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General knowledge Questions and Answers

11. By whom was the law of constant proportions enunciated? Proust

12. What is the number of unpaired electrons in carbon atom? 2
13. In an atom the order of filling up of the orbitals is governed by which principle?
Aufbau principle
14. Regarding the atom of a chemical element, magnetic quantum number refers?
15. What are the atoms of the elements having same mass number but different atomic
number called? isobars
16. Rutherfords scattering experiment related to the size of which thing? nucleus
17. By whom was the absolute value of charge on electron determined? R.A. Millikan
18. Which property of the elements is a whole number? Atomic number
19. Discovery of the nucleus of an atom was due to the experiment carried out by which
person? Rutherford
20. What are the atoms of the elements which have same number of neutrons called?

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