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Load Balance & Failover

Firewall Configuration

PF-Sense Features:Network Security

 Stateful Inspection
 Transparent layer 2
 Multiple Public IPs
 Traffic shaper
 QOS/VoIP/SIP support
 DoS and DDoS

Defense against
Ability to detect and to
filter based on Operating
System in use

Firewall State table

 Finely control
 Adjustable state table
 Per-rule basis
 State types
 Various state table
 Optimization options.
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
 Encryption: 3DES, AES
 128/256 bits
 Authentication: preshared
 Key, certification,
Network Address Translation (NAT)
 Port forwarding
 1:1 NAT
 Outbound NAT
 NAT reflection
Configuration and Management
 Secure Shell (ssh) access
 Console access
Reporting and Monitoring
 RRD Graphs of system,firewall states,throughputs
 Real-time data
Captive Portal
 Hotspot wireless network
 URL Redirection
 Authentication options:none, local or Radius
 Radius capabilities
Load Balancing
 WAN failover

Static routes
RIP v1 and 2

Pre -Requirements:2

pfSense requires a machine with at least a 200 MHz processor, 128 MB RAM, and 128 MB CF for embedded
or 1 GB hard disk or microdrive for full installations.
Exact requirements will vary primarily depending on what features you plan to use, how much network
throughput you require, and the typical size of your state table.

VM-Ware Installation and Configuration

1.We are using multi WAN connection. ( WAN & WAN A)
2. So we are using 2 external & 1 motherboard Ethernet cards.
3. Onboard card using for LAN another 2 cards for WAN & WAN (A)

4. Install VM-Ware Software on Windows-machine.

5. Now that the network connections are setup, it's time to create the new VM follow the below steps.
VM-Ware creation

start the new VM wizard using File - New - Virtual Machine or CTRl-N
On the second page, choose Custom Configuration
Check Other guest operating system, and select FreeBSD from the drop down list
Choose a suitable name and location for the VM
uncheck keep it private
Set Use Local System Account in startup / shutdown options, and set Power on Virtual Machine on host
start up
Set the number of processors (if you have the option - I only set it to 1)
256Mb RAM is more than enough in my experience (unless you run lots of extras)
leave the network type at Use Bridged Connection
leave I/Oadapter type to default
Make sure Create a new Virtual Disc is set is set
leave disc type alone (mine defaults to IDE)
6Gb is plenty of space unless you want to use squid or some other service that will need lots of disc
space, and you may as well allocate disc space now to avoid future hiccups
The VM is now created and entered in the inventory.

Pf-Sense firewall machine network cards.

1. Right click on you new VM in inventory and select settings - we're going to add the extra network
2. Click the Add button and click Next in the wizard
3. Select Ethernet Adapter and click Next
4. Select Custom and select VMnet2(Bridged) for your first internet connection (or VMnet3 for the second
5. Click Finish to complete the additional hardware
6. Repeat for each additional internet connection you use.
Your Virtual Machine settings should now look something like this.... Before you start the VM, you can tweak
the settings to make it run better under VM-Ware. You can't do this through the GUI, but the setup here: shows
how to do this. It is better to do this before you build the VM, if you do it later you have to re-setup the interface

PfSense Installation and Configuration

Download the pfsense iso from the link: -
Download the latest version. ( e.g pfsense-1.2.2-LiveCd-Installer )
Step: 1
Select the cd-rom in LiveCd-Installer at VM-Ware
Boot the VM-WareFreeBSD machine.
pfSense now will make the finishing touches to configure the interfaces.

After it went through the configuration you'll end up with a shell menu and a number of options. pfSense now is
ready to be accessed at the interface you assigned as LAN with the webgui.

pfSense default configuration

By default pfSense will have the following configuration.

WAN is configured as DHCP client, all incoming connections are blocked by default.
LAN is configured at and acts as DHCP-Server and offers a DNS-forwarder.
OPTx interfaces are disabled, you have to enable and configure them at the webgui.
WebGUI runs at port 80, username is "admin", password "pfsense".
SSH is disabled.

Storing your configfile on a writable media

If you are planning to run the LiveCD with a writable configmedia run option 98 to assign the drive that should
hold your configfile. The LiveCD will browse all available medias on bootup for a valid configfile and use it if
Accessing the webgui
You now should modify the configuration to fit your needs at the webgui. Make sure your client got an IP and
use your favourite browser to access using "admin" as user and "pfsense" as password. The
easiest way to go through all the basic settings is to run the setup wizard that can be found in the webgui-menu
at System>Setup Wizard.

Installing pfSense to Hard Disk

If you are satisfied and want to setup pfSense to your hard drive run option 99 from the shell menu now. The
configuration you did will be transferred to the hard drive by the installer.
(Basically you can run through the installer by just accepting all suggestions the installer is offering)

First you get some settings to localize your keyboard or change your console appearance. Change what you
need or just go one by accepting the settings

Next pfSense will present a list with detected suitable installmedias to you. Please make sure you are not
accidently overwriting data you still need. It's recommended to have a dedicated media only for your install.
Any other constelations are not officially supported. Choose your media and hit enter to continue.

