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16* Arcane Ash

- 8 Arcane Compound
- 16* Glowstone Dust, Nether-rack, Stone and Redstone
2* Wakebloom
2* Bucket of water
2* Tarma Root
2* Feather
2* Blaze Powder
2* Coal
1* Obsidian
2* Stone
1* Dirt
2* Golden Apple (Blue)
2* Egg
2* Ender Pearl
2* Eye of ender
2* Blocks of Ice + Snow
2* Redstone + Glowstone
1* Vines
1* Oak Leave
1* Catus
1* Lily Pad
-----------Raw Materials
- 18 Glow stone dust
- 16 Nether-Rack
- 18 Stone
- 18 Redstone
- 2 Wakebloom
- 2 Water bucket
- 2 Tarma Root
- 2 Feather
- 2 Blaze rod (= 4 blaze poweder)
- 2 Coal
- 1 Obsidian
- 1 Dirt
- 2 Golden Apple (= 2 Apples + 16 Gold ingot)
- 2 Eggs
- 4 Ender Pearls
- 2 Blocks of Ice and Snow
- 1 Vine
- 1 Catus
- 1 Oak Leave
- Lily Pad

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