be one of the most
destructive and economically damaging twisters to date in recent U.S.
history. Some are calling it an EF5 tornado, officially making it the highest on
the Enhanced Fujita scale which rates tornadoes on destruction and death
rates compared to size and wind speed on the typical Fujita scale. The
twister was first reported and started developing around 3:03 a.m. with
touchdown around 3:12 a.m., the tornado stayed on the ground ripping a
23.5 mile long, 1 mile wide path from southwest Topeka, through Downtown,
and finally through the Highland Park area of Topeka, before uplifting around
3:57 a.m. on the Tecumseh side of Shawnee County. Rescue teams have
already been dispatched across the flooded and ravaged city. To the citizens

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of Topeka, stay safe, stay strong, and keep your Lord with you. The Aftermath
is over and rescuers are on their way to save as many as the can soon
enough. This has been Derrick Merrick from the National Weather Service in
Maple Hill broadcasting over the frequency from Topekas National Weather
Service as we regret to inform you that the tornado wiped them out.
However, I hope everyone has a safe night and rescue teams will be there
Davy, why didnt you tell us you had a weather radio with you this
whole time? Maria asked Davy surprisingly while looking at a yellow device
with a long antenna in his hand shaped like a walkie talkie. I like to keep up
to date with the news and I didnt say anything about it because I thought it
wouldnt really matter. Davy said as the batteries died in the radio. Yeah,
those rescuers need to hurry up; I cant stay in this shelter forever, why does
the latch have to be on the damn other side? Hondro said agitated with his
body posture tense. Guys, calm down lets all be patient, main thing is that
we are safe, and no harm has been done to any of us. The other neighbors
in the shelter said. Well, my son is probably dead or severely hurt, I cant
take this. Dakotas mom said crying.
The rest of the night went smoothly for the survivors and early in the
morning there was a pounding on the door. Bang, bang, bang. The sound
of a loud bang immediately woke everybody up. Hello, this is Lieutenant
Cole McKnight, if there is anyone in there that can hear me, please respond.
The Lieutenant said from outside. Ugghh, yes, hello, yes, there are many of
us, could you open the latch door? Davy said waking up from a nap in the
wet water. Immediately, the latch was unlocked and the door opened. The
shelter flooded with light and the rescuers all asked if everyone was ok. As
everyone was rescued, everyone took the time to notice the destruction
surrounding them and our neighborhood that was now destroyed. No, no,
no, our home, our property, its..its, my Xbox was in
there. We lost everything. Hondro said with disappointment. Well, at least
you didnt lose several collectors editions of Playboy magazines. Matt said
as he drank the last beer he had brought with him while having his mind
content on inappropriate subjects.. As long as you have insurance, Im
pretty sure that most of your stuff is recoverable, but for right now, I need
the names of all the survivors. The Lieutenant said as gathered the people
up in line starting with Matt. Sir, do you think Ill get insurance for my

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Playboys? Matt said with his drunken voice. Im sure your insurance will do
the best they can. The Lieutenant said as he started to laugh. Hey my
Playboys are very important to me. Matt said as he left to try to go home to
recover anything he could find. Ok, next please. The Lieutenant said as
everyone gave their names and the rescue team provided people with water
and food and a place to go to for shelter temporally, one of the rescue crew
members found a body. Sir, I found a body approx. 20 yards from the shelter
site, Male Teenager, Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, wood impaled through his
chest, sir. The crew mate said. Ok, get the body bag, and take the body to
the morgue with the other victims. The lieutenant said. No, thats my son,
no, he cant be dead, no dont take him away from me. Dakotas mom said
sad and frightened to see his listless body. Codys dead, no, it cant be, he
saved us, and he paid the price for it. Rest in peace, best friend. Maria said
as the zipped the body up in a black bag and drove off with it. They then
placed the body in the morgue with the other victims, but what happens next
changes everything.
Its not your time yet..youre strongyoure
fearless..there is still hopethings can still be different
just believe in the voice that created still have a lot to patientall will be revealedwhen the time is
right..just remember Im right
here.watching.waiting.making sure you make the right
move.dont give upkeep fightingyour future is
bright. An unknown feminine voice inside my head begins to speak for an
unknown reason and without meaning.
What-is-is going.on. there
anyone there? Hello? I said afraid as I noticed the darkness surrounding me.
I tried to move only noticing I couldnt move but only a few inches, It was like
I was buried in my own coffin with limited air and limited space. As I become
more and more frustrated I began kick and kick, until finally, I slid out of my
dark compartment. Why is it so cold, and wh-, thats when I noticed the
other bodies in the room, like me but dead and disfigured. Then I
remembered the tornado, the memories suddenly flooded back to me like
morphine flowing through veins of blood. No, no, no, it cant be. I said
surprised to be alive. I looked to where the wood impaled me and not even a
single scar or wound remained. Dear God, what did you do? I was ready! I

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was ready! Why do I get a second chance? What is the meaning for this? I
said confused and bitter over my resurrection. That is when I decided to
accept and appreciate that I was still alive and return home and show my
friends and family this miracle. So as I left the hospital, the nurses and
doctors all started reacting in horror and shock as if they see a ghost and yell
Come back, but Im too busy finding my way back home.
As I leave the hospital, I see the devastation first-hand. The tornado
literally destroyed everything and I realized its going to take forever to
rebuild our town. The streets where flooded with debris from houses,
vehicles, and trees. It looked like a war zone. It had looked like as if someone
had detonated an atomic bomb. With this much destruction in my path I
would be lucky to find my way back home. Eventually after a while I did find
my way home and my presence shocked everyone.
Cody, it cant be, you died, and we all saw your dead body. Maria
said shocked and almost speechless. Bro, if you came back from the dead,
you are a true warrior, youre a samurai now. Hondro said shocked and
trying to make a joke. Everyone began to come back out of their house
talking about how could something like this ever happen, but it did, Im the
proof. Everyone welcomed me back and finally my mom came outside and
saw me. The instant she saw me she started crying, and thanking the Lord
for the blessing of my resurrection. You just love us too much dont you, you
just missed us too much didnt you that you just had to see us one more
time, you will always be my son and Ill always have to look out for you. I can
honestly say this is the greatest miracle I have ever seen. Everyone begin
to hug me and cheer for me as I begin to thank the Lord for giving me a
second chance at life, except this time, I will do what must be done.

1 Year Later..

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Chapter 3: Normal Routines

It had been a year since my resurrection. It was quite a curious
situation. People arent just supposed to come back to life. However maybe
there was a reason for it. Was I meant to do something, or was it luck, or am
I special? At first it made me popular and I had so many friends. However as
the year went by everyone began to forget about me. Slowly things returned
to normal, but not exactly. Things were starting to change. Everything I had
ever known was evolving, but I didnt know how.

Ring, Ring, Ring, goes the ever so annoying alarm, telling me that its
time to get up and get ready for school. No, not yetwhy cant I just stay
home and sleep in.. I grumbled. Today was a Tuesday, meaning that any
ROTC student, such as myself, has to wear their uniform for the weekly
inspection. So, as I forced myself to get out of bed, I slowly made my way to

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my closet to get my uniform out and I preceded to the bathroom to change

into the spiffy clothes. As I finished putting the uniform on, I reached to grab
the lint roller to get the dirt off, I kept grumbling about how much I hate
wearing the uniform. Ugh, I hate wearing these damn clothes I said to
myself. Well, Mom overheard me complaining and said, Youre forgetting
how proud you should be while wearing it, its a great honor to wear that
uniform as it embraces our country, plus, not only that, guys who wear
uniforms, usually get more girls, Mom said with a grin. Pshh, yeah right,
have you been around girls these days? Most of them have too many high
expectations that I could never meet, so what makes you think that I can
ever get a girl? I said doubtful. No, no, no..Youre getting it all wrong, not
every girl is like that. Some go by the way your personality is set up or just
from the good and nice things you do. So Im sure one day, you will find the
girl you were always meant to be with, remember Dakota, coincidence is
disaster, and fate is meant to be. Just dont confuse them and youll be fine.
Mom said trying to preach me to death.
Ok, Ok, I dont have time for this nonsense, Ugh, are you freaking
kidding me, I just shined these damn dress shoes last night. How the hell, did
they get mud on them? Well, Ill just have to shine them again. Mom, where
is the damn shoe polisher? I said frustrated with my OCD clearly showing.
Its behind the TV, and you shouldnt have gone to bed so late last night,
youre going to be a grump all day now, and I feel sorry for your friends.
Mom said seriously. Mom, its not my fault, I couldnt sleep last night. My
head.there were these flashes of light, that kept causing me to have
headaches, and when I did finally fall asleep, I had these nightmares where
our city was being torn apart by some sort of militia, and I saw the Bank of
America building explode, and there were tons of people trying to run away
from the raining debris, and I saw these soldiers march out and they started
murdering these families and their kids. It was horrifying. I said explaining
my nightmare in detail. You know I dont like you telling us about your
dreams, you know its bad luck to talk about them. Mom said worried.
Mom, its not like its actually going to happen, now is it? We live in a
country that has more protection and has evolved immensely more than any
other country in the worldaccept China and Japan though, but you get
the point. Mom, we live in the U.S. and most importantly we live in Topeka,
Kansas which is practically nothing compared to all those other cities out

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there. So if the war ever did come here, they would hit the big cities like
Dallas, NYC, Miami, L.A., Kansas City, etc. first. Ok, so lets get that shoe
shine. I said as I begun to shine my shoes the easy way by using an instant
shine sponge. You really believe were safe? Mom said very serious. No,
mom, we are not safe. Society has collapsed and we cant fix it no matter
what we do, the Government is constantly controlling us, I know this. Hard
times will come, but we just have to push through it, because that is what
teaches us how to live life, but for now we are safe, because I dont see any
tanks blowing up houses outside. Do you? I didnt think so. I said
expressively as I finished up shining my shoes.
There..mmmmmmm.I got the sexiest shoes on the block
now.Mr. Tocino coming through, I said proudly. Its not a big deal.
Mom said trying to ruin my vibe. Of course it is, I happen to like to have my
uniform nice, clean, and spiffy, I said compassionately about my uniform.
And you say that you wont get any girls. Mom said as a smartass. Mom,
for the last time, it has nothing to do with suit or my perception of myself,
its all about that good looking hunk of meat in the clothes, and I happen to
not like myself too well and Im ugly, there isnt any way the suit could
possibly fix my ugly ass up. I said loud and clear. Well, with that attitude
you diffidently wont get anyone. Mom said trying to tell me its best to use
my true colors. Well, I dont like anybody right now anyway. Im not trying to
get a girl, and do you still see any lint on my uniform? I said trying to change
the subject. No dear, youre all good and ready to go. Good luck on your
uniform inspection, and I hope you do well, with your history presentation.
Mom said proudly. Ok, thanks mom, bye. I said. Oh, and remember I get
my Money today, so if you want pizza tonight, then do well, you hear me?
Mom said. My mom always gets her money the 1st of each month from social
security since she is disabled, which actually still makes me worry, because
that money comes directly from the government, and its gotten to the point
that they are no longer trust worthy. They are the sly fox, sneaking around,
and they always get what they want, but today is October 1st, 2013 and well,
lets just say when mom offers me these bribes, it makes it a lot harder to
get through the day. Ok, mom, Ill try my best. I said as I opened the door
and begun my daily walk to my high school, Highland Park.
As I walked outside, I was met with the sudden surprise of a steady
rain fall, with the valiant lightning and solemn thunder whispering across the

