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Most Straws Stuffed In Mouth

Simon Elmore of Germany broke this record
in 2009 by holding 400 straws in his mouth
for 10 seconds

2. Longest Nose

At 8.8 cm, the longest nose in the world

belongs to Mehmet Ozyurek of Turkey
broke the record by having it measured
the set of an Italian TV show in 2010.


3. Youngest Person To Climb Mount Everest

13 year old Jordan Romero from California instantly

became the coolest kid in school when he broke the
previous record of 16 years held by Temba Tsheri of
Nepal. He made the climb with his father and several
local Sherpas.

4. Tallest Man

Sultan Kosen of Turkey towers at 8

feet 1 inch due to a tumor affecting
his pituitary gland. As a result of
several recent operations at the
University of Virginia his growth has
been stabilized

5. Longest Beard

Between the tip of his chin and the end of his beard
Sarwan Singh of Canada achieved a record setting
2.33 meters on November 11, 2008.

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