You should format the disk to prepare it for the installation. Beware this will whipe your entire media!

At the next step pfSense will show you the detected drive geometry. You should leave this the way it was
detected as long as you don't run into any troubles while installing with these settings. In case you get errors try
to alter your bios settings befor manually entering values here. Setting your drive from auto to lba or chs in
bioas already might help to detect the right settings.

Now you are at the point of no return: Only hit "Format xxX" if you are really sure there is no valuable
data left at this media!

The media is now prepared to continue with partitioning. Just hit enter to move on.

pfSense suggests using the complete space of your drive for the installation. You usually should just keep this
setting and move on to the next step.


In case your partitioning was the same like before as this is a reinstall confirm the changes.

You typically can confirm the following step. If you encounter problems with the bootloader after the
installation is done rerun the installation and check "Packet mode" at this screen.


Select the just created partition as target for your installation.

Confirm this step. In case you skipped the above settings this is the point where your data on the media will be


pfSense suggests a setting for your subpartitioning now which you usually should just keep.

After accepting the above settings pfSense is starting to transfer the system to the prepared media.


You will be asked after a short time to remove the CD and reboot the system to boot your new install.

The system is now going down for reboot and your installation is finished


Configuring pfSense

Now you have a fresh pfSense install in front of you.

First you skip the wizard by clicking on the pfSense logo because you want to set up all parameters on your

Now please follow the instructions:

You should see this window (Status  System). This is where we start.


Now go to the Interfaces tab and chose the WAN-Interface. Change the type to PPPoE and enter the IP you
want to use as the management IP and your Internet-Gateway:

Scroll down to the PPPoE settings and give the username and password and hit the save button.


After saving is complete you go to the Interfaces tab and chose the LAN-Interface.
Bridge the LAN-Interface with the WAN-Interface and disable the FTP Helper.
The IP you enter here will be ignored when you activate the bridge mode.
For cosmetic purposes you can use the management IP, too. They will not conflict with each other.
The management IP given in the WAN-settings will be assigned to the bridge interface, which will be created
when activating the bridge.

Hit the save button.

Afterwards hit the apply changes button.


After saving is complete you go to the Interfaces tab and chose the WAN A (BSNL)-Interface.
Bridge the LAN-Interface with the WAN & WAN A (BSNL)-Interface and disable the FTP Helper.
Change the type to static and enter the IP you want to use as the management IP and your Internet-Gateway:

Hit the save button at the end of the page.

We have already setup two WAN connections on our firewall.


Setting up load balancing and failover

It is time to set up Outgoing Load Balancing and Failover. You will not have any pools. You will create 3 pools.

Wan (Airtel) BalanceWanA (Bsnl) - used to share out all access on a round robin basis as long as both
connections are available
Wan(Airtel)FailoverWanA(Bsnl) - used when Wan(Airetl) is down - all traffic will use WanA(Bsnl)
WanA(Bsnl)FailoverWan(Airtel) - used when WanA(Bsnl) is down - all traffic will use Wan(Airtel)

Once this is complete visit services -> load balancer

Delete any pools that are there that do not work

to enter a new pool.
Enter a pool name and description
Set the type to gateway


Load Balancer:Pool:Edit
Behavior:Load Balancing
Monitor IP:WANs Gateway
Interface Name:WAN
click add to pool
Monitor IP:OPT1wan2s Gateway
Interface Name:OPT1wan2
click add to pool


Create new pool

Monitor IP:WANs Gateway
Interface Name:WAN
click add to pool
Monitor IP:OPT1wanAs Gateway
Interface Name:OPT1wanA
click add to pool


Create new pool

Monitor IP:OPT1wanAs Gateway
Interface Name:OPT1wanA
click add to pool
Monitor IP:WANs Gateway
Interface Name:WAN
Click add to pool


You have successfully created 3 Gateways.

The results should look as follows

Set up the basic firewall rules for outgoing access

Add the following to Firewall:Rules on the LAN tab by cliking
Using this page to set the rules Firewall: Rules: Edit and create the 1 Rules defined below


You should see that the WAN gateway has a different gateway address then the WAN A (BSNL) gateway. If
not then pfsense will not work correctly. You will have to put a bridge between that interface to ensure pfsense
has two different gateways. If you have trouble with this please contact me. Basically pfsense does not support
the same gateway on multiple networks right now.

Click Save

Now go to Status -> Load Balancer to see if everything is working fine. It should report Online.

When you go to the Firewall  Rules tab now, you will first see the WAN rules.
By default no rule exists:

Switch to LAN now by hitting the LAN tab:

Once all of the active rules have been added and Applied the Dual Wan setup is complete!


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