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sky. I love the rain, but while wearing the uniform, you cant put a jacket over
it, and you have to deal with it as you walk, but it didnt bother me, it felt
peaceful. Oh rain, how I love the days you pick to fall upon these withering
grounds. I said as I was walking in the dark through the rain with the
lightning making an appearance ever so often and lighting the way. Believe it
or not, whether it be rainy, hot, cold, or gloomy, I love walking to school. It
gives me the time I need to think about life and such.
Today, I thought about the nightmares I had, and the troubling events
from my past. I didnt think long about them, because I felt so much peace
watching the wonderful acts of nature work around me. As I walked, I noticed
the rain dripping off the leaves of the tulips, and I watched the birds shake
the rain off their wings, and the most pleasant view was just watching the
lightning dance across the sky like the perfect acrobat. Sometimes, I hadnt
even realized that the thunder still existed, with the booming bass rolling
across the sky. However, today something changed, I could feel it, as if this is
a day to remember, a day where everything would change. As I continued to
walk, I felt more and more peace overwhelm me. I felt no fear, and all my
horrific memories seemed to drift away. While watching nature unfold around
me, it felt as if they were telling me a bedtime story, as I just wanted to fall
asleep as the sound of rain and thunder enveloped around me.
Beep, Beep, Beep, suddenly sounded the horn of a car trying to
make it way past me to drop off their kids. So I suddenly snapped out of the
trance I was in to realize I was standing in the middle of an intersection next
to my school with angry drivers honking at me and some even yelling at me
to get out of the road. So as I crossed the intersection to get to my school, I
started feeling warm drops rolling off my lips and landing on my hands. I
looked to see that it wasnt the rain, it was blood. It turns out my
nose started bleeding but why?
So, as I walked up the last few steps to my school, I rushed inside while
covering my nose with my hand to prevent any blood getting on the uniform.
I rushed into the bathroom where I washed the blood off my hands and my
face while watching the red water go down the drain. I sat there a few
minutes with a paper towel up to my nose to make sure it had stopped
bleeding. As soon as it stopped I washed my face once more, and as I stood
back up to leave the restroom, dizziness began to overwhelm me, and I

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grabbed the door handle to prevent myself from falling. As I opened the
door, I was suddenly overwhelmed with noise and the large amount of
stimuli coming from all around me, but I continued to try to make my way
down the stairs to go to the cafeteria, but my vision was blurred as my head
continued to pound like an abused drum.
As I finally made it to the door leading to the cafeteria, all the
symptoms suddenly stopped, like if it had never happened. Everything went
back to normal, and I called my mom to tell her that I just got to school, as
she expects me to do every morning, and after I ended the call with her I set
my phone to vibrate and I checked the time to see that it read 7:30, which
meant I still had 20 minutes left to eat breakfast and talk to some friends
before the bell rings.
As I walked into the cafeteria, I was overwhelmed with the smell of
melted cheese, sausage, pepperoni, and oregano. I instantly knew what was
for breakfast. It was breakfast pizza. The schools breakfast pizza was
probably the best meal option in my past thirteen years in the school
system. Im in the tenth grade now, and I never forget the people I meet or
the food I eat. Just thinking about it, made me want to run over there while
jumping over any table and flipping any chair out of the way that is in my
path, just so I can hurry up, get in line, then get my slice, and for the first
time in never, my head kept thinking about, Why is it rectangular instead of
the classic triangular slice? Oh well. Then my drifted spirit journey through
food land came to a tragic end when my friend called me from behind.
Hey, Bacon, so, today we have another uniform inspection. So are you
ready? Im ready, but your probably like, we never get a break, huh? Watson
said proud of his uniform. Yeah, your right, it seems like we never get a day
off, but then I would be wrong wouldnt I? We only have to wear these damn
things once a week, so I guess we have some form of a break. I said with
realization. Hey, you smell that? Thats breakfast pizza. Or they have the
other option, Eggs and Bacon. So, if your last names bacon, then why
havent I ever seen you eat bacon? Watson said with a grin. Well, I prefer
Breakfast Pizza, so you coming? I asked while trying to change the subject.
Sure, lets go, Mr. Tocino. Watson said laughing.
Hmmmm.It still feels like everyone has gotten used to either calling
me Bacon or Tocino. For the past several years Ive gone by the nickname

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Cody, but Ive decided to start going by my real name, Dakota Bacon.
However, once people find out that my last name is Bacon, they go all crazy
and think Im cool, but Im not, whether thats the self-esteem talking or not.
So everyone likes calling me Bacon now, and lets just say, it has actually
grown on me. However, some of the Spanish speakers will call me Tocino,
which is Spanish for Bacon, and to me, Tocino sounds really cool, so thats
like my favorite nickname.
So, my friend here and I would both like the breakfast pizza, Maam. I
told the server nicely. Here you boys go, dont eat it too fast. Its still hot!
The server said while handing Watson and I the mouthwatering entre.
Thank You! Watson and I said back to the server. So as we checked out our
breakfast, I saw our friends walking in, still wet from the rain. Hey, look
whos here late. I told Watson with a grin. Damn, they almost look as
soaked as you, Bacon. Watson said surprised. Well, I have to walk to
school, and they ride the bus, but either way its down pouring out there, of
course, were going to get soaked. I just hope my uniform dries before the
inspection in 2nd hour. I explained to Watson. Dont worry, Sgt. Adams isnt
here today. Major Kind is always nicer about it anyways. Watson said. Yeah,
youre right, Ok, so lets go sit with them. I told Watson as we were still
hungrily awaiting that first bite into our breakfast.
Hey guys, I said as Watson and I approached the table where our
friends were sitting. Hey, most of them said back. At the table were some
very close friends. Emily, the semi-goth white girl that loves listening to
Black Veil Brides and Blood on the Dance Floor while drinking her favorite
beverage, Monster energy drinks, which I also love (the drinks anyway). Next
was Andres, a close friend of Emilys, whose glasses refuses to break and I
feel sorry for the torture that his girlfriend always puts him through, except I
never really took the time to see what kinds of things he liked, but he is one
of the few class clowns we have, and sometimes, hell do these endurance
tests with one another to see who can take more pain, plus we always love
cracking yo mommas jokes with each other and some other things. That
leads me to the next person, Josh, the Nintendo and food loving mixed kid
who is always one of Andres test subjects per say, but Josh is the kind of
person that can tolerate a lot, but sometimes I feel sorry for him letting
people take advantage of him. Then, we have Michael, who is the super
skinny, tall, mixed kid, who is also a really good class clown and a good

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person to crack jokes with, except with Michael, he has a passion with Xbox
and is constantly trying to prove that it is better than PlayStation. Lastly, we
have Elijah, the huge, but skinny white kid, that I like to call the giant, except
he doesnt talk a lot, but he sure eats a lot, plus he is forced to play on
Highland Parks football team, which is absolutely horrible, but I think they
would do better if they let me play. I love football, and Im good at it,
however a few years ago I was hit by a car that left me with a concussion,
rendering me unable to participate in most sports.
So, why do you guys look like you each took a shower in the rain? I
thought you guys rode the bus. I asked my friends. The bus broke down a
few blocks back, and we all had to walk the rest of the way. The lucky kids
that are still at the station wont be able to come today. Emily said wishing
that she was one of the lucky ones. Well, that sucks. Watson said. Wow,
look at you Andres, you look like Pikachu. I said laughing as I noticed his
yellow hair. Hey, I tried bleaching my hair last night, its not my fault it
didnt go as expected. Andres said embarrassed while rubbing his head and
placing his hoodie over it. Omg, hes right. All you need is those two little
red dots on the sides of your chubby cheeks and you will for sure! Emily
said laughing. Mmmmm.this breakfast pizza is so delicious. Im in love!
I said as I took my first bite out of my rectangular pizza. Ha, you cant love
your food. Michael said. Sssshhhhdont disturb him, if he wants to
make out with his imaginary girlfriend, then let him. Emily said seriously.
Hey, now! It may not be my girlfriend, but who wouldnt make out with this
delicious food, honestly? I said back.
Well, guess what guys, since my dad works for Sony I got an early PS4
with a copy of Call of Duty: Ghosts yesterday! Watson bragged trying to
make us all feel like we had nothing in my opinion. Really, the PS4 doesnt
come out for another month and a half, thats amazing. Good for you,
Watson. I said jealous because I didnt have one and I probably would not
get one. Really, you got to invite me over, Watson. I love playing Call of
Duty, especially the Zombies mode on Black Ops 1 and 2. I can play them all
day while listening to my favorite bands. Emily said excited. Well, my dad
got an early Xbox One through his contract deals as a game developer and
he also has Ghosts for it. Michael bragged as well. So, the PS4 is so much
better than the Xbox One. Watson said. Ha, my ass it is. Michael said
trying to prove himself. Hes right you know. The PS4 is much better. The

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PS4 has a slightly more powerful processor, has 8 GBs of GDDR5 RAM, while
the Xbox One has 8 GBs of slower DDR3 RAM. Not only that, the Xbox One
requires you to have a gold membership even just to use simple things like
YouTube or Netflix, while the PlayStation doesnt require the Plus
membership, but at least, if you do have a PS Plus membership it not only is
cheaper than Xboxs Gold service, but Plus offers free games every month
along with it. Furthermore, next summer Sony is introducing a streaming
service to offer select PS3 titles to be streamed directly to the PS4 and within
a couple years after that, Sony hopes to eventually have every PS One, PS2,
and PS3 game all playable on the PS4. So, how can Xbox possibly top that? I
said while activating my inner nerd. Damn, I wasnt expecting that. Andres
said sitting next to a stunned Emily and Michael, while Watson felt proud
having the better system. Lets just say, technology is a passion of mine. I
said as the bell went off. See you guys at lunch. I said as I walked back into
the rain to go to my next class.
Man, its starting to get cold out there, I love the rain and the cold,
and I just dont want to get sick, while wearing this wet uniform. I said as I
entered my Earth and Space Science class. Oh, come on, is it really that
bad. I enjoy it. Im going out of town with my wife tonight, and were going to
be filming the bad weather we are supposed to be getting, but itll go away
eventually. Mr. Smith said positively. Yeah, probably in several months from
now, this weather is so crazy, but well, thats Kansas weather for you. I said
back skeptically. Well, its cold outside, and the storms are supposed to get
worse throughout the day, theyve even issued us a tornado watch until 3
a.m. in the morning. Mr. Smith said with a hint of excitement. Well, its the
1st of October. How bad can the weather really get? I said still skeptical.
Well, like you said, its Kansas weather, completely unpredictable.
Remember we will be learning about meteorology later this year, right? Mr.
Smith said making sure that I had paid attention. Yeah, of course, Ive been
looking forward to it. I said. The rest of the class period went by rather
quickly. This was always the easiest class. Actually, all of the classes were
rather easy for being in the 10th grade. The only class I have a problem with
is Geometry, which is my 5th hour class right before lunch. I nearly fell asleep
during the last few minutes of 1st hour but then I decided to draw on the back
of my paper, but as I attempted to reach for my pencil, it moved away from
me as two same ends of a magnet repel each other. I attempted to reach it

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again, but once again it moved. This time, I thought it was just that there
was a string around it I couldnt see, and that it was a prank. Hey, Nick, are
you trying to fool me? I asked Nick anxiously. Well, why would I do that,
April Fools is several months away still. Nick said like a smartass. Im not
stupid or blind, my pencil keeps moving away from me. I said back. What
are you talking about? Im not doing anything. Nick said seriously. Well, it
cant move on its own. I said frustrated. Well, maybe your head is just
playing tricks on you. Nick said serious. Fine, I said. I went to pick up my
pencil and once again it moved. You see? It keeps happening! I said now
really frustrated. I didnt see anything. Nick said. Really, then watch. I
said agitated. Ok, whatever. Nick grumbled. As I reached for my pencil
once again, it rolled gradually as I reached it, like bug spray repelling a
mosquito. Wow, you were serious. How the hell did you do that? Nick said
shocked. I dont know, this never happened before. I said shocked as well.
Well, Ill see you at lunch, Nick said as the bell rang. Ok, see you later, I
said back.
Good Morning, Major Kind. I said as I walked into my ROTC class.
Good morning, Mr. Bacon. Are you ready for the uniform inspection this
morning? Major Kind asked seriously. Of course, Sir. Im always ready. I
said back. I like your spirit, Dakota. Keep that up, and youll never fail this
class. Major Kind said happily. Thank You, Sir. Oh, and sir, wheres Sgt.
Adams? I asked curiously. Well, I dont know. He hasnt showed up, and he
hasnt called in sick or anything. Im even starting to worry, thats a good
question, Dakota. Major Kind said worried. Come on, Adams is a beast.
Nothing can happen to him. Abraham said as he entered the room. Wait,
whats going on with Sgt. Adams? Wayne asked. Well, he hasnt called in
sick and he hasnt sho-, Hey, baby. Wayne interrupted me as he saw his
girlfriend, Meresa walk into the room. Hey, Wayne. Hows my chocolate bar
doing? Meresa said to Wayne. Oh, I think Im melting in the presence of
your beautiful goddess body. Wayne said back to Meresa. Oh, how sweet of
you. Meresa said back to Wayne as she kissed him. Ugh, no PDA in the
class room. Abraham said while pointing his finger down his mouth. Dont
worry, I heard you, Bacon. Wayne said.
Ok, class, lets get started. Watson said as he is this weeks class
starter. Ok, class. Let stand for the pledge of allegiance. Watson told the
class. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to

