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Time to Renovate SCR

One of the best committee which has done so much of good work for the society is now a
faded glory. SCR cell of XIMB has to change its functionality to re-position itself for the
betterment of the society and XIMB as a whole. I want to suggest the following adaptation:
1. SRC committee provides membership for free, so that students are encouraged to be a
part of it.
Now, let us analyse: Is providing free membership is a fruitful idea.
Student applying for shadow membership for Sports-com, X-seed and SRC are
compared. The participation shows the swing of mood of the Nation as a whole.

Sports-Com: 60 participation in a batch of 700+ students.

Analysis: Very less people take sports as a medium of interest due to the changing
time and workload. Moreover, Sports-com charges Rs 500(compulsory). Total amount
collected can light a village for a month.!!
X-seed: 92 participation in a batch of 700+ students.
Analysis: People want to be entrepreneur or atleast have an inclination to build a new
Flipkart brand. Charging Rs350 for all general members. A good amount is collected
to try out different avenues.
SRC: It is free, still 215 people posted their interest for the shadow membership.
Analysis: It shows that the people want to do something for the society.
Funding: I want that SRC to charge for membership because people want to
contribute. A fund to do things swiftly with more impact.

2. Suggestions to Implement the change:

Adopting a village to solve their problems creatively, effectively and in a
timely manner.(Example: Great lakes B-school ).
Contacting and tying up with the CSR cells across corporates in Orissa to
strategically solve the problems of the village within a time frame.
Introduction of a new vertical, Aashayein, under SCR to manage the
proceedings of building a smart village.
Aashayein Vertical will work in collaboration with all committees to achieve
the dream of smart village.
3. SCR has no social media presence. I would recommend an active social media
To lift the society, we need to provide, the needy, with the resources, just providing them
with free food and essentials, will not be a fruitful solution in present times.
To build India we have to first build A Smart Village. Moreover, when we, XIMBians, can
solve business problems in a matter of days, we can definitely find a way to solve real
problems that matters.
Finally, I believe that SRC of XIMB, has immense potential to achieve this and bring back
the glory days.

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