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Digestive System

Before the body can make use of the food

you eat, the food has to be broken down to
release the nutrients (digested).
The nutrients are then absorbed into the
bloodstream and taken to the cells where
they can be used.

The Digestive System

1) The Mouth
The teeth and jaws crush and grind the
food into small particles and mix them with
The saliva contains an enzyme called
amylase which starts to break down the
starch into sugars.
Enzyme Action:
Amylase breaks down starch to sugars

The Digestive System

2) The Oesophagus
= the tube which connects
the mouth to the stomach.
The food is squeezed
along the oesophagus by
a process called

3) The Stomach
The churning of the stomach mixes food with
gastric juice which is made by cells in the
stomachs lining.
The gastric juice contains the enzyme pepsin
and an acid called hydrochloric acid which
pepsin needs to work effectively. This acid also
kills most of the bacteria which are present in
Enzyme Action: Pepsin breaks down food Protein to Amino Acids

4a) The Small Intestine

Pancreatic juice - alkaline
liquid which helps to
neutralise the acid from
the stomach. It also
contains several
enzymes which help to
break starch, fat and
Bile liquid that breaks
down fat into tiny
droplets. This process
helps lipase split the fat
droplets into fatty acids
and glycerol.

Enzyme Action:
Amylase breaks down
starch to sugars Lipase breaks down fats
to fatty acids and
glycerol - Proteases
breaks down proteins to
peptides and amino

The lining of the small

intestine is folded and has
little finger-like projections
called villi which increase
the area for absorption. The
surface is only one cell thick
which speeds up the
absorption of nutrients.

4b) The Large Intestine

Water and any remaining
minerals are absorbed
A residue is left behind.
The residue, faeces,
consists of remnants of
fibre, other undigested
material and bacteria.
The faeces are eliminated
from the body through the

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