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the republic for which it stands. One nation, under God, indivisible, with
liberty and justice for all. We all said together in the daily speech to
recognize our country. Ok, so next up is the Star Spangled Banner. Watson
said as the slides started rolling with the lyrics to our nations anthem. We all
sang together, some singing seriously and others messing it up. Some of us
laughed and chuckled as we sang, but it was a very serious song to sing as
our nation is very important. Ok, you may be seated. Watson said. Good
job, Mr. Samuelson. Ill take it from here. Major Kind told Watson. Thank
You, Sir. Watson said back to Major Kind.
Ok, class. Its time for your weekly uniform inspections. Please line up
in alphabetical order. Major Kind told the class. We then preceded to line up,
with me now first in line with my last name first on the list. As I tried standing
still as Major Kind prepared to start the inspection, I suddenly felt
overwhelmed with dizziness and nausea. I felt like collapsing to the floor, and
I started having flashes of an explosion in my head, but I did my best to
stand up. Is something wrong, Mr. Bacon? Major Kind asked. No, sir. I said
back. Okay, you ready for the inspection. He continued. Yes, sir. I said. As
he started my inspection a ringing noise came from behind us. It came from
the computers speaker indicating Major had gotten an email. Ok, class. Let
me check this email real quick. Major Kind told us.
As Major Kind read the email and opened the link attached, I could see
the horror fill his face while watching the video. Then, the rest of began to fill
with horror as well. The video showed a car driving down the street. As the
car traveled through downtown, lightning struck the vehicle. The vehicle
flipped and twirled through the air and it proceeded to explode on impact.
The man in the vehicle died instantly. His name was Fernando Adams, our
secondary ROTC commander. He hadnt called in sick or showed up because
he had died and none of us had known.
Ok..class. Uniform inspections are canceled. You may be seated and
you may continue to talk to each other the remainder of class time. I have
some calls to make. Major Kind said seriously with a sad face. Omg, Sgt.
Adams is..dead? Wayne was the first to speak. I cant believe it, and all
the mean things I used to say to him. Im sorry Sgt. Adams. Abraham said in
disbelief. No. He was a great teacher. He was my mentor. Watson said
depressed. Man, he was funny too. He always had great jokes. Meresa said.

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I sat down in disbelief. I was shocked to the core. Somehow it felt like I
remembered him dying or I knew he would. Was it true? Could my
nightmares be premonitions? No, it cant be. I just couldnt understand what
was happening. As, I sat down and decided to write a memorial for Sgt.
Adams, not only my pencil, but my note book as well moved. My mind was
confused. People cant have powers. Telekinesis isnt real, but could it be? As
everyone else was mourning, I continued to sit in confusion until the bell
rang. The rest of the day was just beginning to unfold
Its 3rd hour now. I was in Spanish class. I was so upset, dizzy and
nauseous I decided to sleep the entire hour. As I tried to sleep, the class
room kept getting calls informing them of Adams horrific death. Then, as I
woke up the last few minutes of 3rd hour, Mr. Toledo told us to start working
on some form of a memorial project in honor of Sgt. Adams. I knew what I
was going to do, but I couldnt help but feel relief when the bell rang once
more. It was time to go to history, and present the speech Ive been working
on for 3 weeks now.
Hey, Mr. Haberkorn. I said as I walked into my 4th hour history class.
Good morning, Im glad to see that your one of the few kids that are hear
considering the bus breaking down this morning. Mr. Haberkorn said with
relief. Oh, I dont ride the bus. I have to walk to school. I said. Oh, Im
sorry to hear that, you must of hated walking in the rain. Mr. Haberkorn
said. No, actually I felt relaxed while walking this morning, it was great. I
said leaving out the part with the nosebleed. So, you have your speech
ready to present? He asked. Of course, its great, and its a surprise. I said
excited forgetting about Sgt. Adams. Great, cant wait to hear it. He said. I
dont really know most of the kids in my history class, but it was still my
favorite. As I waited for my turn to present my speech, my mind began to
spiral. Visions out of nowhere started to overwhelm me. Then, I heard my
name. It was time for my speech. Hey, everyone. Today my speech is on the
subject of the NSA and Edward Snowden, and the true hero he actually is.
The name of it is, Our False Government I told the class. Ok, Dakota, feel
free to start your speech. Mr. Haberkorn said.
Ive realized the importance of our freedom today. I've realized that
last year when Edward Snowden leaked out everything about the NSA, he
became a hero. Our government is not who they say or what they say they

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are. Our government and its media has created false heroes, so who can we
really trust? Our Government was founded on the principle of Democracy
and a true freedom. However, today is our freedom really free, do we
actually have any rights. The Government is abusing its power and is no
longer trustworthy. The Government has been spying on us, watching our
every move, they know who we are and what we do when we do it. We have
all been compromised and our freedom no longer truly exists, and let me tell
you why. Last year, Edward Snowden revealed to the world that the USA's
National Security Agency has been spying on us and watching our every
move, and now we have the proof. Every phone conservation, every text
message we send, every website we visit, and even when we walk outside, it
is all recorded and analyzed by the NSA. It doesn't matter who you are or
where you are, whenever you send a message to a boyfriend or girlfriend, or
talking on the phone with mom, or going on YouTube to watch a music video,
they know exactly what youre saying and they have files with our names on
them. Even the cameras on our laptops and phones will be recording you
without you even knowing it, and anything you type on google, or any
website you visit will all be sent to the NSA. The NSA also takes advantage of
our satellites and they know when you go to the store or when you go to
school. The NSA has also pretended to be Facebook, Google, and many
others in the past and when you go on the NSA's servers, they fill your
computer or phone with malware that records everything on your device. So
do you really believe you are safe even in your own house? Think about it....
Like how do they know where to find us when we murder somebody, or steal
something? It's because the NSA has access to every camera, every
computer, every phone, every satellite, and they are always watching us,
and they always know who we are! They even have access to our finger
prints and our DNA, because the hospital takes your DNA when youre born
and saves it in your file and sends it to the NSA, and you want to know
something even freakier? The NSA can even predict who you are going to
marry, or the TV show youre going to watch that day because they're able to
make these predictions based off the things they know and record about us!
The government has abused the Constitution and some argue that it is no
longer a valid democracy. The government is our enemy and they can't be
trusted. Keeping something like this a secret, and even if they told us from
the beginning I don't think anyone would've approved. Technology is a
weapon they are just starting to understand.... When the first computer was

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made decades ago it marked the beginning of a lie and the start of the most
traitorous act ever conceived by our government. The government has
abused our knowledge and turned it against us. The future of our society,
internet and technology all relies on the policies of our government, but will
we let them control us? Will we let them take advantage of us? The answer is
no, because together we can take a stand against our government, and we
can fight for our freedom and our rights, and this will be the greatest battle
to ever erupt through our society, but we will not let our government
overtake us, and we will push through the flames, we will set our boundaries,
and together United we will win.......... Concluded my Speech.
Great job, Dakota. Mr. Haberkorn said as the rest of the class
applauded. Thank You, everyone for listening. I said as I bowed and headed
back to my seat. As I walked towards my seat, my vision started to blur. As
my vision refocused I found myself walking into Geometry class. I dont know
what just happened, but it just did, and here I am in my 5th Hour class,
Geometry. The last class before lunch.
Hey Dakota. Emily said. What happened? Did the bell ring? I asked
nervously. Yeah, it rang ten minutes ago. Why? Emily asked. No reason. I
said anxiously. Well, both you and Michael are late. Emily explained. Okay,
sorry, Im just confused. I said. I heard that Sgt. Adams died, is that right?
It doesnt bother me, because he always treated the rest of us like an ass.
Emily said grateful. Well, part of me would say the same, and the rest of me
is socked in how he died. I said. Well, whats so shocking about his car
getting zapped by lightning and blowing up? Ha, get it? Shocking. Michael
said as he sat at our table. Ha, that was good pun Michael, but still a bit
rude. Emily said. Oh no. I completely forgot that we have the Quest to take
today. I said in a panic as I saw it written on the board. Its okay. It
shouldnt be hard. Emily said laughing. Says the one that only has a six
percent grade on their PowerSchool account. Michael said. Shut up, at least
I try. Emily said with a smile. Well, Im constantly trying my best but I still
only have forty seven percent. I said worried. Well, thats what good about
these Quests. If you try your best and pass them, its an easy way to raise
your grade. Ms. Gress said as she begun passing out the quests.
See this is why Im horrible in Geometry. Once a week we take this
little test that has only five questions on it and you have to get at least four

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questions right to pass it. They call it an I-Can. Except, the first time you pass
the I-Can, you only get one point out of 10, and you get the other nine points
when you pass it the 2nd time. Thats what the Quests are for. We do one ICan per week for one month, then at the end of the month we have the
quest which is practically taking all four I-Cans for the month a 2nd time. All
the questions are the same, so it should be easy, right? Not. Since we do not
get graded on homework or other class projects, that means we only get
graded on the I-Cans and Quests, but the bad thing about that is that we
have about twenty I-Cans per semester, and just failing one can drop your
grade substantially. The I-Can system is pointless and stupid, but we must
Ok, class. Please move your desks at least 2 feet away from each
other and do not talk during the test. Ms. Gress told the class. After, I
moved my desk away, I looked at the gloomy gray packet on my desk in fear.
I began to open the packet, and instantly the questions looked like a foreign
language. I tried to answer them, but after going through a large portion of
frustration, I gave up. I sat there moving my pencil without touching it, as
that was my new and only way to fight off boredom. As I moved my pencil
around, my mind instantly went back to confusion mode. My memories
began to rush into my head, some were photographic memories of the things
I learned. As I traveled around inside my mind, I found the answers to my
questions. I went back to the questions in my packet, and as I looked at the
questions, the answers instantly started popping up in my head. As I used
my head to answer these questions my vision began to blur once more, with
my head pounding, my heart racing, and my hands shaking. Suddenly,
books, pencils, and packets of paper started twirling around the room out of
nowhere. People were screaming. Then it got worse. The desks started
flipping over, people began to cry in fear thinking that there were ghosts or
some other form of a paranormal entity there, then finally Ms. Gress slipped
and fell on her face. She stood up and her nose was broken and started
pouring out blood. Then, the infrastructure of the classroom began to cave in
with the walls crumbling. Then, my head went back to normal and everything
stopped when the bell rang. Did I just do this? Whats happening to my
body? How do I control it?
As I walked out of the classroom on my way to lunch I ran into Nick.
Hey, did you just do that in there? Nick asked in fear. I think so, but I dont

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know how. I said panicking. Can you control whatever this is yet? Nick
said. No, I dont know what the hell is happening to me. It started when my
head started giving me the answers to my Geometry problems. I said.
Wow, man. Whatever is happening to you I wish it would happen to me.
Nick said jealous as we walked outside in the rain towards the cafeteria.
Trust me, whatever this is, you dont want it! I warned Nick. Wow, they are
so stupid. Nick said as we noticed a truck with a crane carrying tools and
supplies to workers on the roof to work on the cafeteria. Well, that is stupid.
Sgt. Adams got struck by lightning, and theyll probably be next. I said
seriously. Yeah, plus theyre welding up there with those propane tanks,
yeah, thats not good. Nick said smiling. Well, you want be smiling if those
things explode. I said seriously. Ok, lets just go get lunch, and were going
to show our friends the cool tricks you can do know with those powers of
yours. Nick said excitingly. Powers? I dont know what this is, and I dont
know how to control it. I said nervously.
Nick and I proceeded to get lunch and we sat down with the same
friends from breakfast this morning. Breakfast pizza and cheeseburgers on
the same day. This is amazing. I said as I sat down at the table. Yeah.its
great. Watson said with his mouth full. Omg, Tocino. Did you see what
happened to Ms. Gress? Meresa said as she walked with Wayne towards our
table. Yeah, everything just started flying around, and the walls started
crumbling, and Ms. Gress fell and broke her nose. Emily said with
excitement. Yeah, how did all that happen? Josh said stuffing his face with
an overloaded burger. Hey are you going to eat your burger or not? Elijah
said to Andres as he was not eating yet. Of course, I am, right now were
talking about more important stuff. Andres said. Maybe it was Sgt. Adams
ghost trying to torment us? Watson said with fear. Yeah, Sgt. Adams is
going to be an asshole even when hes dead. Andres said. No, my friends.
We have something to tell you. Show them Tocino. Nick said. Yeah, show
us. Everyone said. Alright, I dont know how, but I can do things. I said.
Like what? Abraham said. Ok, guys watch. I said as Nick was grinning.
I concentrated hard for the first time, and everything began to come
clearer, then my body surged with energy. I focused on my bottle of
chocolate milk and it began to float in the air, then slowly I twisted the lid off
with my mind. I then brought the bottle close to me and I drank from the
floating pint of milk. Wow, how did you do that? Michael asked. I dont

