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Goals and Lifelong Learning


courses offered at night for adults who work during the day
associate's degree

in the USA, a rank earned after a set two-year course at a college

or university

bachelor's degree

in the USA, a rank earned after a set four-year course at a college

or university


one's profession; occupation; job

community college

in the USA, a two-year college; junior college


an academic certificate, an official paper stating that someone has

passed a course of study

elementary school

in the USA, the lower grades of schooling; grade school


abbreviation for 'general equivalency diploma'; the equivalency of

a high school diploma; obtained by taking a test


an objective; purpose


to receive a degree from an academic institution

high school

in the USA, a school for grades 9-12 or 10-12

junior college

in the USA, a two-year college; community college

junior high school

in the USA, a school usually for grades seven through nine in a

12-year curriculum

middle school

in the USA, a school between elementary and high school, usually

with grades five through eight

trade school

in the USA, an educational institution for occupational skills, such

as for auto mechanics, computer technicians, secretaries, or


a place of higher education that gives advanced degrees

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