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Zentrepreneur Webinar

Discover the 7 Unconventional Tactics Mindvalley Used
to Generate $25M+ in Revenue with No VC or Loans


6 Simple Tips to Get the Most Out of this Live Session

1. Print out these Webinar Notes before it starts so you can write down
your notes as you listen.
2. Review the topic outline so you know what to listen out for.
3. Make sure youve set aside 60 minutes of private time for this session
so youll be able to focus and fully receive the benefits of the Webinar.
4. During the event, write down ALL the interesting and new ideas and
inspirations you get while listening - that way you wont lose the most
relevant information to you.
5. Think of how you can implement the steps revealed in this session to
start taking you to the next level.
6. Be in a comfortable position (ideally not driving) so you can fully take
part in what Vishen will be guiding you through.

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7 NEW things youll learn in this session:

1. How to Build _____________ and More ____________ Products
2. How to Understand _______________________ and Why its Smarter
than _________________
3. The _____ Elements of Being _________________ Focused
4. ______________ Strategies
5. How to Boost Customer __________________________
6. How to Scale Your Business ______________________
7. How to Structure Your Business for Hyper ________________

Section 1 - Introduction
This webinar is about the one lesson that completely transformed Vishens life
and business and was worth ____________________

POWERFUL RESULTS we got from this lesson

1. With ZERO _______________________ or ______________________,
Vishen was able to build a business that is doing __________________
a year
2. He created a cult brand, growing each year, and ___________________

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3. The companys valuation goes up every ______ by _________________

4. He learned to abandon ________________________ from Internet
Marketing type mentality and instead adopt thinking to build a business to
last a long time and/or _____________
If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, dont bother trying to teach
them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of
thinking. - Buckminster Fuller

Section 2- C.E.S Model of Designing Your Business

The Framework adapted from Zentrepreneur is one to use with your business,
no matter what kind of business it is, called the C.E.S Model of Designing
Your Business
Zentrepreneur, is Vishens personal mastermind, where he and Ajit, the CEO
of Mindvalley Media, share many of our ______________________ and
C.E.S combines:
1. The best of the Internet Marketing World , which means
2. With ideas from _________________________, namely high valuation
3. To help you build __________________, __________________, and
___________________ businesses

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Here are the 3 common problems you might be facing:

1. With a background in Internet Marketing, you create businesses that create
cash flow but are not ______________________
2. You find yourself constantly __________________________ but not
building sustainable businesses.

3. The Industry is _______________ - even many of the top dogs of that

industry are _______________________, having to come up low quality
projects to generate cash flow, that they will not later on be able to

BUT not everything from Internet Marketing is thrown away!

We combine great practices from that industry, such as how to use
____________ effectively, how to build for __________________ with models
from ____________________________.
CASE STUDY: The Big Life
Carl Harvey, member of Zentrepreneur and Vishens business partner was
initially making about ____________________ a month.
By applying the C.E.S model, this is what happened:
1. The business was built in _____________________
2. In less than a year the business is on track to do ____________________
in revenue, with just 2 ___________________
3. Now in 1 good month it will do __________________

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4. Not only is it generating cash now, its ____________________ every year

5. Finally, its developing a _____________ and loyal ________________ that
is ever expanding, meaning ___________________ (creating a
subscription model)
And all it took was about 3 to 4 months!

Section 3- What is C.E.S?

C.E.S stands for:

In 2012 we found Mindvalley hit a wall: our company had only grown by
about ___%. It was our _______________ that was holding us back
Why would it take us 2 to 3 months to build websites, of which ____% would
With C.E.S, rather than launch __________, we simply ________________
and put all of out effort on _____ website. (
And this is what we achieved:
1. The number of New Product Launches increased by ________%
2. Our Total Revenue increased by _______%

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3. Our Customer Lifetime Value went from $197 to $________ in ______

4. We went from 18 authors signed to _________
5. We made __________ money with less ___________
6. Finally, we managed to free up more time to ______________________
EXAMPLE: The Story of Spoons
To understand C.E.S, you must understand the evolution of
How come?
With Mass Production, a spoon seller (we) could create many more utensils
by using a concept called the ________________: this is what we mean by

What was then needed to do to stand out was to innovate on

How can I improve on my design?

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How can I create a better and more useful product?


Write examples of questions a spoon maker would ask himself to help you
formulate your own questions:

What you have to bring in next is _______________________
How can I market my product?

How can I sell my product?