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know, it is starting to become controllable but I dont know. I said. So, we

know he has two powers so far. The ability to manipulate objects with his
mind and is also able to answer any question to any subject. Cool. Lets see
what else you can do. Nick said excited. Well, this could be dangerous, you
really want too? I said worried. Yes. The group said.
Ok, I got one to try. Meresa said. Ok, what is it. I asked. Try to
listen to the things outside. Meresa said happily. Ok, let me concentrate. I
said. As I concentrated I was able to focus my hearing on the outside world.
I can hear each individual rain drop bounce off the ground and windows. I
can hear birds chirping in the distance, they are just baby chicks, and the
mother is trying to feed them. I can hear the leaves in the air colliding with
one another. I can hear the lightning striking in the distance with the boom of
the thunder echoing for miles all around, its getting closer and closer. Oh
no. I said with recognition. What. They asked. We have to get out of here.
Go, hurry. I said to the group in a panic. As we tried to run outside,
everything switched to slow motion. I looked up to the sky and I watched the
lighting circuit slowly from cloud to cloud and finally striking the men on the
roof. I saw the propane slowly flash in a small ball of flame before igniting
into a huge ball of flame.
Pop, Pop, Boom! Was the sound of the exploding tanks of gas on the
roof. The explosion was so powerful we all fell on the ground as the roof of
the cafeteria caved in and went up in flames. Aaahhh, dammit Tocino! You
said it, and it happened. Nick said trying to recover only to find his leg
pierced with a side of a brick. Hey, dont put this on me. I said furious.
Those people are dying now. Michael said while listening to the screams of
horror and pain coming from inside. No, they are not. Im going in there and
I will save them. Oh and call 911! I said wanting to do the right thing.
I marched toward the cafeteria door, and as I opened it I was slapped
with the toxicity of black smoke and immense heat. I walked inside, only to
find bodies torn apart and scattered everywhere. The tables were now mere
splitters on the ground, with paper, book bags, and clothing turning into ash.
The flames continued to surround me as I covered my face to prevent
breathing in the toxic smoke. I walked through the burning embers in my
ROTC uniform, trying to find survivors. Then I heard screams coming from the
back where they serve the food. I rushed over there to find two women and a

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guy who was impaled in the ribs with a broomstick. Sir, can you hear me.
Are you alright? I asked the man. Yeah.ju-just ple-ple-please get me outoutta here, I don-dont wanna die alone man. He said. Sir, youre not going
to die. I picked up the injured man, and the two unconscious women, and
forced my strength to its highest capacity as I placed them on my shoulders.
The flames grew higher with the building beginning to collapse on top of me.
I had no choice but to march through the flames, and I felt my skin burning
as I pushed for the door. The bottom of my suit went up in flames and my
legs began to scorch and burn. The pain was excruciating and I nearly fell,
but I made it to the door.
As I rushed out the door, my uniform was leaking out rich, dark, black
smoke, with my shoes and pants in flames. I ran towards the ambulance and
set down the 2 women and the guy. The people began to cheer and say I was
hero, then they asked if I needed help. I declined and continued to run
through the safe building, and I was in immersive pain. My head pounded,
and I started seeing bright flashes of light, then my vision blurred as I ran
towards the stairs. My nose started pouring out blood from both sides, and
my clothes became drenched in my own blood. Then, as I walked down the
stairs I collapsed from my own suffering, and as I landed on the bottom of
the stairs, I fell unconscious from the shock I absorbed form the pain and
tragedy of today. As I lay on those steps close to death, my uniform
continued to smoke and fall apart from the fire I walked through.
About thirty minutes later, I woke up in an ambulance in front of the
school. What happened? I asked. Well, where can we start? You ran into
the cafeteria and saved 3 people. So youre a hero. The freaky part about it is
you walked through the flames and burnt your entire body. Only now, all your
injuries are gone as if they never happened. The ambulance nurse said
shocked. What, how can that happen? I asked surprised. Well, thats on
you kid, Ive never seen a miracle like this before. Well, you free to go now.
The nurse said. As I left the ambulance all my friends rushed up to hug me
and congratulate me. Asking how I did what I did, but I dont know how. We
were able to leave school early today because of the accident, and I was in
shock from the whole day.
As I walked home in the rain, I carried with me my burnt uniform, but
my skin wasnt burned at all. Today, one of my teachers died and I did things

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that are supposed to be impossible. I kept walking and thinking as the rain
continued to roll down my face, but sometimes I didnt know if it was the rain
or if I was crying, because the shock was huge. As I got closer to home, I
realized I couldnt tell my parents about my abilities. I didnt want to put
them in danger. The horrifying events from today continued to race in my
mind, and I kept seeing these bright streaks that pounded inside my head
each time. I began to get frustrated with trying to figure out who I was and
what I was when suddenly, I swept my hand in anger, and a streak of
lightning eased from the types of my fingers into the house in front of me.
Instantly, the house blew up and went up in flames. I then ran and hid trying
to tell myself I did not just do that and possibly hurt more people. Then, I
realized that if I can shoot lighting from my fingers, then could have been me
that caused everything today? Could it really have been me? Powers are not
supposed to be real! Why do I have powers? Is this a nightmare or a dream?
Am I going crazy? Is this actually happening? I finally pushed my head to its
limits, and my nose gushed out blood once more, and as I continued my
final, dizzy, bloody, blurred steps up to my house I began to ask myself, Who
am I?

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Chapter 4: Who Am I?
We all have moments in life where we question everything. Things
from like, How do I add two plus two? Or even complicated things like,
Who am I going to marry in the future? We all have questions we want
answers to. I have special abilities now, and I have no idea how to control
them, but Im going to try to learn to use them the best I can. However,
when the situation arises what do you do? How do you save somebody?
Everything I had ever learned about life was finally about to change.
As I walked through the brisk rain to my front door, I couldnt help but
stumble and fall onto the door. As I tried to twist and turn the knob, my
bloody hands from my nose smeared bright red body paint all over our silver
door opener. My mom must have heard my fumbling as she suddenly opened
the door with me nearly falling on the floor. Are you alright? You got blood all
over you. Mom said anxiously. Its nothing Mom; I just had a small
nosebleed on the way home thats all. I said trying to be as secretive as
possible to avoid putting them in danger of something I dont know how to
control yet. Then, wheres your suit, where is it, and why are you wearing
clothes that do not belong to you? Huh? Mom said trying to push me further
to the truth. Ok, there were a few incidents at school today. Sgt. Adams had
a serious accident in downtown today, where his car exploded following a
rollover accident and there was fire at my school. My suit got burned
because I tried rescuing some people. I said in a partial truth statement.
Now, Im not sure if I can believe that. You really expect me to believe that
your second in command ROTC commander just dies out of nowhere and

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your school cafeteria goes up in flames? Plus if your suit got burned, wheres
the proof and where are the burns on your body? Mom said believing my
truth to be lies. You dont believe me then watch the news tonight, it will
show it, trust me, today has been a stranger day then you will ever believe,
even if I did tell you. Plus here, you want to see my burnt suit, Ill show you.
I said back trying to prove to my mom that I was being truthful while I begin
pulling my suit from my backpack. As I pulled out my long, navy blue, ROTC
suit full of burn holes and scorch marks, I began to see my moms face
change. How? My mom said surprised looking at my skin. I dont know, I
guess its another one of Gods miracles, like you keep calling it, but trust
me, if you were living my life, I wouldnt be calling it a miracle. I said still
continuing to leave out the part about my powers or special abilities. Cody,
you have to trust what happens. Everything happens for a reason. There is a
special purpose for everyone on this world. If God chooses to bless you, than
let him. Mom said trying to appreciate the good in life while we still have
the chance. Then you tell me somebody else you know in person that has
died and came back to life, why me, Im not special, Im not a genius, Im not
the best looking, Im not perfect. So, why me? Who am I? I said frustrated
with not knowing the solutions to my unexplained problems and
phenomenons. Give it time, it takes patience. Mom said trying to teach me
one of lifes most important values. I dont have time for patience, Im going
to bed, and Im going to pretend that none of this ever happened! I said
As I lay down to take a nap, my restless mind continued to keep me
awake. I kept seeing my past over and over again, including the times with
past bullies that used to beat on me and spit on me, call me names and take
advantage of me. Then I couldnt help but remember the troubling times in
my life I went without a father or a brother. I remember the stories my mom
told me about how my father abandoned us when I was just a newborn, how
he never wanted a child, and wanted nothing to do with me. Then, that made
me remember when I was almost a month away from being six years old,
and I was in the hospital with mono. I was there for nearly a week. The last
day I was in the hospital, I spoke to my father for the first time, where he told
me and promised me he would see me the next summer. However, I waited
and I waited, but he never came. It made me more depressed and angry on
the inside as each summer passed by. However, it helped me think of the

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happy, good thoughts where I met my new friends such as Maria for the first
time. After we moved here to 28th and Kentucky, my life has been great. My
friends are great, and I hope nothing comes between us. However, when I
met Maria for the first time, I was shy of course because I didnt know her,
but I instantly knew were meant to be best friends. Shortly after I met her, I
helped her fix her bike, and thats how I met her dad. Marias dad, Miguel
thanked me for helping her fix her bike, and then he left to go to work.
However as time passed, Marias mom and dad have taken me in as their
own family in a way. They taught me their language, their culture, and more.
It was Miguel that finally filled that empty void in me for so long of not
having a father. I loved Maria and her family; they help me complete the
circle I always wanted to complete. However, as I try to dream of things I
want to dream about, my mind is suddenly flooded with visions of
destruction and horror once again. I can see the capitol of Topeka collapsing,
with people running in every direction. Planes flying overhead dropping
bombs on innocent targets, and finally, I see a world obliterated with only me
left standing to watch the innocents die.
NO! I shouted in my bed, full of panic and fear. I rushed out of bed, I
raced to bathroom. I turned on the sink, and I splashed my face by cold
water. However as I rose by dripping wet face, blood slowly began to seep
from the sides of my nose. I tried to wash away the blood, but it just
continued to flow. I stepped back and looked in the mirror. My shaver,
toothpaste, and deodorant immediately flew off the bathroom sink and
stopped in midair and started spiraling. I begin to panic, because I still did
not know how to control my newfound abilities or what new abilities may be
next. So I just continued to pretend none of it was real, so I closed my eyes,
and starting saying to myself, What am I? Who the hell am I? And then, I
opened my eyes.
I was startled to find myself outside in the middle of night in the cold
rain. My shaver, toothpaste and deodorant were on the ground. I finally
decided that it was time to see what I can really do, so I can get these power
fluxes under control. Okay, time to see what I got. I said to myself. The
nearby dumpster was an easy first target for me with my telekinesis, as I
already know I have that ability. Its just time to master it. Okay, focus and
lift, should be simple, easy, right, I hope. I said trying to motivate myself. As
I focused on the dumpster I put all my force into it and it didnt budge one

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bit. I focused harder and harder, letting go of my past as I moved forward,

slowly making it budge more and more. Finally I concentrated and focused
solely on that one object and as I did I finally lift it high into the air and I
gently placed it back down. Ok, next up, brain computing, this should be
fun. Since I had no problems to work with, I saw a basketball nearby and
used my telekinesis to bring it to me. What Im going to try to do is use my
head to calculate a perfect trajectory for the ball to make it through the
basket over and over again. As I began to focus harder this time I saw the
angles and formulas pop up into my head and when I shot the ball, my body
made the basket, as I continued, it became easier and the shots improved.
Then, eventually I had another idea, to run and jump on top of the building.
As I began to run, I used a combination of my brain computing and the
telekinesis to power my movements, and with that I was able to leap from
the ground onto the roof of the school and jumping back down was no
problem. I ran and leaped over objects in my path, I used my increased
strength to knock things out of my way. Then, finally it all came together, I
leaped into the air and focused completely and using my super hearing and
slo-mo, I was able to have lighting strike though my body, giving me
immense power and also pain, but I was able to redirect the lightning back
into the sky. Then, finally, my body decided to give out on me, and my body
plummeted to the ground, as I rose up against the rain, I could feel the
weakness in my body, but I could also recognize the greater potential of
these powers. This is going to come in handy. I said to myself as I reopened
the door to find my mom standing there. What the hell you think youre
doing outside in the middle of the night, and why do you have a razor,
deodorant, and toothpaste with you? Mom said angrily. I couldnt sleep, so I
decided to take a shower in the rain, but dont worry, I did it where nobody
could see. I said trying to cover up the truth. Nobody takes showers in the
rain, so why were you outside? Mom said skeptically. I couldnt sleep so I
thought the rain might relax me, do you really have to worry about me all
the time. I said frustrated Yes, Im your mother. Im the one that has to
worry. Mom said calmly. Then, dont worry about me anymore, I can take
care of myself. I said as I went on to change out of my wet clothes and went
off to bed.

