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Rosita Wulandari, 2012520087, PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS

TRUST (Sudi Case: PT. BPR Fajar Artha Makmur), under the guidance of Dr. Ir. R. Boedi
hasmanto, M.S, as supervisor I, and Ir. Slamet Afandi, MBA., As supervisor II.
This study aims to determine the performance of BPR Fajar Artha Makmur using
CAMEL method over the period of 2007 - September 2012 are included in the category of
healthy, fairly healthy, less healthy or unhealthy. CAMEL has five aspects, namely the aspect of
capital using the ratio of CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), the aspect ratio of earning assets quality
using KAP (Quality of Earning Assets) and PPAP (Allowance for Earning Assets), using the
calculation of the management aspects of general management and risk management,
profitability aspects using ROA (Return On Assets) and ROA (Operating Expenses to Operating
Income), and use the liquidity aspect ratio Ratio Cash and LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio). In
addition to seeing the performance of BPR Fajar Artha Makmur, this research is also to provide
the steps and efforts were made to establish business continuity and maintain customer
confidence in the BPR Fajar Artha Makmur.
This research is a quantitative study. The analytical tool used in this research is to use the
method of CAMEL by Bank Indonesia Decree No. 30/12/KEP/DIR Directors dated 30 April
1997 regarding the Health Level Assessment Procedure for BPR. The yardstick to determine the
soundness of a bank after an assessment of each variable, ie by determining which research
results are classified into healthcare predicate RB. Types of data used are primary data obtained
through interviews and secondary data that the financial statements of the balance sheet and
income statement Artha Makmur RB Dawn 2007 - September2012.
Based on the research that has been conducted on BPR Artha Makmur Dawn stated that
the level of performance of BPR Fajar Artha Makmur period 2007 to 2009 as a predicate
UNHEALTHY CAMEL credit score less than 81 (the minimum limit of healthy) is 46.84 in
2007, 47.48 in 2008, 27.76 in 2009. Meanwhile, in 2010-Sept 2012 Healthy as a predicate
CAMEL credit score more than 81 (the minimum healthy) is 81.65 in 2010, 86.03 in 2011, 83.80
in September 2012. Efforts to maintain the continuity of BPR Fajar artha prosperous is by doing
research about the sustainability of product development, competitive interest rates, the
development of human resources. Meanwhile, to make efforts to build and enhance customer
confidence inter alia improve the performance of BPR BPR, able to accommodate the needs of
customer transactions, provide security, as well as profit on the money they put and ease of
Keywords: BPR Performance, Sustainability and Customer Confidence

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