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Mitotic Figures Large Intestine walls

Within nucleus: Dark heterochromatin, light euchromatin

Nucleolus usually 2m diameter, and one or more per nucleus
Nuclear envelope is the surrounding wall of the nucleus. Nuclear
pores is a small gap for things to move from within the nucleus to
the outside cytoplasm or viseversa.
Homeostatis (Balance)
Cell accumulation disorders
Glomerulonephritis (Inflammatory disorder of the kidney)
Viral Infections
Cell loss disorders
Aplastic Anemia
Myocardial infarctions.
Killing off cells in the body (Necrosis and Apoptosis)
Bacteria punching holes in the nucleus membrane, causing the
plasma membrane to take in water causing it to explode (Lysis,
caused by membrane breakdown).
When an infection ruptures a cell
Cell death + inflammation.
Cell becomes smaller/concentrated, causing then membrane to
bleb, causing small Apoptotic bodies to be formed, no content of the
cells is released
DNA Fragmentation
Cell Volume loss
Membrane Blebbing
Apoptotic bodies formed.

Cytoskeleton (Internal framework of filaments & Tubules)

Giving the cell its shape and allowing it to move. Help move things
within the cell, like secretion, and also help control metabolism.
Microtubules are made up of tubulin protein always being 22nm
diameter and 5nm thick walls. They are dynamic (Reform and
breakdown) and hollow cylinders.
Function Intracellular transport,cell shape cilia movement,
chromosome arrangement to create 2 daughter cells.
Microtubule structure
Centrioles is what makes up
They are the roots of the
microtubules from these there
are triplets
Microfilaments are made up of
Actic, a helical array with a
6nm diameter (due to size of
protein molecules) and is flexible
Found in Microvilli.
Function Microvilli struction, and an extension of cell processes.

Intermediant filaments (Most likely not in exam)


Generates ATM via

- Oxidative phosphorylation

- Citric acid cycle

- -oxidation of fatty acids
Initiate Apoptosis via release of cytochrome c into the cell cytoplasm

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