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Chapter 5: Consequences
Fire. Smoke. Devastation. Screams of horror and panic coming from all
directions as the buildings fall all around me. Panes of glass shattering like
waves of water crashing on the sea shore. Tangled wreckage everywhere and
debris raining down like a brilliant meteor shower. The whim and hum of the
planes engines could still be heard, and they were combing back for another
bomb run. This time they were heading for our capitol building and before
my eyes I could see a flash followed by the collapse of the Bank of America
building and the capitol building nearby. The crowds of people were all
rushing away from the devastation trying to outrun another attack, it was in
the late evening with sun setting peacefully while a war was raging
everywhere else, I saw my body lying on the ground bleeding out, near death
and suddenly the ground started to fade as the dream steadily collapsed and
reality began to come alive again. My alarm was telling me to get up.
As I hit the snooze button, I rolled out of bed and realized that my
dreams of the upcoming world war III were coming back. As I managed to
wake up, I once again saw a drop of red fluid splash onto the ground. I raced
to the bathroom and washed my face to stop another nosebleed. As I lift my
head, I noticed the water droplets rolling off my face in slow motion and as I
looked in the mirror I could feel all my new energy and I realized starting
today, things are going to go my way, and if anyone has a problem with me
at school, then they are going to be messing with the wrong kid today. For I,
have powers.
Ok, so maybe I was feeling a little too special about myself today. As, I
got ready for school I couldnt help but smile like this is going to be the best

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day of my life. It was only 6:02 in the morning, but I was so excited to get to
school today. Whats up with you? Mom said stunned to see me already out
of bed and ready to go to school. Nothing mom, its just do you know that
the day is going to be great? Like have you ever felt that way before? I
asked my mom if she had ever experienced something unique about her own
past before. I did before, but it turned out to be one of the worst days of my
life, it was the day you were born. Mom said explaining. Ouch mom, I didnt
know my existence was so bothersome. I said confused. What I meant was,
is that, right after you were born your dad just left us, and he never came
back, and thats what made the day awful. Mom explained. Ok, I want my
dad too, but hes gone, he left, I already know the story. I said as I no
longer wanted to even think about who my father was, even though I know
his name is Eric Raymond Luis Gonzales. However, I have tried various times
to contact him via letters in the mail and even messages on Facebook only
for him to block me. Yeah, especially after what he said to you when you
were in the hospital on the phone. Mom said bringing up old memories.
Mom, dont even bring that up, you know how much that hurts me. I said
not wanting to remember just yet. I can feel the tenseness rise in my body
and the energy surge as I tried to force the painful memories away. Mom, I
think you should know that Im having the dreams of the war again. I said
slowly. Dont worry about them I told you, they are only just dreams that
confuse the mind, if you dwell on it for too long, it will destroy you. Mom
said trying to be my new psychologist. What if it is something that is about
to happen? Have you thought about that? Right now the United States is in a
very dangerous position between all these different crises in Ukraine, Russia
and Iraq. The United States also does not have the money to support war. If
we do go into war, they will target the heart of the U.S. and that is us,
because Kansas holds all these major oil refineries and plus if something
triggers the fault line here in Topeka, it will spread like wildfire in a massive
chain reaction across the U.S. and put us in a pit of economic plunder. I
explained how they could attack us. Sounds more like to me, that youre the
terrorist knowing all these things. Mom said thinking Im crazy. Okay, you
dont have to believe me, but I have feeling that war is coming. I said as left
home for school. Trust God, Cody, he will always show you the path you
need to follow. Mom said wisely. I know, I do trust him, I have faith, but
even the bible says that war will come, anyway Ill see you later.

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As I took my first few steps into the darkness outside, I knew that big
things were coming and as I took a deep grasp of breath, I knew that starting
today things would change. As I walked down the street, I saw my friend
Brittanys car go by and I waved. I guess she didnt see me, she didnt wave
back. Oh well. As I carried on my walk, the looming sun began to rise from
the east and it highlighted all the things that are beautiful. I saw the squirrels
wrestling for the acorns, I saw a mother robin feeding her baby chicks, and
the breeze in the air was just so relaxing. I walked the usual route of all the
different streets it takes to get to my school, but everything was more
vibrant today. I couldnt help but immediately go into action mode and start
running down the streets and I started jumping over the cars that came
towards me with them honking at me as I go. I just had so much energy that
had to be released and I could just look at the sky and picture myself one
day flying through the clouds. As I tried to hold in more of my abilities, I
finally got myself to school.
Hey Dakota, anything new today? Nick asked as he saw me walking
towards breakfast. Bro, you have no idea, I think I finally have control over
it, but there is just too much energy to go along with the powers, it might be
kinda hard to hide some of them. I said excitingly but also worrisome.
Dont worry, just go with the flow, these powers of yours can be used for
multiple things, have you ever thought about the potential, you can be like a
superhero or you could even be a supervillain. Honestly, I wish I was you
right now, having all these so called powers. Youre lucky. Nick said with a
hint of jealousy. Well, I dont feel so lucky, because I dont know what the
powers mean or why I have them. I said as we walked into the remodeling
cafeteria. So topic aside, what do you think is for breakfast? Nick asked
hungrily. Biscuits and gravy, I can hear them talking about where to put the
next pan of biscuits at in the oven and I can see a large pot of gravy from
here. I said putting little aspects of my powers in focus to observe and hear.
Wow, youre good at this. Nick said as he and I got us some biscuits and
gravy. Well, it just happens. It gets easier to use the longer I use my
powers. I explained not mentioning the dreadful nosebleeds that come with
As we sat down with our usual morning friends for breakfast, I could
tell they were all shocked to see me. I still cant believe you didnt get
burned in the fire yesterday, but your suit did, how do you explain that?

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Emily said while nervously taking large sips of the assault branded Monster
Energy Drink. I dont know, how do you explain a year ago when that
tornado rips through the city, I die, and I merely come back to life the next
day with not even a single scar, so you explain that. I said still trying to
explain old memories. We all know about your abilities Tocino, so dont be
afraid to explain what you been though. Meresa said trying to be more
positive than the others. Okay, all I know guys, so far is that I have
telekinesis, super hearing and sight, lightning bolts shooting from the tips of
my fingers, super speed and jump with agile climbing abilities. There may be
more powers, but my body starts shutting down when I overwhelm it and I
get these really bad nosebleeds. I said explaining the powers I have tested
so far, but unsure on how capable my body really is in withstanding pressure
under certain conditions. So you were calling me Pikachu yesterday when in
fact, youre the one with all the crazy powers. Andres said making us all
laugh including Wayne as he came in to find Meresa.
Tell him Im not here. Meresa said quietly as she eased under the
table, put her jacket over herself and surrounded herself with our book bags.
Youll think hell see me. Meresa whispered trying to disappear, but she
wasnt so good at it. Hey babe, are you trying to hide from me? Wayne said
as he pulled the coat from over her head. Well that didnt work. Meresa
said as she got out from under the table trying to avoid saying a word to him
and trying to walk away. No, I was just practicing some techniques for
search and destroy, of course I was hiding, you been obsessing too much
today. Meresa said plainly. Obsessing over what? Wayne said confused.
Oh nothing, Im just not in the mood for you today, so dont follow me and
leave me alone. Meresa said with as she left the cafeteria leaving Wayne
and the rest of us confused and with mixed emotions. So whats her
problem? All I did was come and look for her. Wayne said still confused and
processing Meresas words through his head. You know girls, theyll come
around, maybe all she needs is some time alone and go hangout with other
people for a change. Emily said trying to explain to Wayne what Meresa
needs. Ok, so I just leave her alone for a while and then what? What if she
gets all angry and confused again? Wayne said still processing.
Never mind the subject, its time to just sit back and relax. Today is
going to be a good day. I said trying to simplify the situation. Why, just
because you have some weird, unexplained powers doesnt mean that all of

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us can just sit back and relax, we have school, we have life, have you ever
thought about what your future maybe like? My friend Heather said from the
next table over, where my other close friends Nathaniel, Corey, and Abraham
were sitting. Dakota, I think you might have to see the doctor, because I
dont think shooting lightning bolts out of your fingertips is a good thing.
Corey, the senior and also this years school president said to me as he
drank his milk. Mmmm, milk, milk, milk, if you want to relax, just drink milk,
it settles the nerves. Corey continued. By the way, dont think this means
youre special or anything, youre not Harry Potter who is a wizard that has to
defeat a dark lord using nothing but magic and a wand, nor, are you the
avatar from either Avatar: The Last Airbender, or Legend of Korra. Nathaniel
said being specific. I love Harry Potter, I seen all eight movies at least 6
times, and I love Avatar too, but as you can see, I dont need a wand to use
my powers, and neither can I only bend the elements, but both are great
stories, I especially love how J. K. Rowling made us all believe that Snape was
a bad guy until his memories are revealed at the end. She is a pure genius
author. I said with my outstanding love for the movies and avatar both, but
also recognizing, I dont have limits like their characters. J. K. Rowling is not
the best author, there and many brilliant other authors like Mark Twain,
William Shakespeare, Margaret Peterson Haddix, and Jack London. Abraham
said. How dare you disgrace J. K. Rowling and her stories, she is one of the
most successful authors of all time, while having every one of her Harry
Potter stories turned into a brilliant, successful movie. At least you didnt
insult my Avatar; Korra and Aang are the greatest Avatars of all time.
Heather said furious at Abraham for discriminating against such a brilliant
author. Hey, that reminds me, have you even read the books, Dakota?
Heather said to me seriously. Not yet, Ive just seen the movies, but Ive
read the Divergent series by Veronica Roth and I cant wait for the movie
next year to come out. I said in response. What, then how can you say
youre a fan of something when you havent even read the books, they
always change things from the book to a movie, thats a pity. Corey said
back explaining that if you read both the books and watch the movies then
you can tell the difference in details between the two. Well, I am a fan,
whether or not, besides its time to go to class, look at the time. I said kind
of feeling down on myself for not reading the book. As the bell rang we
parted ways and went off to class.

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As I walked through the hallways, I felt a surge of energy inside me,

and as I tried to conceal it, a pulse of electricity left my body in a surge and
knocked out electricity to the entire school. Everyone started freaking out,
but I just continued to proceed to class. I swear this school needs some
serious modifications. I heard my first hour science teacher say as I
approached the class. Hey, Mr. Smith, what are we doing today? I said
trying to be positive. Well, I cant teach class now, powers out to the entire
school, and that means I cant use the printer or nothing for you guys to do
paperwork. So I guess class is canceled. Mr. Smith said sadly. Class is
canceled? Then what are we supposed to do? I asked startled. I dont
know, we all go meet up in the gym I guess, why does this have to happen
today, I had a good lesson planned. Mr. Smith said sadly. Im sure it would
be great, so I guess I better be going towards the gym then. I said positively
and anxiously as I proceeded to the gym.

