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//identify the contracts for Revenue share

Select * from contract_header_history where invoice_date = '1-mar-15' and cus

tomer_template = 'Revenue Share';

//pick parent and child contracts

for parent we have 2 lines for aggregation method ( 1 for akamai and 1 for carri
er), also check unit price for parent for akamai and carrier
select * from contract_detail_history where order_id in ('C-NBNP6J','C-19CST8J')
AND PRODUCT_ID = 'B-3-1WYBV' and invoice_date = '01-Mar-15';
//check for stats in traffic_stas_v for child , for parent there should be no st
select * from traffic_stats_v where invoice_date = '01-Mar-15' and order_id = 'C
//Query the carrier_statistics_v view from the netstats schema for getting the C
arrier Traffic Ratio.
select * from Carrier_statistics_v where invoice_date = '01-Mar-15' and order_id
= 'C-19CST8J';
//query the invoicetable
select * from invoiceitems where invoice_id like '1503%' and order_id in ('C-NBN

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