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The film tells the story of two friends named Kugy ( Maudy Ayunda) and Keenan

(Adipati Dolken) were both studying in Bandung. Kugy, woman, a writer who
aspires to be a childrens story writer. Keenan, a man, a painter who was forced
to study at the faculty of economic due to his father wishes. Both admire each
other and eventually fall in love, but various things prevented them to express
their feellings.
Keenan eventually go to bali , leaving his college. Kugy while continuing her
studies in the department of literature and work in an advertising agency to be a
copywriter. In Bali, Keenan meet with Luhde ( Elyzia Mulachela), Mr Wayan
nephew ( Tyo Pakusadewo) who accomodate Keenan during in Bali. Keenan who
had lost the confidence to paint, eventually returning spirit because of luhde. In
her work place, Kugy also gradually close with her superior, Remigius (reza
rahardian). Remi who crazed many women actually fall in love with kugy which is
greenhornin the office.
When the relationship of Kugy and Remi is getting serious, along with that
Keenan back to Jakarta because his father fall ill. Keenan was forced to take over
his fathers company because he had no other choice, and left his painting world
Meetings between kugy and keenan is inevitable, and gradually their feeling
which never lost was appeared again. The problem, Keenan has become luhdes
boyfriend and kugy also become remys girlfriend. Inadvertently, kugy met luhde
in bali. And finally, that Remi is loyal buyers of Kenans painting, and they are
bestfriend. When Kugy and keenan each one knows who their partner, both
returned keeping the distance though their hearts were destroyed because they
realize that who actually their true love.
Story of love and friendship during past five years ended with a surprise for both
of them. That finally their love united in the way they did not expect.

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