As I went off to the gym, I had so much energy, that I just felt like
being destructive. To do something bad. I wanted to so badly. It was like I was
being trapped inside my own evasive and power shell of a body. It was
surging more powerful then you could imagine. My blood was flowing with
more power than anything.
As I managed to control myself, I walked into the gym to see the rest of
the school students sitting on the bleachers. I walked around searching for a
seat and I could only find one, next to my old friend Annabelle. Hey, so are
you happy? I asked her in notion to the power outage. She simply stared at
me for a few seconds like I was nobody and finally said, Yes, this means no
more school today, and we can do whatever we want now. She said vaguely.
Like skipping? You, Maria, and Jordain just have that simple problem of
skipping a lot, I think you need to stop, sometimes staying at school is good
thing. I said back in response. Are you stupid, like you really think we would
stop skipping, its not like you havent done it in the past. She said back
trying to stir up old memories. Im just saying, you are my friend and I care
about you and everyone else that are my friends, nothing means more to me
then you guys. You guys are my life. I said simply stating the truth. Ok, I
think its time you go now. This unfamiliar face said to me. Do you know
who youre talking too? I said with my anger stirring. Oh, so you want an

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ass beating, dont you? The guy said not realizing the energy I have. Stay
out of it Cody, dont get involved. Annabelle said trying to change my mind.
Ok, you want to go, well go right now. He said threatening me as he
leaped off the bleachers onto the gym floor. You dont want to do this man;
you dont know who youre messing with. I said back trying to make him
back down. Oh, you dont look like much to me, youre just a nerd, who has
nobody, no life, and no girlfriend, and at least I have all of that! He said
trying to intimidate me. As a fight got closer to happening, the kids in the
gym started raging on and shouted, Fight, fight, fight. So as I looked
around, I noticed all the attention was now on us. As he threw the first
punch, I immediately dodged his attack and I kept encouraging him to stop.
Ok, you just got lucky, but this one is going to hurt. He said making me
smile a little. As he threw the next swing, I grabbed his arm, then I put my
other hand around his neck and I proceeded to slamming him onto the
recently waxed gym floor. Wow, go Bacon go! Some of my friends started
cheering on. I stood up and I realized what I just did. I just hurt somebody
when I never fight. However, I just did the unexpected. Then, out of slow
motion, the guy stood back up and while I had my back turned, he tried to
tackle me. However, I sensed his apparition and I leaped back, grabbed his
body, and thrust him across the gym. He went flying, and he smashed into
the brick wall. Everyone then gazed at me, including Annabelle, who had a
shocked look on her face. I then realized the horror of my strength as I looked
at my hands and my reflection on the gym floor. How was I becoming? Was I
becoming good? Or was I turning bad. I felt alienated and I tried to leave the
As I neared the exit to the school, the principal grabbed me, and said,
We need to talk to you. She said desperately. As I walked into the office, I
gulped in fear that it was going to be about the fight, but instead it was
something far worse. I learned that my grandma was immediately rushed to
the hospital for a major heart condition. After hearing this news, I rushed to
the hospital to find my grandma in ICU. The doctor then revealed that an
expensive surgery need to be done to save my grandmothers life, however,
her Medicare will not cover it. So somehow I needed to find $127,000 for her
procedure, and thats when things got bad, I decided to rob a bank.

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As I neared the bank it was nearly nightfall and the bank was already
closed. However, this was perfect for me with my abilities. As I walked up to
first ATM, I used my telekinesis to dispense all the money into my bags. After
the ATM was empty I decided it was time to go into the main vault in the
bank. I used my telekinesis to unlock the doors and turn on the security
override. However, something messed up and the alarms started going off,
so I rushed into the main vault and got as much money as I could. However
upon exiting the building, I found several cop cars approaching the area, so I
kept my ski mask on tightly, and I ran towards the police cars and I leaped
into the air and pounded my fist into the ground. The following shockwave
from my telekinesis ripple effect caused the police cars to fly through the air
and crashing into various places. I went to hide the money and I took off my
mask, and I went back pretending to be a bystander and I went to see if the
officers were ok, however, nothing was ok; I accidentally killed all the
officers. After a brief period of grief, I said, For my grandma. I said trying
not to cry about the incident I just caused. I hid the money in a safe area and
I went to the hospital to see my grandma. Grandma, I did it, everythings
going to be okay now. I said trying to not cry. It doesnt matter what you
did, its time for me to go now, its your turn to take care of the family, and
you need to take care of your mother. I believe in my God, Im ready now to
go home. My grandma said bravely. No, dont you do this to me, I cant let
you die, not after all I just been through. I said just barely before her heart
stopped, the line indicating her heart rate went flat and she was
now..dead. Grandma, I love you, you always been there for me when I
wasnt, you have to come back, please come back to me.pleasedont
leave me. I said crying in desperation, but then the doctor walked in and
said, Son, I think its time for you to go. You dont need to see this.
As I walked outside with my mother, I felt a gentle breeze as if my
grandmas spirit was still here. I miss her, Mom, I miss her. I said sadly in
tears to my mom. Shes in a better place now; we just have to get through
this. My mom said trying to encourage me even though she was crying too.
That night was the worst night of my life..

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Chapter 6: The Downfall

Sometimes things happen. They may be hard, they may be sad, or
they may be good things. However, I just became something. I changed after
my Grandma passed away. Today was her funeral, and I was so nervous. I
had so many butterflies in my stomach; it was hard to stand up. If only you
could feel my anxiety, it was a curse; something you wish would just go
away. However, in the light of things, I vowed to myself that I would never
use my powers again. There was no hope for me now, I had fallen hard. I
cant stand up no more. My depression had consumed me and all that was
left was darkness.
Throughout the next couple weeks, I started seeing a psychiatrist for
my bipolar issues. I thought by seeing a professional doctor for my problems
it could help me, but it wasnt in time. Not quick enough. I was continuing to
fall, faster and faster by the second. I just didnt know when I was going to
hit the ground and how much damage it might cause.
However, life is full of obstacles, some bigger than others, some that
you just cant climb over no matter how hard you try. I felt this way. My
Grandma was the must joyful and faithful person in my family. I never would
have thought I wouldve experienced something this painful. I felt like a part
of me was missing, and there was no way to recover it. This abyss I fell into
continues to get deeper, losing hope that Ill never get out. However,
something had to change, it was actually about to change, I just didnt know
As I sat down patiently in the waiting room, I kept wondering, how was
this going to help me? Can they help me? Will they help me? Where is my
faith? Dakota Bacon, can I see you please? The nurse said. I then stood up
and proceeded to go with the nurse into the nurses office. Ok, please take

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your shoes off and step on the scale please. The nurse said nicely. As I
stepped on the scaled it read 173.2 pounds, the same weight I been at for
months now, but it seems like I can never lose weight. My self-esteem was
nonexistent anymore. Ok, sit down in the tall chair for me, and Ill get your
blood pressure. As I sat in the chair and the nurse started checking my
blood pressure, I could feel my heart beating as fast as a racecar. Wow, your
blood pressure is one hundred twenty seven over eighty six, which is pretty
normal, but your pulse is one hundred thirty five, which is not good actually.
Are you nervous? The nurse said worried. Well, my grandma died a couple
weeks ago, and I did some other things I regret, but sometimes I just have a
hard time facing reality, it just fades away. I said nervously. Well, that
seems like something that you can tell the doctor about. The nurse said
calmly. Well, youre all set; the doctor may see you now.
As I went to see the doctor, he asked many questions about my life
and my actions lately, until he hit two hard memories on the spot. Have you
ever had any socialization with your father anytime in your life? Dr. Pope
said bluntly. No, my father left when I was born, and the only time I had a
conversation with him, was when he called me while I was in the hospital
with mono when I was five. I said sadly. Ok, so what did your father say to
you on the phone? Dr. Pope asked further more into my head.
He..umm. said that he promised that he would see me the next
summer, but..he never came and part of me has been waiting every
summer since, but he never showed himself. I said while remembering my
past of pain and sorrow. Ok, do you have any brothers or sisters? He said
continuing to make me more emotional. Its.complicated. I said
trying to avoid the subject. Well, do you or dont, and why is it
complicated. The doctor saw me trying to hold in my feelings. My mom
was raped back in 1991, which resulted in my mom getting pregnant.
However, since she did not believe in abortion; she had the child. However,
she was too ill to take care of the baby, so she gave the baby to my Aunt
Mickey to raise temporary, however when the time came when my mom
wanted the child back. My Aunt refused and kept the baby for her, even
though she had three sons of her own. My mom never fought to get Brandon
back, which is his name by the way. However, I had to live a life being raised
by my mother and grandmother who were both disabled. I lived a life
watching my mom suffer from near blindness and my grandma who can

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barely walk at times and who also has major heart issues, that why she died
a couple weeks ago. I said explaining the story with tears slowly streaming
down my face. Well, Im very sorry to hear that. However, I have one last
question. Do you love somebody? He said antagonizing me. I looked at him
in shock and wondered why he would ask me that, but then I said, Yes, but
Im confused, I love two very special girls, one of their names is Annabelle
Engle and the other is Maria Lopez. They both have rich bronze hair, and
they both have these beautiful brown eyes that I just lose myself in. Its just
that I dont know who to love. Maria and Annabelle have both been my
friends for a really long time. Annabelle being more relatable to me, seeing
that her father left long ago too, and Annas mom is dying from cancer and I
just feel really bad for her, she has bipolar and depression just like me. Maria
on the other hand I have done more things with and Im very close to her
family as if they were my own. However, both of them may be a lost cause,
and even though I love them, theyll probably never love me back. I said
explaining a lot of my secrets.
Well, thats very interesting and all, but who told you that you have
bipolar? Dr. Pope asked confused. Well, my therapist thinks that I have
depression, Bipolar, and ADHD. I said. Now, why does he think that? Dr.
Pope asked skeptically. Well, because I knew my therapist for nearly 2 years,
and he closely examines my conditions. I answered back immediately. Ok
then, well, I do I have a couple medications we can try. Ill start you on a
small dose of both Lamictal which is for Bipolar and Ritalin LA which is for
ADHD. If your therapist is correct, then we should see improvements in the
next couple months. Dr. Pope said. Ok, Ill try it. I said hoping this could
stop some of my problems. Ok, it was nice seeing Mr. Bacon, hope that
these work for you. Dr. Pope said as I left.

