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Draw a house.

1. Use the square tool to make the house.

2. Use the straight line tool to make a roof on the house.
3. Use the polygon tool to make a chimney.
4. Use the square and the straight line tool to make windows.
5. Use the curved line tool to add curtains to the windows.
6. Put a sun in the sky. Use the circle tool.
7. Put rays around the sun using the pencil tool.
8. Color the sky blue with the airbrush.
9. Color the sun yellow with the paint can.
10. Paint the curtains with the paint brush.
11. Use the paint can to color the house. * If your whole picture changes colors, go to
VIEW<ZOOM<LARGE to see where the paint is leaking. It means that one of your lines
isnt connected all the way.

12. Write your name with the text key (A). Choose a style and color that you like.
13. Save.

This lesson was originally found at

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