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Learning Plan in Mathematics 2

Grade & section: Grade 2

Date: June-22-24, 2015
Time frame: 3 days
Topic: Reading and Writing Numbers through Thousands
Desired Results:
1. Read and write numbers through thousands in symbols and in words.
2. Show active participation in group activities.
Realistic Math 2, page 18-25
Flash card of numbers
Bond paper words in numbers written on it.
Values Integration:

Write legibly
Be accurate in recording in writing numbers or data
Match the number words and the corresponding numbers correctly.

Essential Understanding:
Students will understand that numbers can be represented in a variety of ways.
Essential Question:

How do people use numbers in their everyday life?

Why are numbers important?
What will happen if we dont use numbers in counting and ordering?

Conduct drills on counting numbers. Ask the pupils to give the greatest and the least 3
digit number that they can form using the three digits given. The teacher should present five sets
to form 10 numbers.
Pre-assessment: ask the pupils to write the numbers formed in words.
Firm up:
Let the class read the given set of numbers orally. Start the reading from left to right.
Call volunteers to write the number in words. The teacher guides the class in writing the
spelling of the words correctly.
Example activity: the teacher will dictate the number and the members of the group will
guide each other in writing on the mini-board the number being asked.
Read numbers from the leftmost digit which is the highest place value.
Separate the thousands place from the hundreds by comma.
A number with ones place, like for example, twenty-three has a hyphen.
Transfer task:
Ask the pupils to give their favorite number and show how significant it is in their lives.
Have the pupils work on the exercises in classwork and practice in the work text pages

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