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The expressions to make Suggestions, Requests and Give instructions

Here are some more examples of the expressions to make suggestions, requests and

give instructions.
Making Suggestions
You could (might) join the speech contest.
If I were you, I would take care this dog.

Why dont you go to the doctor?

Why dont you come to my house and borrow my umbrella?

What/How about going to the veterinarian?

Would you mind passing me the salt, please?
Could you please take me to the dentist?

Can you tell me what happened?

Will/Would you come to my birthday party?

Please tell me the story.

Giving Instructions
You should keep it out of the childrens reach.
Whatever you do, dont be nervous.

Bring that magazine to me.

Read the text loudly.

Study the following expressions of requests, suggestions and giving instructions.

Would you mind , please?
Can/Could you ?

Will/Would you ?

Accepting Requests
Sure, Id be glad/happy to

Of course/Certainly.
No problem.

Sure. Just a moment.

Refusing Requests
Id loved to, but
It sounds great, but

Im/sorry, but

Sorry to say that

You could (might)
I suggest/recommend that you

You really should/ought to

I strongly advise/urge you to

Youd better

Accepting Suggestions
Thats a good/nice/wonderful, idea/suggestion.
Thank you/Thanks.

Ill do/try that.

Why didnt I think of that?

I think youre right.

Rejecting suggestions
I tried that, but
Thanks, but that wont work/help because

I dont want to/cant do that because

Thats a good idea, but

Giving Instructions
Open page 10 of this book.

Give me that story book.

Read this paragraph loudly.

Write your own story.

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