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_______ is a mechanical procedure for setting prices on regular basis.

-pricing method
Why companies applying Tactical Price Reduction?
all the above
Which of the following is not one of the general pricing approaches?
relationship pricing
Which one is not the key determinant of pricing strategy?
number of employees in the company
_______ is the amount in money for which something is offered for sale.
Which of the following is including of pricing strategy?
all of the above
Which one is simplest method of pricing?
cost oriented pricing
Which one is the pricing approaches that
value- based pricing

Rolex brand


In demand oriented pricing, prices are high when demand is _____ and prices are
low when demand is _____.
Which one is advantage of competition oriented pricing?
oppurtunity to increase market share
______ is a plan which determines the best pricing decision.
pricing strategy
______ is a monetary value charged by an organization for the sale of its produ
A company offering 5% discounts to its customers, if they purchase as cash. What
types of pricing strategy this company is using?
cash discount
The prices a company sets for its product and services must strike a balance bet
ween _______ and ________.
customer requirement -profitability
Deduction from a seller s list price that is offered to encourage customers to buy
in bulk is called _______.
quantity discounts
Pricing product that must have a fixed mark-up on the cost of the product to set
the price is called _______ product pricing.
mark up pricing
Many companies that invent new products initially set high prices to take revenu
es layer by layer from the market. Intel would be an example of this form of pri
cing strategy. Which of the following would be the most appropriate term to desc
ribe this strategy?
pricing skimming

What types of pricing strategy is this?

s to attract customers.
leader pricing

Temporary cutting of prices on a few item

Pricing product that is used to enter to a new market with lower price than comp
etitors prices is called ________ product pricing.
penetration pricing

What is pure competition

a market in which many buyer

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