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Mamfaat buah anggur

The grapes are herbaceous vine fruit , this plant

which help the body's metabolism , in addition to

belonging to the family Vitaceae . The grapes are

the benefits of grapes can prevent the formation of

usually used to make juice , grape seed oil , wine .

cancer cells and some other diseases .

The grapes contain polyphenols and resveratrol ,

Foods containing protein

Foods containing protein is needed by the body for

Animals generally have a higher protein content

the formation of muscle mass . Source of high

compared to plants but also has a fat content which

-quality animal protein that can help you get the

is relatively higher as well

intake of amino acids and other essential nutrients .

Natural carbohydrate-containing foods

Natural carbohydrate-containing foods that can

energy that supports our body for activity , but

give you the energy supply without adverse health

unfortunately excess carbohydrates can be one

effects . Carbohydrates are one of the essential

factor in the emergence of a wide range of health

nutrients that are needed by the human body ,

problems , such as diabetes , obesity and also other

carbohydrate-containing foods is also a source of

digestive problems

Soursop Juice Drinks for body

Soursop fruit has become nuah that many enjoy

this one . Fruit that has a slightly elongated oval

doing because of the taste , shape and benefit in it .

shape . When it is ripe , soursop fruit is green, a

This fruit does have a slightly sour taste , but make

little black and about its benefits , this fruit has a

no mistake with his taste sour fruit is often made to

variety of benefits , especially if in the juice you

juice consumption for those who love the fruit of

will feel the benefits of soursop juice for your body

Foods That Lower Cholesterol

Foods that can lower your cholesterol you need to

know. Cholesterol is known to be one of the biggest
triggers of heart disease emergence . Choosing
foods that are low in fat and also rich in vitamin
can prevent you from heart disease , due to
increasing cholesterol levels .

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