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a Gido trinh Autocad 3D be ‘TRUNG TAM DAO TAO VA PHATTRIEN PHAN MEM TIN HOC TRETHEC 172 Nguyén Chi Thanh- Tel/ Fax :7751372 GIAO TRINH AVTOCAD 3D DIEM NHIN, HE TRUC TOA DO TRONG 3D CAO DO CUA HINH VE 2D A Thay déi géc nin : 1.Lénh Vpoint : command :- VP enter -Tém : phuong nhin tir tren y a ‘Thing g6c véi mat phing XY Pham vi nhin tir tren -Dudng bien vong tron nko : phuong nhin song song véi mat phing XY f| -Dudntg bién vong tron lon TT gidng tam nhung nhin tir dudi. é | -Toa dé 1 86 diém nhin dac biét : \D t Hinh chiéu ding :0,-1,0 = z Hinh chiéu bing :0,0,1 Hinh chiéu canh :-1,0,0 Pham vi ving nhin tir dudi 2.Lénh ddvpoint : xc dinh géc nhin (View/3D viewpoint/ select ) command : VP enter __ Absolute to WCS : xe dinh géc theo hg toa 9 wes -Relative to UCS : xe dinh géc theo hé toa a6 ucs -Kanis : g6c gia true X va phuong nhin -XY plane : g6c gia mat phiing XY va phuong nhin, -Set to plane view : ts vé tém nin bing d mat phing XY Mot s6 g6e nhin dete bi Hinh chigu ding : X axis:270 XY plane: 0 Hinh chigu bing : X axis:270 XY plane:90 Hinh chigu canb : [EO] Cane Heb. X axis:180 XY plane: 0 Be truc toa do trong vé 3D :lénh UCS Tools/ UCS ‘command :UCS enter Converted to pdf by Page 1 TRUNG TAM DAO TAO VA PHATTRIEN PHAN MEM TIN HOC TRE THUG 172 Nguyén Chi Thanh- Tel/ Fax :7751372 Origin/ZAxis/3point/OBject/View/X/Y /ZPrev/Restore/Save/Del/?/ : -Origin :A¥it g6c toa dO origin point <0,0,0>: ~3point : xc dinh hé toa do theo 3 diém Origin point<0,0,0>: g6c hé toa do Point on péitive portion of the X- axis : diém xéc dinh true X Point on positive -¥ portion of the UCS XY plane <> :diém xée dinh chiéu duong tue Y -X: quay hé toa do quanh true X -Y/Z : quay hé truc toa d6 theo truc Y hoac Z -ZAxis : xe dinh hé toa do theo tryc Z Origin point <0,0,0> : g6c hé toa do Point on positive portion of Z-axis : xée dinh truc Z -OBject : xéc dinh hé toa do theo 1 déi tung c6 sain- chon géc hé toa do, chon phuong chigu ruc X -View : mat phing XY cia hé toa do thing g6c véi phuong nhin (tim nhin hign hanh tri thanh tm nhin bang) -Prey : tré lai hé toa d6 trude d6 “Save : hint hé toa dg hién hanh -Restore :tri lai he toa d0 d& duge dat ten -Del : xod hé toa do 48 duge uu -World : trés vé hé toa dd WCS. C-Tao hinh 3D ti hinh 2 chiés 1.Lénh Chprop : thay d6i a6 day hinh 2 chiéu Modify/ properties command : CH enter - Change what property ( Color/ LAyer/LType/Thickness) :enter Select object : chon 46i tugng, phai chudt két thie lénh chon -New thickness <0> : do day - Change what property ( Color/ LAyer/LType/Thickness) :enter 2.Bitn hé théng Thickness : xéc lap d9 day cho hinh 2 chiéu cho tt ed hinh hai chiéu duge vé sau nay Format/ thickness command thickness -New value for THICKNESS <0> : d6 day 3.Lénh Boundary :che mat 2D ‘Draw/ boundary command : BO enter Hop hgi thoai Boundary creation ‘Object type :region Make new boundary /set : chopn d6i tung tao mat Pick Point : chon mat che 4.Lénh render : xudt nh t6 béng ‘Command : render Converted to pdf by Page 2 TRUNG TAM DAO TAO VA PHATTRIEN PHAN MEM TIN HOC TRE THUG 172 Nguyén Chi Thanh- Tel/ Fax :7751372 Bai 2: TAO HINH TU KHOI CO BAN, NHAP TOA DO DIEM TRONG VE 3D ‘4c kh6i rong 3D surfaces. Command : 3D Box/Cone/DIsh/DOme/Mesh/Pyramid/Sphere/Torus/Wedge: 1. 