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Chapter 7: Desolation
As I got home, I couldnt help but still feel the pain and sorrows of all
the grief I have had to experience in my life. There was nothing else for me
to do. I tried watching movies, nothing. I tried watching TV, nothing. I even
tried sitting outside in the nice breezy fall wind, but I couldnt help the fact
that we now had to move in with my Aunt Ivy and Uncle Daniel since my
Grandma is no longer around, but that wouldnt be for a few more months.
However, while thinking about all these different things, I suddenly
remembered it was October 20th, meaning it was my best friend Marias
birthday. I remember that she had invited me to her party at the Top of the
Tower at Bank of America in downtown Topeka. However, Maria and her
family had already left for the party.
However, in the distance I saw my friend Hondro and his dad leaving to
go to the party, so I told my mom I was leaving, and then I raced over to my
friend. Hey Davy, can I go with you and Hondro to Marias birthday party? I
asked nicely. Can you? Davy said jokingly. All right may I go with you
guys? I asked in the proper manner. Of course you may. Davy said smiling.
Well, what are you waiting for, get in fool, we still have to go to the store to
get her a present. Davy said. Ok, lets go dad. Hondro said try to rush
Davy. Sup. Hondro said to me as we were in the car driving to the store.
Nothing, I just havent been out much. I have been having problems with
my bipolar and my grandma dying, so its pretty rough lately. I said still
feeling the misery. Yeah, we understand that, my dad and I are always here
for you. Hondro said. Well, did you bring any money to get Maria
something? Hondro said knowing that I still have feelings for her and
knowing I want to get her something nice. Well, I have fifty dollars, but I
dont know what she likes. I said unsure what to get for Maria. Well, just

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get her a doll or something. Davy said laughing. Maria isnt that girly, but I
still have no idea what to get her. I said still processing. Well, you better
think quickly, because we are at the mall now. Davy said while driving into
the parking lot of the West Ridge Mall.
I searched through the mall for at least an hour, while riding the
escalators many times over. I know she likes Lil Wayne so much to the point
of marrying him, but I still figured that was too easy of a gift. Finally, after
looking around for quite some time, I came across of a set of infinity
friendship necklaces, one was red and the other was blue. I decided this was
perfect. I bought it and I bought her a birthday card, and I decided that the
rest of my money would go in the card too.
Hey, there you are, you about ready to leave? Hondro asked quickly.
Yeah, of course. What did you get her? I asked in curiosity. Oh, we just got
her a bunch of Lil Wayne stuff. Hondro said. Of course you would get that
for her. Thats too easy of a gift. I said. Well, at least its a gift. Hondro
said bluntly. Ok, lets go kids. We got to be at the party by four o clock.
Davy said as he walked by.
As we drove to Marias party, something happened. I had a glitch.
Cody, are you ok, your nose is starting to bleed. Cody! I heard Hondros
voice say as I passed out. I then starting seeing visions of war again, only
much more vibrant then before. The city was under siege and on fire. My
friends were in the path of the desolation. The terror of people screaming as
explosions erupted everywhere. Burning debris falling everywhere. Buildings
collapsing. This was war.
Cody, can you hear us? Davy said trying to stop my nose from
bleeding, which it did stop. What happened to you? Hondro asked in
confusion. Its coming guys, its coming, I been seeing visions of war for
several months now, and its almost here. I said trying to warn them while I
panicky looked in the sky for any planes. You can be so crazy sometimes.
Davy said. Lets go inside, we are here. Davy said trying to get things
As we got ready and placed our gifts on the table upstairs, we took a
seat and prepared to sing Happy Birthday to Maria. As she came into the
room we all stood up and sang Happy Birthday. As I saw her in her black and

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red outfit, I couldnt help but keep my eyes affixed to her. Shes gorgeous. I
said smiling. Yes, we all know how much you love her, its so obvious.
Hondro said laughing. Well, I cant help my feelings; Im in love with
somebody that will probably never love me back, and I dont know if its a
lost cause. Maria noticed us at our table and we proceeded to have her sit
with us, and we went through the rest of the party talking to one another.
Eventually, I helped Marias dad, Miguel clean up around the room as
the party would be over in a few minutes. What do you think of these? I
said showing him the present I picked out for Maria at the mall. I think
theyre great. He said as he threw some plates away and took the time to
review the necklaces. I have to tell you something. I told Miguel before he
moved on. What is it? He said his face full of curiosity and anticipation. I
never thanked you guys for being so kind to me over the past few years, I
respect you guys to the fullest, and I never want to lose you guys..but what
I really wanted to tell you is that..Im in love with Maria. I been feeling that
way for a long time now. However, I know she would never feel the same
about me, but I just know that I cant lose her. I said explaining my full love
for his daughter in detail. Well, I dont care if you love my daughter. I wont
stop you, if you and Maria do end up together I want you to protect her in
every possible way. Do you hear me? She is the only thing in this world that
matters to me. I want you to teach her what the world is like even when it is
the darkest days. Protect her. Dont let anything happen to her, I trust you,
Tocino. Now make me proud son. Miguel said explaining it was alright to
love his daughter, but it was my responsibility to never let anything bad
happen to her.
As the party came to an end, I stopped Maria in the middle of the
hallway. I pulled out the two infinity friendship necklaces and I gave her the
red one. Just in case we are ever separated, promise me that we will always
be friends. I said happily. Of course we will be, youre my brother from
another mother. Maria said happily. You know Maria; I have to tell you
something. We are moving in a few months and Im going to miss you
deeply, and I cant tell you how much I love you. I said blissfully. What,
youre moving? Plus why would you say that, you dont love me! Maria said
shocked. Of course I do, this is why I want you to know I will always
remember you. I said as I grabbed the necklace from her hand and put it
around her neck. See it looks great on you. It will be a constant reminder. I

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said while putting mine on as well. Maria, before I go.. can you give me
one last thing? I just want to see if there is a spark between us, so will you
kiss me? I said eager to just get one thing from her. Maria appeared shocked
and confused and finally said, You promise youll come back for me. No
matter what? She said as we started to hold on to each other. Always and
forever, I will love you. We nearly kissed liked I always imagined it, however,
something in the distance attracted my attention.
Why are there helicopters hovering around the city? Maria asked
shocked. I dont know and I dont want to find out. I said while suddenly the
helicopters started a firebombing run in the distance. I knew it. I said to
myself knowing whats coming. The helicopters then turned towards us and
started firing rockets. The glass shattered and I protected Maria. Youre
bleeding. Maria said trying to help me. I know, but we have to stop this. I
said as the building began to collapse from the ensuing explosions. Maria,
promise me that youll remember me. I said as I braced her as the top floor
exploded. Everything in slow motion just went by so slowly like a movie. As I
twirled through the air, I saw somebody watching down on me, and I asked,
Who are you. I said fearfully. All will be revealed eventually, but the time is
not now, you are not ready, go now and continue following the path. The
woman said as I vaguely saw an unfamiliar face. However, everything went
back to fast motion, I lost my grip on Maria and I had tears in my eyes as I
knew the city had fallen. The next thing that happened was hitting the
ground.hard. Suddenly I felt an immense pain, as part of the steel
structure from the building had impaled me. I was in total and utter shock, I
was bleeding out and I was ultimately going to die. I then noticed the TV
from across the street through the window. It was talking about World War 3
as I had predicted it. It talked about that there was chaos in many major
cities around the United States, and then suddenly I fell in terror as the White
House blew up on National TV. This was a war, that needed to end, but I was
hopeless, powerless as I dragged my body through the wreckage to find
Maria. Dust and debris was everywhere and there was no hiding.
Ha, Ha, Ha, so the prodigal son falls, and the other brother rises. A
familiar voice said. I then stood up, barely breathing and said, Step into the
light, my brother and lets end this. I said to my brother Brandan as I
recognized his voice. Oh, you think you can stop me with those powers of
yours? Didnt you know I have them too? He said while lifting my body in

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the air and slamming me into the ground. For a few moments I just laid
there, wanting, anticipating death with my blood flowing in puddles and
rivers all across the pavement. Then, however, I stood up on my feet and
started firing lightning towards him, however he had lightning too, and our
powers merged together. You think you can stop me, your father is the one
who asked me to lead this war. My brother said antagonizing me. My father
is not my father; he stepped out on us and left us like we were worthless. I
said explaining the truth of things as I saw Maria step out with one of the
guns from the fallen soldiers. I then finally entered myself in her head with a
new power and I told her, Run Maria, dont turn back for me, and dont stop
no matter what. She then looked at me in shock, threw down the gun, and
ran off like I told her. As my brother and Is powers continued to merge, my
nose began to bleed. Suddenly, a drop of my blood fell onto the stream of
electricity with the result of an ensuing explosion.
My brother Brandon and I flew in two different directions. The
devastation was massive. The Bank of America building completely
obliterated and collapsed. The surrounding buildings also collapsed around
the area. However, as I flew through the air I realized war was here and it
needed an end, it needed to be stopped. However, as I landed, I slammed
into the side of a black SUV, instantly shattering all the glass. Accepting the
fate of my unforgiving injuries, I laid there preparing to die. Then suddenly
my brother swooped down from the wreckage while firing 5 bullets, 3 of
them seriously injuring me. I thought people like you and I was invincible.
We could be super soldiers.or villains, but the choice is just a matter of
curiosity. How do you want to be remembered Dakota? We could cure people
with our own blood, dont you know? My brother said bragging. blood is poison..I have nosebleeds..constantly. I said not
convinced of the nature of our powers. You must be one of the fallen that
cant be cured, tell me does it hurt knowing all your loved ones will die,
slowly, one by one, until eventually you die yourself. Hmph, its a bitter end,
isnt it, but its your fathers orders, but this is just the beginning of the story
of the all mighty and powerful Tocino. Youll learn the truth eventually, but
right now your time is up. You cant stop a war that has already begun. Are
you ready? Sweet dreams, brother! Brandon said explaining some things
and knocking me out in the process.

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Cody, are you still there? Maria said. He probably got hurt like the
rest of the town. Who would do this and why? Davy said while he immerged
from the wreckage with Hondro. Come on help me, hes not breathing, and
theres blood everywhere. Maria said. It was his brother that did this. I was
going to shoot him, but Cody told me to run, so I wouldnt get hurt. She
continued. Alright, we have to take him to the hospital now! Tell his mother
that he may die and to meet us at the hospital. Davy said immediately while
carrying my disfigured body and placing it in his car.

Chapter 8: Hopeless (Marias Perspective)

He told me he loved me, but I never wouldve never thought I would
feel the same. He was kind to me, and all I did was ignore him for so long.
Sometimes we make enemies and we make friends. I shouldve listened to
him. He protected me from all the bad things that happened recently. All I
could think now, how can I be in love with somebody that is dying. I couldnt
be at the hospital by his side no longer so I left and carried out my life as
The war changed everything, as I walked from the hospital to my dads
car I saw people running everywhere. Smoke, fire, destruction everywhere,
at every corner and at every turn. The city was destroyed.
Eventually weeks past, then months, and I gave up on him. I regrouped
with our old friends and we progressed together. However one day it
happened, Wayne broke up with Meresa, no, actually, it was Meresa that
broke up with him, but it was whatever. However, as Wayne showed how
good he was at rapping, I actually started to like him. All of us eventually
threw a party to forget about the war, and make our lives feel whole again.
There were people dancing and thats when Waynes eyes met with mine,
and I saw the sparkle in his eyes. He then stood up and came over to me and
asked me to dance and I did. I wanted to forget about everything that had
been happening and so I took the moment to grab him around the neck and
his lips became entwined with mine. However as Meresa entered the room
she stared at us like we were crazy, and I felt that she hated me now. Wayne
let go of me and chased after Meresa. I felt free finally, being able to do
something I never did before. Then, eventually Annabelle came up to me and

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dumped her drink on my head, she then looked at me fiercely and said, How
could you? Dakota loved you and did everything he could for you and you
never appreciated any of it. He told you he loved you and you do this behind
his back. Why? She said with much frustration. As I stood up and grabbed a
towel from nearby and dried my clothes and my hair I said, I thought he was
dying, so what was I supposed to do? Wait, do you like him or something? I
said very jealous of her instincts. Of course I like him, the fact that he was
so nice to all of us made me realize he is the one making the sacrifice, so yes
I do love him, and apparently you dont. Have fun with Wayne, while I take
Tocino away from you. Annabelle said leaving me shocked and surprised, I
then realized she was right. What did I do? What was he going to do when he
finds out?

