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An irrational bias towards members of a racial
background. The bias can be positive (e.g. one
race can prefer the company of its own race or
even another) or it can be negative (e.g. one race
can hate another). To qualify as racism, the bias
must be irrational. That is, it cannot have a
factual basis for preference.

It is the practice of letting a person's race or skin color
unfairly become a factor when deciding who receives a
job, promotion, or other employment benefit. It most
often affects minority individuals who feel they have been
unfairly discriminated against in favor of a Caucasian (or
white) individual, but there have been recent cases where
whites have claimed that reverse discrimination has
occurredthat is, a minority received unfairly favorable
treatment at the expense of a white individual.

What are the


Instinctive reaction for species protection

Fear of loss and displacement (FEAR)
Ignorance (The condition of being uneducated,
unaware or uniformed)

Lack of self love, feeling of unworthiness

and desire to feel superior

Instinctive reaction for species

It is natural to relate to those who are similar in
our own image and likeness and too feel comfortable
with those that look and reflect who we are in
appearance and behaviour. Humans naturally feel
threatened when things we cherish most such as our
culture, territory, family, and our identity are in
danger of being harmed.

Fear of loss and displacement

Humans naturally seek to protect their own kind,
which means they fear for any loss of what makes
them who they are; it can be anything including our
jobs, status, territory, possessions, personal
significance and even our own identity. Humans fear
being replaced by anyone who is seen as more
appealing and desirable than what they are.

Ignorance (The condition of being

uneducated, unaware or uniformed)
What continues racism is ignorance in the world.
If a person grows up doing a particular thing their
whole lives and everyone else around them does the
same thing, it is seen to be right even if it is morally
wrong it may be to another human being that does
not share the same outlook on life.

Lack of self love, feeling of

unworthiness and desire to feel superior
People who are the most racist tend to be people
who lack confidence, self esteem and most of all self
love. A racist person throws all their negative
feelings onto others that are seen as weak and
vulnerable. Racism comes from the feeling of being
worthless, being victimized, and lacking the
opportunities others may have.

What are the


What are the EFFECTS of RACISM?

Racism can have a lot of effects

on a victim. Victims can become
angry, bitter or violent. It can
destroy a persons self esteem. It
can destroy communities and
creates divisions within society.

A Cornell News Service study in 2009 did a study

on the effects of racism saying that racial
discrimination erodes mental health. The study
finds that black people may have poorer mental
health as a result of two mechanisms:
Chronic exposure to racial discrimination leads
to more experiences of daily discrimination
It results in an accumulation of daily negative
events across various domains of life, from
family, friends, health and finances.

What are the EFFECTS of RACISM?

A persons whole world can

discrimination and they can
become depressed, anxious and
mentally unwell.


No. 966 July 20, 1976

PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 966 July 20, 1976

WHEREAS, the International Convention on the

Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
which was adopted by the General Assembly of
the United Nations on December 21, 1965, entered
into force on January 4, 1969;
WHEREAS, the Senate of the Philippines
concurred in the ratification of the Convention on
May 18, 1967;

PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 966 July 20, 1976

WHEREAS, the instrument of ratification of the

Convention by the President was deposited with the
Secretary-General of the United Nations on
September 15, 1967;
WHEREAS, the Convention is now part of the law
of the land; and
WHEREAS, the Convention provides in its Article
4, that State Parties, inter alia.

PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 966 July 20, 1976

"(a) Shall declare an offense punishable by law all
dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority
or hatred, incitement to racial discrimination, as
well as all acts of violence or incitement to such acts
against any race or group of persons of another
color or ethnic origin, and also the provision of any
assistance to racist activities, including the
financing thereof;

PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 966 July 20, 1976

"(b) Shall declare illegal and prohibit organizations,
and also organized and all other propaganda
activities, which promote and incite racial
discrimination, and shall recognize the participation
in such organizations or activities as an offense
punishable by law;

"(c) Shall not permit public authorities or public

institutions, national or local, to promote or incite
racial discrimination."

Philippines Named as One

of the Most Racist Countries
in the World

The global social attitudes study claims that the most racially
intolerant populations are all in the developing world, with Jordan
and India in the top five.
While the country with the most racially intolerant people is
Jordan, with 51.4% not wanting to live near another race, India is
close behind with 43.5%. The Philippines lies in the 20 to 29.9%
bracket along with other countries like Thailand, France, Malaysia,
Bangladesh and Hong Kong; only below counties such as Egypt,
Saudi Arabia, Iran, Vietnam, Indonesia, South Korea in the 30-39.%
The most racially tolerant countries are mostly Western countries,
such as Britain, Canada, Australia and the U.S. In fact, only 3.8% of
U.S. residents are reluctant
to live near another race
Philippines Named as One of the Most Racist Countries in the World




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