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Administracin de Base de Datos

Gianella Isabel
Hurtado Lovera




Guevara Gamboa Flix Antonio



--17) Listar el nombre y apellido del empleado en una columna llamada Nom_Ape
select (LastName+space(1)+FirstName) as nom_ape ,* FROM Employees

--18) Listar que productos se vendieron ms en el ao 1997:

Select [ProductName] as 'producto',[QuantityPerUnit] as 'detalles',[Quantity]as'cantidad',
[OrderDate] as 'fecha'
from [Order Details] AS o join Products AS a on o.[ProductID] =a.[ProductID]
join Orders as e on e.OrderID=o.OrderID
where year(OrderDate) = 1997 order by cantidad desc

--1. Listar los 10 peores clientes que han sido registrados en la Base de Datos
select TOP 10 [CustomerID] As 'Cdigo', [ContactName] As
'Cliente',[CompanyName] AS Empresa ,[Address] As 'Direccin', (select sum(freight)
from Orders As O where O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID) As
'Monto Comprado' ,City As 'Ciudad' from Customers As C
order by 'Monto Comprado' ASC

--2. Listar los 10 productos ms vendidos en el supermercado en el ao 1998

select top 10 [ProductName] as 'producto',[QuantityPerUnit] as 'detalles',
[Quantity]as'cantidad',[OrderDate] as 'fecha'
from [Order Details] AS o join Products AS a on o.[ProductID]=a.[ProductID]
join Orders as e on e.OrderID=o.OrderID
where year(OrderDate) = 1998 order by cantidad desc

--3. Listar las 3 categoras ms vendidas

select top 3 ca.CategoryName ,COUNT(pro.CategoryID)as cantidad from Categories as

inner join Products as pro on pro.CategoryID=ca.CategoryID
group by ca.CategoryName order by cantidad desc

--4. Listar los 5 empleados que facturaron ms

Select top 5 (LastName+space(1)+FirstName) as empleado, SUM(d.UnitPrice *
d.Quantity) as
Total_Facturado From Employees as e
JOIN Orders p on e.EmployeeID = p.EmployeeID
JOIN "order details" d on p.OrderID = d.OrderID
Group by (LastName+space(1)+FirstName) order by SUM(d.UnitPrice * d.Quantity) desc

--5. Esta subconsulta muestra los 5 mejores productos vendidos en el supermercado

select top 5 p.ProductName, sum( Quantity) as cantidad_vendida from Products as p
inner join [Order Details] as od on od.ProductID=p.ProductID
inner join Orders as o on o.OrderID=od.OrderID
group by p.ProductName order by cantidad_vendida desc

--6. Mostrar una categora de clientes segn su poder de consumo

--a. Clase d 0-50
select [CustomerID] As 'Cdigo', [ContactName] As
'Cliente',[CompanyName] AS Empresa ,[Address] As 'Direccin', (select sum(freight)
from Orders As O where O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID) As
Consumo ,City As 'Ciudad' from Customers As C
group by [CustomerID],[ContactName],[CompanyName],[Address],city
having (select sum(freight)
from Orders As O where O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID) <50
order by consumo asc
--b. Clase c + 50 -> 200
select [CustomerID] As 'Cdigo', [ContactName] As
'Cliente',[CompanyName] AS Empresa ,[Address] As 'Direccin', (select sum(freight)
from Orders As O where O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID) As
consumo ,City As 'Ciudad' from Customers As C
group by [CustomerID],[ContactName],[CompanyName],[Address],city
having (select sum(freight)
from Orders As O where O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID) >49 AND (select sum(freight)
from Orders As O where O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID)<200
order by consumo asc
--c. Clase b +200 -> 5000
select [CustomerID] As 'Cdigo', [ContactName] As
'Cliente',[CompanyName] AS Empresa ,[Address] As 'Direccin', (select sum(freight)
from Orders As O where O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID) As
consumo ,City As 'Ciudad' from Customers As C
group by [CustomerID],[ContactName],[CompanyName],[Address],city
having (select sum(freight)
from Orders As O where O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID) >200 AND (select sum(freight)
from Orders As O where O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID)<5000
order by consumo asc
--d. Clase a + 5000
select [CustomerID] As 'Cdigo', [ContactName] As
'Cliente',[CompanyName] AS Empresa ,[Address] As 'Direccin', (select sum(freight)
from Orders As O where O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID) As
consumo ,City As 'Ciudad' from Customers As C
group by [CustomerID],[ContactName],[CompanyName],[Address],city
having (select sum(freight)
from Orders As O where O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID)>5000
order by consumo asc

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