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Software Used: Adobe Photoshop CS3

Topic : Understanding Layers

Tools used: Set foreground color tool, Elliptical marquee tool (M) ,
horizontal type tool (T) , Paint Bucket tool , Layer tool
1. Create a new document in Photoshop (File>New):
2. Select the background layer and set the foreground color to black,
grab the paint bucket tool and click to fill.
3. Create a new layer, Layer 1 on top of the background layer.
4. Set the foreground color to orange by clicking on the foreground
color thumbnail.
5. Now draw a circle by using and colour the circle orange.
6. Switch the foreground color to yellow and use the horizontal type
tool (T) to write Photoshop. Photoshop has automatically created a
new type layer.
7. We have 3 layers, one yellow ,one orange and one black. Since the
yellow one is above, its displayed on the top, while the orange one
is below it and the black one is at the bottom.
Software Used: Adobe Photoshop CS3
Topic : Cropping photos
Tools used: Pen tool
1. Open a photo in Photoshop (File>open) for example, penguins.jpg
in my pictures:
2. Select the Pen tool and select paths on the toolbar.
3. Start clicking on the part you want to crop.
4. Adding each anchor point, a new path segment will appear joining
the previous anchor point with the new one,
5. Youll find it easier when making selections with the Pen Tool to
zoom in a little on your image. That way, you can be sure youre
keeping your path just inside the area you want to select.
6. To close the path, Ill simply click back on the initial starting point.
7. Now we can go to the Paths panel (Window > Paths), and then rightclick the path we created in the panel, and choose Make Selection.
8. Now Cut, Copy and Paste this photo anywhere.

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