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After the decleration of human rights , it still remains much of a

dream for the world . This is not something for a country or two,
but we as a global village are facing this great problem . I ask the
countries what is Humanity. Are we really going to judge each
other on race , caste , sex nation ?
Humanity ig greatly related to mankind. But we need to
understand the meaning of man kind. Each action has
repurcussions . And scars that live with the family for years . We
would want thre countries to firstly resolve their internal affairs.
Education , Health, Empowerement and if this happens then we
would become united at the global level. Its hard to think India
joining hands with Pakistan , North Korea with Us. But I ask why ?
Can we put our selfish desires aside and stop this race for global
supremacy. Can we put naivety on the line or are we always going
to collide. We divide each other via social heirarchy but we only
created these classes so who really are we ?
Educating Girl child , Providing food to poor , healthcare to the
needy and help in every possible way. It calls for the UN to take
up the issue and we ask all countries to enusre regional
cooperation and become a global family.
The days are not far when we would achieve this .

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