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August 12-16
For the week of: August 24-28

Guidelines for Success

Cooperate with everyone
Have responsible actions
Respect others
Imitate Christ in all things
Show a positive attitude
Try your best

Contact Information:
Phone: 683-6989
Class Blog:

Whats Happening!
Mrs. Kauffeld: Place Value, Beginning of the Year Assessment
Mrs. Warren: Place Value
Mrs. Hardesty: Place Value
Mrs. Fleming: Place Value

Language Arts (Reading, English, Vocabulary)

Mrs. Kauffeld: Frindle, Nouns, vocabulary list- same words from
last week

Owensboro Catholic Schools share
in the mission of the Church in
communion with families and
parishes to provide excellence in
Catholic faith formation and
academics which prepare students
to become responsible members of
family, Church, and community.

Week at a Glance
Religion: Ch. 1 We are a worhsipping people/St. Michael
Science: Ch. 11 Matter and its properties
Social Studies: Our Nation

Tests this week

Religion : Friday
Social Studies: Wed.

*Can not purchase Power Break in Cafeteria

on Thursdays, may bring snack from home
Important Events this week:
Thursday- Our class Mass at 9:00, Priest Visit with Fr. Tony, DARE Begins, Curriculum Night 6pm parents only in
Mrs. Kauffelds classroom
Friday- non-uniform with coupon

Upcoming Events:

Friday, August 28- non uniform with coupon

September 4-School pictures: Wear bright colors
September 7- Labor Day NO SCHOOL!
September 8- PTO Meeting at K-3 Campus 6pm
The week of September 17- Parent Teacher Conferences

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