3D box : hinh hop Box/ConeiDIshiDOme(Mesh/PyramidiSphere/TorusiWedge:B enter -Coner of box : g6c cita dy hinh cht nhat -Length : chiéu dai ( truc X) -Cube/ < with> : chiéu rong (truc Y) Cube : hinh lap phuong - khoi vuong “Hight : chiéu cao (true Z) -Rotation angle about Z axis : g6c quay quanh truc Z 2.Cone : hinh chop hay lang tru( Chi ¢6 nih mat chung quanh, rng 2 mat trén howe dudi} Command: 3D enter Box/Cone/DIshiDOmetMeshiPyramidiSpherelTorusiWedge:C enter -Base center point : tam -Diameter/ of base : bin kinh dudng tron ngoai tip ciia mat duéi ( dy) -Diameter/ of top : ban kinh dutmg tron ngoai tiép cla mat tren ( dinh- Néu R=0 : hinh chép) -Height : chidu cao -Number of segment < 16> : s@ canh ciia hinh lang try 3.Dish : hinh vom ( bat ngita- nita hinh edu ) Command: 3D enter Box/Cone/DIsh/DOme(MeshiPyramid!Sphere/Torus/Wedge:DI enter -Center of dish: tam -Diameter/: ban kinh ( D: du’mg kinh) -Number of longitudinal segments <16>: sO mat ding -Number of latitudinal segments <8>: s mgt nim ngang 4.Dome : hinh vom ( bit ip ) Command: 3D enter Box!Cone/DIshiDOme!Mesh/Pyramid!Sphere/T orus/Wedge:DO enter -Center of dome: tam -Diameter/: ban kinh ( D: dutmg kinh) -Number of longitudinal segments <16>: s6 mat ding -Number of latitudinal segments <8>: s6 mat nim ngang ‘Converted to pdf by Page 3 TRUNG TAM DAO TAO VA PHATTRIEN PHAN MEM TIN HOC TRE THUG 172 Nguyén Chi Thanh- Tel/ Fax :7751372 5.Mesh : vé mat thim trong khOng gian chi cé 4 dinh Command: 3D enter Box/Cone/DIsh/DOme(Mesh/Pyramid!Sphere/T orus/Wedge:M enter - Fist comer: dinh 1 - Second come: 2 - Third corner N 3 = Fourth comer : dinh 4 - Mesh M size :s6 du’ng tren doan 41 1 - Mesh N size : s6 dudng tren doan 12 MY 6.Pyramid : hinh thép, day Ia ti gide hay tam gide Command: 3D enter BoxtCone/DishiDOme(Mesh/PyramidiSphere/TorusiWedge:P enter First base point: diém 1 Second base point: diém 2 4 ‘Third base point: diém 3 Tetrahedron/: diém 4 1 Hinh chép Ridge/Top/: dinh ciia hinh chép 2 3 Hinh chép cut 8 Ridge/Top/: t enter 5 SS 4 First top point: _diém 5 \, ON Second top point: diém 6 1 ‘Third top point: diém 7 Fourth top point: diém 8 2 2 Hinh lang tru Ridge/Top/: renter 1 First ridge point: diém 5 , ‘Second ridge point: diém 6 4 7 Sphere : hinh cu Converted to pdf by Page 4 TRUNG TAM DAO TAO VA PHATTRIEN PHAN MEM TIN HOC TRE THUG 172 Nguyén Chi Thanh- Tel/ Fax :7751372 Command: 3D enter BoxiCone/Dish/DOme(MeshiPyramid!Sphere[T orusiWedge:S enter ~Center of