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Katrina Mendoza

What is Haunting Andrew

Andrews great - grandfather died two months ago and he had mixed feelings for what
had happened. He had never met him before, but he still felt sad for him. He missed him even
though he never talked to him or ever seen him. So that afternoon when his parents said that they
were going to visit his great-grandmother, he felt a little shocked. He did not realize that he would
have to meet a family member he had never met in his life.
His ride to go to her house was a little bit slow and boring because he was not prepared
for such a long drive. He only brought his MP3 player that only had five songs, some t shirts,
three pairs of jeans, two pairs of pajamas, and a pack of lemony biscuits. The only drink he
brought was a bottle of lemon flavored sparkling water that he bought at a corner store when his
parents stopped for gas. As his dad parked up the driveway, he looked at the big house. It had a
big black gate that said Huggins Manor in big cursive lettering. The white paint of the house was
peeling as if it hadnt been recoated for decades. There was a worn out dog house next to garden,
but the chain was not on any dog. It said Spike on the top of the dog house. There were weeds all
over the ground and garbage on the porch.
Andrew slowly climbed out of the car and said to himself, This cant be it, right? as he
stared at the old the house. He turned around to look at his mother, Right?, he asked his mother.
She shrugged and went to the door to knock. The door opened and he saw a lady about in her
seventies wearing a purple pencil skirt and a pink blouse. His mother smiled and gave her a hug.
The she let go and yelled out , Andrew get over here., and motioned him to go meet her.
After dinner, Andrew got ready for bed as fast as he could so he could just get over with
the day. He knew he was leaving in two days and after that he could just forget this ever
happened and live on with his life with his mom, dad, and friends. As he was about to drop on his
bed, his mother yelled out, Andrew! Theres someone here who wants to meet you!
Im coming!, Andrew yelled back.
As he walked down the long spiral staircase, he felt like he was being followed. He looked
behind him, but no one was there. He ran down the stairs and rushed to his mother. He was
running so fast, he almost crashed into his mom.
Woah! Watch where youre going! Andrews mom and dad exclaimed.
Once everything was settled, Andrews mom introduced him to a small pomeranian. Its
name was Choco and it was barking extremely loud as he sat down on the couch. It glared at him
every ounce in a while.
When Andrew went to bed he went to sleep as quick as he could. At 1:00 in the morning,
Andrew shot up from his bed; he was wickedly thirsty. He rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a
glass cup for water. The second he got to the water dispenser , he felt a rush of air pushing
behind him. He turned around, leaving the glass cup on the counter, and found himself looking,
eye to eye, with a white figure. It was very tall and reminded him of his great grandfather when
he saw saw his memorial board at his funeral. The figure moved his lips to say something, but
nothing came out; just a low whisper. Andrew wanted to scream,but he was so frightened, he
couldnt move a single limb of his body. The figure reached out its hand toward Andrews face . It
tilted its head and said in a low , deep voice, Come with me, my grandest child, to the end of life.

Where you can live forever.

N-n-no. Andrew managed to say.
The figures smile turned into a frown. Its eyes went pure white as he dissolved into the
air. Andrew felt his head and eyelids getting heavy. He started shake and then everything went
numb, then black.
Andrew? Andrew? Andrew! his mother screamed that morning, seeing Andrew on the
floor, Andrew get up! This is no time for jokes. Get up this instant!
Andrew didnt move. His mother knelt down beside him and shook him. Andrew burst up
and immediately started to cry. He explained what happened last night. He put his hand on the
ground to help himself up, but instead he ended up yelling ow really loud. He felt a sharp piece
of glass pierced into his hand. He stared at the ground. In black marker it read Come with me.
FOREVER. HIs mother followed his gaze and questioned him about the big mess. The china
cabinets were open and the antiques were crashed all over the ground, but not broken. The only
broken one was the one he put on the counter.
What the heck happened here?! Andrews dad exclaimed as he entered the kitchen. He
helped Andrew up and stared at the mess. He looked at Andrews great grandmother who was so
filled with shock.
What happened?! You woke him! You disturbed him. You made him angry. Now he hates
us all. Look! Look at his mess. Hes gone mad. My little Andy has gone mad! Why would you wake
his spirit. Andy is possessed. Possessed, I say! Look at his hands! his pale face. Grab the Holy
Water. Heal my poor Andy! screamed Andrews great grandmother as she pointed at the mess
behind Andrew. Andrew looked at his hands and notice black marker all around his hands; like a
black glove.
Everything that happened after that moment went off like a blur; like life has disappeared
each moment. That night, Andrew swore to himself he wouldnt get up in the middle of the night
to drink water. He was leaving tomorrow anyways. After a few more promises, he went to sleep.
Ugh., grunted Andrew when he realized it was only 3:oo in the morning. He grabbed his
pillow on crashed it on his face and went back to sleep. He realized that in eight hours he would
be far away from this evil, horrible place.
Then he had a dream. A horrifying dream. In his dream, he was trapped in a small box
with nothing but the memorial board of his great grandfather and a cup of ice cold water. He
couldnt move no matter how hard he tried. He was bolted down onto the ground and his eyes
were closed shut. He opened his eyes, finally, and there was a man standing in front of him. It
was his great grandfather, but only he was younger. He was wearing a pair of denim jeans a white
shirt. His great grandfather said goodbye and then Andrew woke up.
Andrew woke up in his car, all his stuff packed in the trunk. He looked behind the car and
noticed he wasnt leaving yet. He saw his mom crying, saying her goodbyes. When Andrews
parents started the car, he looked back at he house.
He thought.
Finally I can leave this horrifying place.

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