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Bizarre jobs

South america
Fart smeller: a person who smell farts.
Odor judge: this person has to decide which people has the worst odor of
everybody in the competition.
Ant vendor: a person who sells ants, there exist around 12.000 species, could
be a dificult job.
Sensory Deprivation Research Subject: you have to stay in a dark box for
some days, weeks or months for being studied.
Ostrich Babysitter :This job basically involves sitting in a field full of ostrich,
making sure that their territorial nature doesnt cause them to peck each
other to death.
Big Cat Dentist: Believe it or not, there are big cats out there with dental
problems to be seen.
French fries taster: it consist on taste this meal before its selling.
gum cleaner : it is to clean the gum that are stuck in the streets.
Bones carver : It is to create decorations based human and animal bones
Tester luxury beds : this consist on sleeping in a luxurious bed and give your
opinion about it.
Funeral service manager: A group of people, who prepare the perfect velorio
for the death. It includes coffin, sits, decorations and the funeral.
Live mannequin: They are people that have to act as mannequies in a real
Dog food tester: people who taste the dog food before the dog to
comprobate the flavor.
Fountain pen doctor: is a man whose sole job it is to fix fountain pens.

Body advertiser: Some companies pay to have their logos advertised on

peoples bodies. Sometime the add could be as simple as a little of face
painting but another requires a tatto in the body.
Professional Organizer of Children's Summer Camp Luggage: Mother are
paying to pack their kids trunks for summer camp.
Human scarecrow: people get paid to scare the crows away from the field.
Porn insector: There are plenty of people out there paid to watch porn.
Horrible Stunt Tester: These people have to make sure all those TV shows
horrible tasks such as swimming with snakes and eating a cockroach are safe
before any guests or celebrities do that.
Cow Hoof Trimmer: it basically istrimming the cow's hooves.
Oshiya (People-onto-train Pushers): it is people, who during rush hour,
literally shove as many people onto the trains as possible
Professional snuggler: they are women who sleep or snuggle you for a
session (45 minutes).
Gumologist: a person who taste the flavor and softness of the gums before it
start being selling.
Professional hitchhikers: this people get paid to ride in complete strange's
cars and help them reach their destination faster.
queuing professional: it means to do queue for other person to buy tickets or
something else.
bugger breeder: it is who breed the insects for scientific purposes or for sale.
invited to marriages: if you do not have enough friends or closer people you
can hire people to attend your wedding.
Fake businessman or executive: it is for people that looks great in a suit, they
are hired for a conpany to represent it.
Poop Collectors: collecting human waste to recicle its a traditional profession
for take care about the environment.

Eye bank technician: he cut the eye of death people to remove the corneas
for some transplant.
Bike fisher: In Amsterdam, the waternet (water authority) employs people to
fish bicycles in that city.
Dice inspector: a person who look carefully for the apropiated proportions
and mass in the dices.
Vomit collector: this people are hired to clean up most thrilling amusement
Profesional iceberg mover: this job born after the titanic tragedy and
basically consist on move the iceberg to another place and clean it.
Semaphore cleaner: a man in a stair clean the semaphore to look always
Garbage detectives: Their job is to search other people's trash to find items
that should have been disposed of differently.
Airport scarecrow: basically you receive a call that birds are waiting on a
runway where a plane is about to land, so you rush to your car, fire several
warning shots to disperse the bird crowd.
Smooth Talker: Local people in a country ge paid for exchange stories and
laughs with the foreign.
Bed warmer: it means that a person jump into a guests bed and warm it
up for him or her.
Bedtime Storyteller: Tell your favourite stories, real or imagined, to
customers at the hotel.

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