Write examples of questions a spoon maker would ask himself to help you
formulate your own questions:

The 3 elements above compose C.E.S:

Conversions: ___________________
Experience: ____________________
Scaling: _______________________
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This combined gives us the emerging term in Silicon Valley called:


Growth Hacking is like Marketing, but you also think about Customer
Experience - Neil Patel

While Vishen agrees with Neil, he would add one component to the definition:

1. How do I Convert Customers?
2. How do I Create Amazing User Experiences?
3. How do I Scale?

Section 3.1 - Conversions

We talk a lot about Conversions in the many Mindvalley Insights posts, that
you can find here:

The most important insight to keep in mind about Conversions is:

Marketing is evolving to be ________________ focused. Its about

____________________________, which leads us to move on to the next

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Section 3.2 - Experience

You need to create an Experience of your product that is so beautiful your
1. ________________
2. ________________
3. _______________

CASE STUDY: Wallys Taxi

What was the first thing Wally did that differentiated him from any other taxi
What did he do after?
What was the icing on the cake?
Wallys brand allowed Wally to grow and create a great relationship with his

This is what he said about his Business:

I dont sit at cabstands anymore. My customers call me for appointments
on my cell phone or leave a message on my answering machine.
If I cant pick them up myself, I get a reliable cabbie friend to do it and I take a
piece of the action. - Wally

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List below some examples of what Mindvalley did to innovate on Customer

Experience, to help you think about Your Own Business:

With this, our Customer Lifetime Value went up _______% in about ____
months, which is a ____% increase in profitability!

If you mastered this skill, where could you be 3 years from now?

How about 3 months from now?


Section 3.3 - Scalability

Scalability is about helping Your Business ___________ rapidly with
_________ work.
What is the Conversion Trap?

We took our Sales Pages from 13 days to _____ days and our Launches from
100 hours to ______ hours.

Copyright 2014 MindValley LLC and All rights reserved.


We saw a drop in conversions of about ____% BUT by cutting down time this
much, we could do_____________________, thus we made
What did Perry Belcher, a brilliant copywriter, do to increase his Scalability?
It didnt now take him ___ days to create a piece of copy, he could now
create 5 pieces of copy _________________________!
But Perry didnt stop there. He thought about Customer Experience and
instead of hiring trained copywriters, he hired
Why? _______________________________________________________.
You must be prepared to cut down ____________________ in exchange for
What helps you Scale? Creating a __________________.
STORY: The Goose or the Golden Egg
What matters the most, the Goose or the Golden Egg?
What can be my Goose?

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List some of Mindvalleys examples:

Heres how you think Scale:
1. Everything you do, turn it into a _________________________
2. Work in ________________________
3. Challenge yourself with __________________________
How do we create a process?
1. We use tools like Google Drive or Dropbox to
2. Mindvalley uses Google Sites (Wiki) and has some ____________ pages
of docs and processes saved since 2008
3. Every Process point should have a _________
List our 6 step process to launch this webinar:
1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________
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Cadence is a really important to create a particular _____________
List the Mindvalley Cadence rules:
1. Never do a promo or launch _________________________________
2. Instead, always think from the beginning how do I design this to be
replicable ____ times straight?
3. Miscellaneous or Random Promos become ___________________
4. Randomized Launches become __________________________
With this, we could go from $______________ to $_____________ doing a
lot less work, which is why these ideas are so important!
Timed Constraints simply means that you constantly try to beat your
Here are the 5 steps Vishen follows:
1. Use a __________ and time yourself
2. Know how long it takes you ____________________
3. Reduce to ____% of that time and try again
4. The Constraint causes you to think in unique _________________
5. Often we are _________________ and we dont know it

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Section 4 - Building Your Product Focused Organization

Draw below what most companies look like and what the Missing Axis
Vishen explains is (in grey):






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The 4 teams whose mission is to create the best customer Experience at
Mindvalley are:
1. Design
2. Copywriting
3. Video
4. Customer Support

The 6 teams who are under Conversions:

1. Google Adwords
2. Facebook Marketing
3. Email Drops
4. Affiliates
5. ReTargeting
6. SEO

The 4 teams who are under Scalability:

1. Programers
2. App Developers
3. Server Maintenance
4. Data Analysis

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If youre looking to build a holistic organization, your Raw Material must be

_______________, such as: ______________________________________
BUT the C.E.S will usually be the same, no matter what your company.

Conversions and Raw Materials represent the _____________ axis

Experience and Scalability represent the _____________ axis, which is what
1. Raise your customer _______________,

2. Bring them back, and

3. Help you build a ___________________________.

Use this space for your own notes

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Use this space for your own notes

THANK YOU for joining Vishens Webinar!

This webinar is held in conjunction with

Mindvalley's new TribeLearn model for Peer
to Peer learning to connect people in different
occupations. Vishen and Ajit, Mindvalleys
Founder and CEO, will be the host of our
TribeLearn community for Entrepreneurs. And
at the end of this webinar you will learn how
you can join this community for a reduced
price as a thank you for participating in the
webinar. Please visit http://

Copyright 2014 MindValley LLC and All rights reserved.


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