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Chapter 9: Coma
Sometimes we face challenges in life. Sometimes we dont think we
have the power to overcome them, when in reality we always do. However,
these obstacles in life will change the course of our lives forever, as our fate
is entwined with each other. However, when all hope fails, who do you lay
your faith on? We have no vigilantes in the real world, but if we did then our
world would be like a superhero movie playing over and over again. With a
new war upon us, it is time somebody rises up and plays their part. Nothing
is impossible, always expect the unexpected.
You faced death once before, but this time I dont think youre going
to make it. Davy said as they watched my body go to the ICU unit. We
need somebody ASAP, get a surgeon, we have to get those bullets out of
him, and we need to stitch his arteries before he bleeds out on us. One of
the doctors said. As I went into immediate surgery, I kept seeing a bright
light until the next thing I know, I was looking down upon my own body, with
doctors, surgeons, and nurses of all kind trying to save my life. Hello, can
you hear me. I said in my out of body experience to the doctors, but nobody
responded. If they cant see me or hear me, then I think its time to find out
who is behind this war. Its time to find my brother. I said to myself as I left
the hospital and I looked upon our ravaged city. They will pay, every last
one, if I survive, I will destroy every last one person behind this war. I
continued to say to myself as I watched the war destroy my hometown apart.
Do you think hell survive? Maria asked one of the doctors. Im
sorry, but your friend is in a coma and he might not live through it, we did all

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we can, its just up to him now if he is going to come back to us. Dr.
Salvatore revealed to my friends and my mother.
As I adventured through the town, I finally came across a helicopter
and I decided to board it, to find out where the warlords were hiding. The
helicopter ended up taking me to Washington D.C. and what I saw nearly
killed all my hope. The White House was indeed destroyed and I saw my
brother talking to an unknown man. The President is dead. You came here to
do what you wanted, now what do you need. We dont belong here. Isnt it
time to initiate the Simulation project? My brother said to the man. Its not
time yet, your brother is still alive, find him, and then bring him to me. He is
the key to everything. The unfamiliar man said with much desperation. I
then realized that this war is because of me, they need me for something.
Maybe they could explain where my powers come from or why I have them.
However, as I wanted to learn more I sensed that I was not living, I was
dying. Everything around me started to collapse. I ran as much as my legs
could carry me only until I fell through the ground. I hanged on, barely with
one hand, however I did not have the strength to pull myself up in my selfdestructing mind, so finally I let go.
As I fell, I began to slip away. The doctors were desperately trying to
save me. However, in the final moments of my life I saw my memories of
everything close to me. I saw my friends, and it made me realize that they
still needed me, however it was not enough. I continued to fall, everything
got blurrier and the light started to fade, but then I saw my necklace. I
remembered Maria and all my memories of her. She was always my
determination, my faith, the one I have tried so much to do for (even writing
this story for all my friends) and the one I always pictured myself dying for
incase that ever had to happen. I was so much in love with her, and thats
when I realized it was love that has kept me alive. So, I stopped falling and I
raced across the nation to get back to my body. As I made it back to my
body, I awoke.
Whoa, his body just disappeared? One of the nurses said. Where is
he? My mom said marching into the room. I shut all the lights off using my
powers, and I made the people fall asleep. Then, I immerged from the
darkness and said, Im right here. I said while I suddenly got rushed with
hugs from all my friends from school and home. I knew you would come

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back, but why did it take you six months to return to us. My mom said in
tears. For a moment I thought that you had actually gone with your
grandma and left us in this new world. Mom continued. While I looked at
everyone surrounding me, even the teachers from my school were there, and
I was in shock of how much people really cared. By the way, Dakota, your
secret is out, everyone in the whole city knows that you nearly died trying to
stop this from happening. Annabelle said walking through the crowd
towards me. My secret, they all know? I said stunned. Of course they do.
Meresa said. So, let me tell you guys this, when I was nearly dying I saw my
brother and some other guy talking about something called the simulation,
all I know is that they are after me, and if they want me, they can come and
get me, I think its time to start using my powers again. However, and by the
way, I was thinking of love and thats how I came back, and has it really been
six months in this coma? Plus, speaking of love, where is Maria and Wayne?
I said explaining that war was coming and also I was confused about how
long time has flown by. Well, the nation you once knew is gone, and I broke
up with Wayne, and now he thinks he can have Maria, well she can have
him. Meresa said. Yeah, she thought you were a goner, so she left you for
another guy, tragic isnt it? Annabelle said. That means the necklace you
wear means nothing no more. Hondro said trying to end my love for Maria.
Well, it still means something to me, but that isnt the point guys. I know
where these people are at, and this war is coming to them. We will end this
fight and reclaim our town, then the nation. This war tries to rip us apart, but
now our fate relies on each other. So, out of you, who will help me? Who will
be soldiers by my side? I asked the people. I will. Emily said being the first
to support me. I will too. Meresa said. I will too, lets kick some ass.
Corey said followed by other friends and peers saying they will support me.
Thanks guys, its about time for an uprising. I said speaking the truth.
As I stood on top of the roof of the hospital looking over the desolation
of our town, Annabelle came from behind me. Its about time that we have a
hero of our own, and here he stands before me. Annabelle said praising me
more then she needs. Im not a hero until I stand up to this war and I bring
justice. I said having my heart set on it. Well, youre my hero, back from
the dead, plus that was an amazing speech by the way, I think you won a lot
of people today.including me. Annabelle said while see finally grabbed
me and kissed me. Just remember if you cant have Maria, then you have

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me. Oh and by the way, why dont you come by the school tomorrow? I think
they may be throwing you a party, but you didnt hear that from me,
alright? Annabelle continued. I will do whatever takes to protect the people
I care about, including you. I said turning around to kiss Annabelle once
again, confirming our relationship. You have sweet tasting lips by the way. I
said while smiling towards Annabelle. Shut up, just enjoy the moment while
it lasts. Annabelle said to me as I realized that the future ahead was going
to be painful, but worth it, this will be the uprising to remember for years to
come. I knew it was now up to us to bring justice to our people, as our
destiny has now changed for the better. However, even if you could change
or alter time, whatever happens, happens, meaning that what you undo or
change will end up always happening anyway. However, was it fate that
called upon me to face this war? Was it fate that led me to kiss Annabelle? I
dont know. It could be fate, or was I still dreaming?

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Chapter 10: The Uprising

Its time to start something. It was going to be something that most
people would deem impossible. It was time to stop a war, but how were we
going to do it? We needed help, but we are nothing compared to the massive
army that lies before us. I was in a coma for six months, letting a war wage
in our nation. Now, the devastation was still here, with buildings crumbling,
the economy slipping, and total terror was everywhere I turned. Most of the
U.S. was like this nowdestroyed, devastated, ruined. However, out of
the ashes arose the Uprising, the people like me who want to help end this
war, but at the cost of their lives. However, now it was time for more of us to
join the cause, an uprising that cant be defeated, with me as the leader, for I
am Tocino.
Today as I went to school, which unfortunately survived the war, I
thought to myself the speech I was going to say to the people to convince
them to come with me to D.C. to confront the warlords. It was time to
convince them to join the Uprising. As I walked into the school, I was shocked
and surprised to see that it had been turned into a place for people without
homes or shelter, and people that had no food or water to drink. All I could
think to myself was the fact that the people behind this rampage were going
to pay the ultimate price.
Hey Bacon, youre here. Everyones been expecting you. You are like
everyones favorite hero now. Emily said as I walked through what used to
be the cafeteria, now partially restored. Then, suddenly, everyone marched
into the cafeteria like a stampede, with all of their eyes on me. I was
surrounded from people all over the city, and by people that were my friends
and peers. They all began cheering me on how much of a hero I was, but I
wasnt. Of course, its Tocino, the great and powerful leader of the Uprising.
Annabelle said as she got to the front of the crowd. I smiled at her, but then I

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got a serious face as I was about to reveal the terrible truth to all these
You guys may all be calling me a hero, or powerful, or almighty, but
let me tell you, that I am none of those things. I once was a simple teen, just
living his everyday life. I was one of you, either a student at this school, or a
citizen of Topeka. However, let me tell you that I have made plenty of
mistakes in my lifetime. Nobody is perfect. Six months ago there was a
devastating attack on our nation. We now have no government, with
warlords as our only leaders. However, will we let them take our world away
from us? Will we let them kill our families and just move on? This is our
country, and its time we take it back! The Uprising has led many people on a
path of hope for our nation. However, the war is too strong, but as you all
know, I changed seven months ago when I got these simple new abilities
that I could not explain. I developed powers for a reason, and I believe it is
for us to bring the war to them and take back what is ours. Will you stand
beside me in this battle? Will you help me reclaim our nation? Will you join
the new Uprising and bring an end to this once and for all? It is time to step
up if you are ready, for today, we are bringing the fight to them! I said my
speech to the people, to show Im ready to stand up and fight. Immediately
afterwards, I was surged with people wanting to be a part of the cause.
The police department offered guns and supplies. The bus station
offered buses for transport to D.C. and we began to train for the upcoming
battle. It was the beginning of justice. As I watched the preparation unfold,
Annabelle came from behind and asked me, Do you really think we can do
this? I mean this is a brutal war we are about to face. You know how many
people down there are going to die? You really think we can train people for
them to become soldiers? I know the consequences, but we must try to
stop this. To end this once and for all. I reminded her.
So as the days went by, I finally got a surprise from an old friend,
Maria. Wow, look at you, youre still alive and She said
surprised. Did I tell you about Annabelle and me? We date now, we kind of
kissed each other the day I came back from my coma, except you were not
there. I said at her in disappointment. What, how could you go out with
her, you said you loved me! Maria said revealing that she does indeed care
about me. Oh, so it means something to you? Then, why are dating Wayne,

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Meresas Ex? I said disappointed. Its complicated; I thought you were

going to die. Maria said trying to change things. Well, Annabelle shows
more love then you ever do. I said finally making Maria leave as I hit myself
in the head for saying that.
So, by the time my 16th birthday approached, everything was in order
for our siege against D.C. to begin. As we all loaded the buses with all my
friends, peers, and allies close, we left for Washington, D.C. for the time has
come. As we traveled across the country, the devastation was massive.
Everything had been firebombed nationwide. However, turning my attention
away from the destruction, Annabelle surprised me with a gift in a small red
box. Open it. She said smiling. As I opened it, I was shocked to find a
sapphire ring with Tocino Lives engraved in the side. This is amazing, I
love it, thanks. I said as I put the ring on. Happy Birthday. She said then
giving me a kiss for good luck as we finally reached D.C. and I was shocked
to see that the entire city was surrounded by a perimeter wall, and as we
drove up we all ducked down to pass the guards cautiously.
We are here. Everybody load up and get ready for battle. Corey you
still ready for some ass kicking, because Im leaving you in command of our
Uprising so I can sneak in and do what must be done. I have to kill my
brother. I said very seriously. Alright Tocino, lets whoop-ass! Corey said
while drinking his last carton of milk. Be careful, I dont want to have to take
you to the hospital again. Davy said as he prepared for battle on Coreys
command. I will be. Take care of yourself and my friends. I said as I
infiltrated the rebuilt White House. At the same time the gates opened, and
hundreds of soldiers raced out towards the Uprising. Alright everybody, I
always wanted to say this, but, Charge! Corey said immediately causing the
two armies to battle each other with bullets flying by.
As the battle continued with bullets piercing bodies on both sides, and
the cracking of bones from beat downs, I was ready to confront whoever was
behind this war. However, I had soldiers of my own to fight. As, I used my
powers to wipe out the men, my brother stepped out with this portal of
electricity now lighting up behind him. My brother, its been a quite
pleasurable six months, knowing you could not stop what was already
happening, but either way, you lose. Your father and the minister are both
not here, the war has moved on to the final stage, where it will consume the

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planet! Brandan said trying to make me lose hope. This is where it ends
Brandan, just call off the attacks. All we want is our freedom back. I said
hoping hell stop. Liar. He whispered as he starts his attack on me.
However, as I rushed up towards him with a knife, he turned my hand, and
made me stab myself, reopening my old wounds. Youre still weak my
brother, you want to find out about the simulation, then go for it. He said as
he threw my body into the portal of electricity.
Instantly all my powers drained from my body as the electromagnetism
fried my body, and made my blood boil. However, with all this piercing pain
coursing through my body with blood gushing, I suddenly was falling through
the sky, but as I saw myself fall through the air. I began to see a bright light,
and suddenly I saw the figure of a woman in the distance, and I said, I said terrified. However, then she spoke, Patience, just
have patience. However, through your battles you must persevere. Be strong
unlike the weakness you already have inside you. Take this as an opportunity
to train and gain more powers so you can fulfill the prophecy.
What.prophecy? I said. Time will tell in the end of your legacy, but now
is not the time for you to know, you are still too weak. Dont let your mind
betray you and fill you with darkness. All will be revealed soon enough, be
awake now! The feminine voice said as I awoke with my injuries in a creek.
As I barely stood up, I drank water from the fresh water stream, although my
injuries were too much to bare. I saw a magnificent city in the distance of
much more detail and more modern architecture. I was in the future, and off
to the distance I saw a sign that read, Welcome to the city of Curiosity.
Although, I wanted to explore more, I finally fainted, letting my injuries take
hold of me. Suddenly, cloaked figures lifted me up and carried me towards
the city. I didnt know who these people were. I didnt know if they would
help me or kill me. However, my life now relies in their hands, as I must
return to the past to prevent the ultimate war. As I drifted away, I noticed the
necklace around my neck and the ring on my finger, and I realized I was
confused and lost, and now I just wanted to go back home and be with my
friends again, but this war wasnt over. As I fainted, the cloaked figures kept
whispering, Stay with us, we are trying to help you. We need you.
However, something much darker was about to be unraveled. The truth
behind my legacy is about to be revealed.

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