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4th World Releases Rain Video

4th World continues to surprise. They emerged six years ago seemingly out of nowhere to become arguably the best reggae band in
the Eastern Caribbean, with their debut album, Cant Stop Us, not
only claiming the National Arts Award for Album of the year, but
described by critics as startlingly dierent to what has come before, pushing the edge of the envelope of world reggae music.

Apparently, not satised with just pushing the envelope of world

music, 4th World has taken their innovative ways to the realm of
music videos. Not so long ago the band released a video for Taking
Blows, the second track on Cant Stops Us, that followed a minimalist approach and side- stepped the obvious, surface, literal interpretations common to many music videos and instead
employed color, graphic eects and symbolism to capture the
mood, emotion, and context of the song.

Now, in similar fashion, 4th World has conjured a video for their
rock single, Rain, a song of love gone sour in which despite his pain
of lost love, the guy is accepting responsibility for the breakup: if
it will help at all, blame it all on me: If it rains, then let it rain on
me; it's a shame, I say shame on me; if its all just a game, you can
put the blame on me.

The video begins with rain beating upon a drumset, Nijah

Coldsweat St. Catherine, 4th Worlds lead vocalist, singing in the
rain, and 4th World on top of Bruceville performing in the open
against the backdrop of Pointe Sable Beach and the picturesque
Maria Islets. Then the video presents a mesmerizing concoction of
alternating and juxtaposing of multiple and spilt screens of 4th
World in black or white suits, Coldsweat singing in the rain, the
town of Vieux Fort, Bruceville, contrasting colors, rays of light,
screeching lights, bellowing clouds. Then as if saving the best for

last, towards the end we see the lady, the cause of the agonizing
pain of which the song speaks, seemingly materializing from the
Atlantic surf, save for her eyes completely enveloped in a red veil,
presenting, against the backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean, Maria
Islets, and the unvanquished Moule-a-Chique, a haunting, bewitching, mysterious but beautiful image that recalls Eve in the garden
of Eden and the blue-veiled lady in Mel Gibsons Passion of Christ.

It is a video of elemental forces, of passion and of high kinetic energy, perfectly capturing the mood, emotion and essence of the
songIf it rains, then let it rain on me.

Rain is 4th Worlds fourth single release since Cant Stop Us, each
of which has broken new ground. Reminiscent of the Motown
sound of the 60s and 70s, the rst release, Fixation, presented an
infectious fusion of reggae, funk, R&B and African rhythms.
Tchenb-La, the second release, is a Kwyl reggae described by a
commentator as the bringing together of Derek Walcott, Sesenne
Descarte, and Bob Marley. The third release, Manmai Sent Lisi, is
not only sang in Kwyl, but seamlessly fuses St. Lucian folk, jazz,
Latin, reggae, and African rhythms to create what a critic described as a wonderful masterpiece. And, with Rain, 4th World
completely left the realm of reggae and dived headlong into the
world of rock in a manner that would make the likes of Rolling
Stones, Guns n Roses, Metallica, Bruce Springsteen, and Led Zeppelin proud.

If the remaining songs for 4th Worlds second album, to be released early 2016, are as daring, innovative and captivating as
these rst four singles, then 4th Worlds fans have a lot to look forward to. The second album may very well eclipse Cant Stop Us,
the bands much praised and award winning debut album.

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