sphere : tam -Diameter/: bin kinh (D: duémg kinh) -Number of longitudinal segments <16>: s6 mat ding -Number of latitudinal segments <8>: s6 mat nim ngang 8.Torus : vong xuyén Command: 3D enter BoxiCone!DIshiDOme(Mesh/PyramidiSphere!T orusiWedge:T enter -Center of torus:tam hinh xuyén -Diameter/ of torus: bin kinh binh vong xuyén -Diameter/ of tube: bin kinh mat cit -Scgments around tube circumference <16>:86 mat cat -Segments around torus circumference <16>:s6 du’ng sinh ‘9.Wedge : hinh ném Command: 3D enter BoxiCone/DishiDOmetMeshiPyramidiSphere!T orusiWedge:W enter Comer of wedge: g6¢ hinh ném ( dlém 1) Length: chiéu dai hinh ném (trye X) =o Width: chiéu rong (truc Y) Height: chiéu cao ( true Z) Rotation angle about Z axis: géc xoay quanh truc Z B.Céch nhap toa do diém trong AutoCad 3D : xy : 6 cling toa do diém xy véi I diém cho trade “Xz: 66 ching toa 46 diém xz véi 1 diém cho truée -yz:06 cing toa d9 diém yz. véi 1 diém cho trube Cch nhap : xy of : truy bait diém cho truée need Z: (ga do truc Z ‘Converted to pdf by Page 5 TRUNG TAM DAO TAO VA PHATTRIEN PHAN MEM TIN HOC TRE THUG 172 Nguyén Chi Thanh- Tel/ Fax :7751372 Bai 3 LENH VE MAT TRONG KHONG GIAN 3D A.Mat phang 3D (3D Face) : Len 3D face tgo ra céc mat 3D c6 3 hoe 4 canh, moi mat duge tao ra Ta 1 d6i tugng don, khong thé dig lenh explode phé v6 d6i tuong may. Draww/ Surfaces / 3D face command : 3dface enter First point:chon diém thit nhat P1 cua mat phing Second point: chon diém thit hai P2 ciia mat phang Third point: chon diém thit ba P3 ciia mat phang Fourth point: chon diém thi tur P4 cia mat phang( hoge nhdn enter tao tam gic) Third point: : chon diém thi ba PS cia mat phing ké tiép (hoae nhsin enter dé két thic ) Fourth point: chon diém thi tw PoroGa mat phing ké tiép (hod nhain enter dé két thiic) Po PS PS "OS ET P3 P6 © Che khudi hode hién cdc canh ciia 3D face : enh edge Draw/ surfaces/ edge ‘Command : edge Display/:d enter Selecl/: chon ting 46 twong , nhiin enter dé két thie lénh, B. Céc lénh tao mat lu6i 1.Lénh Edgesurf : dang tim thim bay Tao mat lu6i tir 4 canh c6 cae din trang nhau. Draw/ surfaces/ edge surface Command : edgesurt Select edge I:chon egnh 1 xc dinh chiéu M cita Ludi Select edge 2: chon canh 2 xdc dinh chiéu N cia lui Select edge 3:chon canh 3 Select edge 4:chon canh 4 ‘Converted to pdf by Page 6 TRUNG TAM DAO TAO VA PHATTRIEN PHAN MEM TIN HOC TRE THUG 172 Nguyén Chi Thanh- Tel/ Fax :7751372 Néu cde canh khOng 6 dinh tring nhau sé xust hign dong nhiie: Edge X does not touch another edge (canh X khong cham canh khc) 2.Lénh revsurf : mat ton xoay ‘Tao mat tron xoay bing cdch xoay 1 déi tugng 2D (dudmg cong tao mat —path curve) xung quanh 1 truc . Draw/surfaces/revolved surface command : revsurf enter Select path curve : chon dutng cong tgo mat tron xoay. Select axis of revolution : chon truc quay Start angle <0> : vj ti bat dau truc xoay Included angle ( +=CCW.-=CW) < fulleircle> : g6e xoay © Ch ¥ : néu true xoay khong phai 1a du’mg line hogc pline xuat hi¢n dong nhée : Entity not usable as rotation axis : d6i tong khong thich hop lam truc xoay. 3.Lénh rulesurf : mit ké Lenh nay tgo mat ke tir 2 dutmg bién duge chon, mat nay c6 s6 dudng ké dinh béi bién surftab1 Draw/ surfaces/ruled surface command :rulesurf enter Select first defining curve : chon dung bién 1 Select second defining curve : chon dudmg bién 2 4.Lénh tabsurf : mat tru Tao ra mat ludi theo hinh dang dutmg chusin (path curve ) doc theo vector dinh huGng ( direction vector) .Mat dé ludi ( sé duéng sinh ) xc dinh bang bign surftabl Draw/ surfaces/tabulated surface command : tabsurf enter Select path curve : chon dutng chu‘in dinh dang mat tru Select direction vector : chon vector dinh hudng 5.Bitn surfiabl, surfiab2 + céc dudng sinh (hay duing ké mat ) Lam mat lu6i tron nin. Néu ding lénh explode pha v6 ludi thi sé tao ra nhing mat tam gide hode tt gid. ‘at ké 1A cdc dudng thing, ‘Converted to pdf by Page 7 TRUNG TAM DAO TAO VA PHATTRIEN PHAN MEM TIN HOC TRE THUG 172 Nguyén Chi Thanh- Tel/ Fax :7751372 Bai 4 : KHOI RAN, CAC CACH CONG TRUKHOI RAN A) Lénk tao vat thé dac so cdip : Draw/ Sollid 1.Box : hinh hop Command : box enter -Center/ < comer of box><0,0,0> toa do 1 dinh hinh chit nhat (center : tam hinh chi nhat ) -Cube/Length/ < other comer> : toa do dinh doi dién Cube : kh6i vuong, Length : chiéu dai chiéu rong hinh chit nhgt -Height : chiéu cao hinh hop 2.Wedge : hinh ném Command : Wedge enter -Center/ < comer of box><0,0,0> toa d6 | dinh hinh chit nhat (center : tam hinh chi nhat ) ~Cube/ Length/ < other comner> : toa do dinh déi dien ‘Cube : 2 mat la hinh yung Length : chiéu dai chiéu rong hinh chit nhat -Height : chiéu cao hinh ném 3.Cone : hinh nén ‘Command : cone enter -Elliptical/ < center point> ; tam cia day tron Elliptical : dy 18 hinh ellipse -Diameter/< Radius> ban kinh day tron ~Apex/< height> : chiéu cao Apex : toa d6 dinh hinh nén 4.Cylinder : hinh try Command : cylinder enter -Elliptical/ < center point> : tam cia dy tron Elliptical : déy 1a hinh ellipse -Diameter/< Radius> bin kinh day tron -Center of other end/< height> : chiéu cao Center of other end : toa d@ tam day tron trén 5.Sphere : hinh edu ‘Command : sphere enter ~ Center of sphere <0,0,0>: tam ‘Converted to pdf by Page 8 TRUNG TAM DAO TAO VA PHATTRIEN PHAN MEM TIN HOC TRE THUG 172 Nguyén Chi Thanh- Tel/ Fax :7751372 -Diameter/ : bin kinh 6.Torus : hinh vong xuyén ‘Command : torus enter - Center of sphere <0,0,0>: tam -Diameter/of torus : bén kinh chinh ( ¢6 thé am) -Diameter/of tube : bin kinh 6ng ( néu ban kinh chinh am thi bén kinh ng phi 16n hon ban kinh chinh - hinh blu due) BLao vat thé da tithink 2 chiéu : * Yeu edu: hinh 2 chiéu phai 1d da tuyén khép kin, ee canh ca da ruyén khong duge tyct nhau Néu khOng phai Ia da tuy€n khép kfn thi ding Iénh pedit chuyén d6i Command : pe enter Select polyline: chon 1 d6i tugng Close/Join/Width/Edit vertex/Fit/Spline/Decurve/Ltype gen/UndoeXit : j enter Select objects : chon d6i tuong tiép theo.Phai chuot dé két thic I¢nh 1.Lenh extrude :tao bé mat cho hinh 2 chiéu Draw/Solids/Extrude Command :ext enter Select objects:chon mat 2D ath/: chiéu cao Extrusion taper angle <0>: g6c t6p ( duong thi tép, 4m thi loe) Path : chay theo dudng din Select path : chon dudmg dan 2.Lénh revolve : hinh tron xoay Draw/Solids/Extrude Command :rev enter Select objects:chon mat 2D Axis of revolution - Object/X/Y/: chon diém thit nhét trén truc xoay : chon diém thtt hai trén truc xoay Angle of revolution :g6c 6m ( xdc dinh boi chiéu qui dinh béi 2 diém true xoay) C.Diéu khién sy thé hien vat thé dic : 1.Bign hg thong isolines : thay 46i s6 dung thé hign bé mat cong khi khong bj che khusit ‘Command : isolines enter New value for isolines 2.Bign he thong Facetres : thay déi s6 mat tam gide thé hign mat cong khi che nét khuat Command : Facetres enter New value for Facetres : 3.Bign he théng dispsilh :khi bién nay khuat ‘Command : dispsilh enter New value for dispsilh<0> :1 ic duge loai bé khi che nét thi nbaing tam ‘Converted to pdf by Page 9 TRUNG TAM DAO TAO VA PHATTRIEN PHAN MEM TIN HOC TRE THUG 172 Nguyén Chi Thanh- Tel/ Fax :7751372 ‘U.Céc phép toan tren vat thé di 1. Lénh UNION (Draw)Solid\Union): Phép hop = Select objects: chon vat thé 1 ~ Select objects: chon vat thé 2 = Select objects: (enter) Vat thé duge tao thanh 1A vat thé phiic hgp (composite) thude Ip cita vat thé 1 2. Lénh SUSTRACT (Draw\ solid\ Subtract): Phép higu Sourse objects.. ~ Select objects: chon cde vat thé bj tri 1 (¢6 thé chon nhiéu doi tugng- enter dé két thiic) Select solids and region to subtract... ~ Select objects: chon cdc vat thé trir.2 (c6 thé chon nhiéu d6i tugng-enter 8 két thie) 3, Lénh INTERSECT (Draw\ solid\ Intersection): phép giao Select objects: chon vat thé 1 va 2 4, Lénh INTERFERE (Draw\solid\ Interference): tao thém phan giao gitta hai vat thé INTERFERE, = Select the first set of ~ solids: chon vat thé 1 ~ Select objects: 1 found ~ Select objects: (enter) ~ Select the second set of soli - Select objects: (enter) Create interference solicds ? : Y (enter) chon vat thé 2 ‘Converted to pdf by Page 10 TRUNG TAM DAO TAO VA PHATTRIEN PHAN MEM TIN HOC TRE THUG 172 Nguyén Chi Thanh- Tel/ Fax :7751372 Bai S. HILU CHINH VAT THE DAC chinh vat thé dac Lénh fillet : Yam tron canh, Modify/ Fillet Command: f enter (TRIM mode) Current fillet radius = 0 Polyline/Radius/Trim/:chon canh tiép hoe nhiin enter Edge has already been picked. 1 edges selected for fillet. 2.Lénh Chamfer : vat canh Modify/chamfer Command: cha (TRIM mode) Current chamfer Dist1 = 10.0000, Dist2 = 10.0000 Polyline/Distance/Angle/Trim/Method/:chon canh trén mat duge chon /\ Loop/